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Life is busy.

It just is.

With work, family commitments, study, caring responsibilities, friends, travel – perhaps even running your own business – it’s little wonder we end up rushing about, cramming in appointments, feeling distracted and burning the candle at both ends.

We’re tired and overwhelmed. 

Often that can translate into making excuses not to give our full time and attention to prayer.

We stumble to bed late after a Netflix binge, promising ourselves that we’ll get up early to spend our time with God.

The next morning comes, and suddenly the lure of the snooze button seems stronger than our call to prayer in our hearts.

Sunday rolls around and we realize that it’s the first time we’ve connected with God in a week.

So, what can we do to create more time for God and for devotions?

So, what can we do to create more time for God and for devotions? Click To Tweet

Life is busy. It just is. And, often we get so overwhelmed with the cares of life that we miss our time with God. Here is how to create more time for God. #time #timeforGod #createtime

How to Create More Time for God (and for devotions)

First… Try to Minimize Distractions to Create More Time for God.

We live in a world full of distractions.

In addition, constant technology-driven interruptions (which are purposely engineered to interrupt) prevent us from having time to think.

It’s almost like we are so afraid of our thoughts, of being alone with God and seeing ourselves clearly, that we invent devices to keep us distracted.

Technology has many benefits, but like anything, it can be distracting in the wrong hands, even when approached with good intent.

Make a resolution to minimize distractions.  You can even use the same technology to help you do this, from apps which temporarily block social media, to simply turning off the constant notifications which chip away at your focus.

You can also use technology in a constructive way, to assist in streamlining tasks. From building a blog to emailing a family newsletter, you can use apps to convert image to text or help us pay bills online to free up more time.

Time is the key ingredient. 

And, if you and I don’t spend regular time alone with God, how can we expect our relationship to thrive, and to grow over time?

To Ponder… Do you get easily distracted? What is one thing you can do to minimize distractions in your world?

If you and I don't spend regular time alone with God, how can we expect our relationship to thrive, and to grow over time? Click To Tweet

Second… Create A Routine to Create More Time for God.

Like anything in life, prayer gets more rewarding the more that we do it.

So work out a good time and create a routine which supports that commitment.

If you’re a morning person, it could be a question of getting everything prepared the night before so that you can free up fifteen minutes in the morning to devotion.

Or, if you’re a night owl, make the half-hour of quiet after the kids have gone to bed the time you dedicate to God before getting distracted by television or scrolling through social media.

The right time to pray is the time that works best for you.

Indeed, if you make the habit of praying at the same time each day, it forms a routine.

To Ponder… Do you have a routine? How can you create a better prayer and devotional routine?

The right time to pray is the time that works best for you. If you make the habit of praying at the same time each day, it forms a routine. Click To Tweet

Third… Keep A Journal to Create More Time for God.

Another activity that can help you to make more time for God is keeping a prayer journal.

This simple step can keep you focused and allow you to note things which may help you on your journey, and reflections which bring you closer to God, or affirmations which guide you, while also showing your progress. 

When I read the Bible and pray with pen and paper in hand, I am so much more focused and aware of what I am reading and what I’m praying.

Writing things down is a tremendous help.

To Ponder… Have you tried using a journal? How might a journal help you in your prayer and devotional times?

When I read the Bible and pray with pen and paper in hand, I am so much more focused and aware of what I am reading and what I'm praying. Click To Tweet

Life is busy. It just is. And, often we get so overwhelmed with the cares of life that we miss our time with God. Here is how to create more time for God. #time #timeforGod #createtime

Finally… Ask God to help you to be more focused on Him – to Create More Time for Him.

This may sound like a silly thing to do, but I’ve found that it helps so much.

God wants to spend time with you and with me. He loves to fellowship with us.

Why not ask Him to help you to be more faithful, more interested, and more committed?

Here are a few ways you can pray:

“Lord, I want to know You more. Would You give me a greater desire and passion to spend time with You?”

“Father, I want to love the Bible more. Would you create in me a hunger and a thirst for Your words and for truth?”

“God, I want to spend more time with You. Would you wake me up earlier in the morning? And, would you give me a greater desire to enjoy time with You and with Your word?

God wants to spend time with you and with me. He loves to fellowship with us. Why not ask Him to help you to be more faithful, more interested, and more committed? Click To Tweet

So, what about you?

What has helped you to create more time for God?

How have you been able to focus on Him?

What suggestions do you have to share on how to create more time for God?

What has helped you to create more time for God? Click To Tweet

Want more Encouragement?




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© Melanie Redd and Ministry of Hope, 2019. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner are strictly prohibited. Further, excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Melanie Redd and Ministry of Hope with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

Best-Selling Author | Speaker | Blogger| Podcaster | When the world is falling apart, we can ALWAYS trust in God’s goodness!


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