Share the Hope!

Great news!

Indeed, I have some great news to share today!

I’m working on a brand new book project for young adult and college-age girls. It’s an interactive devotional book that will be launched in the spring of 2022.

With so much chaos, unrest, and anxiety-inducing events happening all around us, we are praying that this book will become a beacon of light for those who will read.

It’s called, Just Rest, and the focus of the book is to encourage young women to find true rest as they press in close and walk with Jesus.

All of us need rest for our souls.

And, as I research, pray, plan, and write the book, I hope to share encouraging information on the blog, through emails, and on social media.

So, my prayer is that you and I will find inspiration that we need for our souls.

Today, I’d like to share some of the wonderful articles that I’ve found about the subject of rest for our souls.

Truly, I believe you will be greatly uplifted as you read each of these posts.

In this crazy day of news alerts, unrest, and chaos, we all need hope. Here are 10 Fantastic Articles When You Need Inspiration for Your Soul.

10 Fantastic Articles When You Need Inspiration for Your Soul

First – From my friend, Gretchen Fleming is an article about rest for the weary.

“Rest is rarely undervalued by those who have had it the least.

Only those who have fought the hardest traveled the farthest, or waited for the longest, can feel the depth of the utter, complete sense of relaxation and peace.

It is felt deep down in mind, body, and soul;  a releasing of worry, tension, and being on guard for whatever threat or dreaded task may confront them next. They realize the precious gift of rest, knowing it will never be taken for granted again because no matter how hard it was sought after, it was oh so elusive.”

Read on – Rest for the Weary

Second, from blogger, Sarah J. Houser, is a post about how to nourish your soul while stuck at home.

“We’re in some crazy times, aren’t we?

I’ve been addicted to reading the news, fighting anxiety, and struggling to focus. It’s easy to grow more discouraged and weary, and I think we have to actively battle that by finding things that nourish our souls.

Here are a few ideas and resources I’ve collected this week. I hope they’re helpful, and I pray we can all remember that God is still good even in the chaos.”

Read more – 11 Ways to Nourish Your Soul While Stuck at Home

Third, from my friend, Becky Hastings is an article about ways to make your soul breathe.

“Recently, we talked about the one thing that you can do even when you feel overwhelmed, but then I realized that you can go further.

You can take that one thing and go deeper to reach your soul in the midst of the chaos around you.

This is not a list to add to the endless lists of things to do.

This is a list of suggestions, things you can try, and see how you feel. See how your soul feels. See how you breathe.”

Keep reading – 10 Ways to Make Your Soul Breathe

Fourth, from my friend, Lisa Appelo, comes an article about rest for the weary and worried.

“Have you been in a place where you were pressed by way too many needs?

Worried about the outcome of something in your life?

Wondering how in the world it will turn out?

I’ve definitely been there.

Mine came most heavily after Dan died. I was not just crushed by grief but also overwhelmed with the immense task ahead of me. Dan and I had entered this parenting thing together and I could not imagine raising seven kids without him.

Teen boys who needed a strong dad, a little boy just coming into his own, and our littlest girl were just starting to know her dad.”

Continue reading – Rest for the Weary and Worried

Fifth, blogger Sara at Sunshine Whispers shares an article about finding rest for your soul.

“Are you exhausted from fighting a battle?

Is your heart tired?

Are you afflicted by a physical ailment?

A broken heart?

A broken relationship?

Are you suffering from chronic bleeding of the heart?

Well, I have some fantastic news for you! There is power in Jesus’ Touch! Reach out to Jesus and he will cleanse you. Reach out to Jesus and he will heal you. And, reach out to Jesus and he will save you. Jesus’ touch is quite literally our salvation.

But you don’t have to take it from me. I think Jesus pretty much says it all…”

Read more – Finding Rest for Your Souls

Sixth, my friend Arabah Joy shares an article about how to rest with Jesus.

“At the beginning of last month, the empty pages of my planner called out, “fill me!” and “look, room for more!” Realistic expectations of achievable tasks were cast aside in the exciting potential of a blank slate.

After mapping out the whole month, I anticipated greatness…until I got sick.

Within days, my great plan came to a halt.

Sitting on my couch unable to move I asked, “God are you trying to tell me something?”

“Rest with me,” Jesus replied.”

Read on – 5 Ways to Rest with Jesus

Seventh, from my friend Sarah Ann at Proverbs 31 Mentor is an article about sharing Bible verses for the worn-out woman.

“Some days being a woman closely resembles a juggling act at the circus.

We juggle chores, responsibilities, spouses, children, and jobs, all while trying to look graceful and cheerful.

The world tells us to grin and bear our rushed lives with grace and charm.

If we would just get up earlier and have a better scheduled day, we’d be able to fit more in our already jam-packed life.”

Read more – 10 Bible Verses for the Worn-Out Woman

Eighth, my friend, Dr. Michelle Bengston, shares a post about how God really sees you and me.

“The early morning temperatures were frigid, enough to make me want to stay in bed.

Yet I knew if there was anywhere I might sense His presence, where He might see me, it would be in His house.

I half-wondered if the tears would freeze on my cheeks as I drove the deserted roads alone that morning.

Pulling my cape around my head and neck to block the wind, I hoped it might shield any onlookers from noticing my blotchy eyes and puffy cheeks as I skirted from the parking lot into the building.”

Continue reading – He Sees You

Ninth, blogger Jamie Rohrbaugh shares some simple keys to finding rest for your souls.

“When life gets overwhelming, we need rest not only for our bodies but also for our souls.

Why does finding rest for your soul matter?

Your mind, will, and emotions are all crucial parts of you.

You can’t be who you are without them, and you can’t be healthy unless your mind, will, and emotions are healthy.”

Read more  – 4  Simple Keys to Finding Rest for Your Souls

Finally, Bibles for America shares a great post about how to find rest for your souls.

“Many things can be a burden to us: financial difficulties, troublesome work environments, painful family situations, our health. Often, we may feel completely worn out—not just outwardly tired, but inwardly exhausted—from struggling to bear these burdens.

In Matthew 11:28-30, the Lord Jesus sounded a call with these gracious words:

‘Come to Me all who toil and are burdened, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am meek and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.'”

Read on – How to Find Rest for Your Soul


These posts just begin to scratch the surface of all of the great material about the topic of rest.

If you come across any great articles, books, and ideas about rest, I’d love to know about them. Just respond in the comments section below or send me an email at

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Best-Selling Author | Speaker | Blogger| Podcaster | When the world is falling apart, we can ALWAYS trust in God’s goodness!


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