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Tips that will help you to Prepare your Home for a New Baby

Preparing for a new baby can be a bit of a stressful experience.

A lot of people don’t even know where they should be starting.

The good news here is that the feeling of absolute confusion is normal and that you’re not alone in the way that you feel.

If you want to make sure that your home is prepared as much as possible, we can help.

Truly, this guide will help you to make all of the right changes in no time at all.

First… a tip to help you to prepare your home for a new baby – plan a move if you need to.

If you are debating moving house before your baby comes, then you need to do this well in advance.

Buying a house can be a very long process and it is also somewhat unpredictable as well. This is the last thing that you need if you are trying to support your pregnant partner or if you are pregnant yourself.

Moving during the earlier stages of your pregnancy may be easier. Typically, if you are heavily pregnant then you may find that frantically scrubbing cupboards becomes much more difficult.

If you want to alleviate some of your stress, then make sure that you plan out your move as carefully as possible. Also, this will help so you know that the move will not have a detrimental impact on you or your baby.

Taking out storage can be useful here, so try and be mindful of this if you can.

Second… another tip to help you to prepare your home for a new baby – prepare for your needs.

A lot of people focus on making a room for their baby. However, remember that you will be in your bedroom for the first couple of months.

During this time, babies may not care much for their surroundings. 

Do what you can to think ahead here, especially when it comes to storage.

Try and avoid going too babyish if you can as this will help you to make the room last longer.

Now would be the time for you to look into crib bumpers vs. crib liners, so you can make sure that you are making the best choice for your child.

Little things like this may slip your mind, so make a list if you need to, so you can cross things off as you go.

Third… another tip to help you to prepare your home for a new baby – batch cook.

One of the best things that you can do in anticipation of your new arrival is batch cook some meals, and then freeze them.

If you are up to it, then cook a few meals in advance and put them in the freezer.

If you can do this, then you will soon find that you can make some nutritious meals that will last you for a very long time.

You also don’t have to worry about the expense of takeaways either. Easy foods that you can batch cook include pasta sauces, stews, soups, and even curry.

If you can, stock up on things such as microwave rice as this will keep you going for weeks.

Asking your friends and family to see if they can bring some meals for you will also help. Food makes a great gift!

Fourth… a final tip to help you to prepare your home for a new baby – create a basket for downstairs.

Believe it or not, a newborn baby can get through around 12 nappies every day.

If you live in a bungalow then you may not think this is much of an issue. But if you have an upstairs, then you may find that you end up making a lot of trips up and down the stairs. You will have to do this during your weak and achy post-childbirth stage.

Studies have shown that 25% of accidents happen when a newborn is being carried up and down the stairs.

Thus, if you can limit the number of trips that you have to make, then this will work in your favor. It will also give you more energy to get other jobs around the house done.

Having a nappy caddy will help you out quite a lot here. So don’t be afraid to look into one of them if you can.

If you do, then you will soon find that you can carry your caddy to wherever your baby is, and this will save you a great deal of time.

You can pick them up online, and if you have a duplicate of everything, you can have one downstairs and then another upstairs.

A lot of parents overlook convenience when they have a newborn.

That’s why it is important that you don’t make the same mistake when welcoming your new addition.

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Best-Selling Author | Speaker | Blogger| Podcaster | When the world is falling apart, we can ALWAYS trust in God’s goodness!


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