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I was greeted by a cardinal this morning.

Some say seeing a cardinal in January is a symbol of good luck, clarity, and communication.

He certainly grabs my attention with his flash of red, stealing the show on a canvas of winter’s grey.

I think about the various symbols our feathered friends represent: the eagle, our nation’s symbol of our collective spirit; robins as harbingers of spring, the dove as symbols of peace and I see egrets as symbols of grace.

Psychologists say that the search for meaning is intrinsic to our human existence. We are all searching for meaning in life & everyday moments. Check out today’s article for hope, for insight, and for some sweet words of inspiration. #meaninginlife #hope #encouragement #inspiration

Searching for Meaning in Life & Everyday Moments

Thinking back to the cardinal, I read that those cardinals are believed to be spiritual messengers.

Seeing a cardinal often signals us to slow down and reconnect with spirit. From Latin for hinge or axis, the word cardinal has come to signify the doorway between Earth and Spirit, carrying messages back and forth.

I find these thoughts to be helpful since, in my hurried life, I occasionally need symbols to satisfy my search for meaning.

I find these thoughts to be helpful since, in my hurried life, I occasionally need symbols to satisfy my search for meaning. Click To Tweet

The Search for Meaning in Everyday Moments

Psychologists say that the search for meaning is intrinsic to our human existence.

In his bestseller, Man’s Search for Meaning, world-renown psychiatrist Viktor Frankl advises that we do not create meaning, we must find it.

And meaning doesn’t have to be one big question; rather, the meaning is found in everyday moments. And find meanings in symbols, as did our ancient ancestors.

Etched in Our Souls

Drawn to the illuminations in the night skies, early humans looked upward and found meaning in the formations of stars plus an ever-watchful moon that shifted but never blinked.

Their natural world was a giant mystery, so they etched into the rock, symbols for important events in their lives.

Eons later, with our smart devices and instant information, I find myself in a world I do not
understand. I often find myself in the dark, searching for meaning.

Thinking more about symbols, and Dr. Frankl’s advice, I went looking for them. Amid the NFL playoffs, I see folks proudly displaying symbols that represent the home team. I see tee shirts and logos that are telling. I recall the peace symbols of the 1960s.

Certainly, our national symbols provide much meaning to who we are as Americans.

More Symbols of Meaning and Hope

Most of us have packed away our December symbols of Hanukah and the birth of Christ.

Early Christians used the fish as a secret symbol. As a young girl, my catechism teachers suggested a nightly routine, that I followed. Each night before I fell asleep, I would trace the symbol of the cross on my pillow, to protect me during the night. It was a comfort.

And many recall a time when letters were the primary form of written communication. As a precursor to today’s emojis, I used to draw a smiley face or a heart or a small stick-tree at the end of my letters.

Psychologists say that the search for meaning is intrinsic to our human existence. We are all searching for meaning in life & everyday moments. Check out today’s article for hope, for insight, and for some sweet words of inspiration. #meaninginlife #hope #encouragement #inspiration

Returning to the Cardinal

Returning to the cardinal as a spiritual message, I wonder about other symbols that give meaning to my life.

What would I etch into my rock today?

Years ago, I studied Judaism and discovered a deeper understanding of Jesus, who was a Jew, who quoted Jewish scripture and who died a Jew.

Thusly, I learned Hebrew and found meaning in the Hebrew letters, especially the vet or beth. It is a symbol of a house with a dot in the middle, representing the One who dwells within. It has meaning for me because many of my dreams involve my search for a home.

Truly, it is also a comfort for me because I know the ONE who dwells within.

Dr. Frankl is convinced that the search for meaning in our lives is essential, especially in times of doubt and despair.

He wrote, “there is no situation that does not contain within it the seed of a meaning.”

It is also a comfort for me because I know the ONE who dwells within. Click To Tweet

So, I wonder, my cardinal friend, what message do you have for me today?

I will slow down and ask my Lord, and I will listen.

I was promised that when I ask, “ye shall receive”.

So, here is what I might etch into the wall of my cave today:

— the cardinal as my symbol of spirituality

—a tree as my symbol for growth, rootedness and the cycles of life

—the triangle as my symbol of unity; working together to reach our highest potential toward oneness

—the beth, the home that all nomads seek, with the full knowledge of the ONE that dwells within

January as a Mirrored Lake

T.S. Eliot reminds us that January is like a mirrored lake.

It is a time for reflection, “for last year’s words belong to last year’s language. And next year’s words await another voice.”

Whose voice will that be?

What will you etch on your wall today?

And, what are the seeds that give meaning to your everyday moments?

Where are you searching for meaning in life?

What will you etch on your wall today? And, what are the seeds that give meaning to your everyday moments? Click To Tweet

About the Author

Dr. Gloria Hill is a seeker who dives into spiritual journeys, using gardens and the natural world as her muse.

Her lyrical writing includes a 360- degree approach to spiritual growth, citing researchers, writers, and scripture.

You can connect with her at!

Could you use a little more hope today?

Grace, Grace, and More Grace (in unexpected places)

How to Change the Way You Think

Turning Psalm 23 into a Personal Prayer

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Searching for Meaning in Life & Everyday Moments

Best-Selling Author | Speaker | Blogger| Podcaster | When the world is falling apart, we can ALWAYS trust in God’s goodness!

1 Comment · 01/08/2020 at 9:49 AM

Thank you, Gloria, for this thought-provoking post as we begin the new year.
I’m always amazed by your unique gift for words.
Blessings to you,

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