Our Goal is to Offer You HOPE!

Through the written word, the spoken word, social media, and videos, our prayer is that you will be infused and empowered with the amazing grace & love of our Savior - Jesus Christ.


You can catch all of our uplifting podcast episodes by clicking this button.

Speaking & Teaching

Be encouraged by our messages of hope on YouTube. You can also learn more about our speaking ministry here on the website.

Books & Resources

Just for you... we have books, devotionals, and encouraging resources.

Let us Pray for You

We would love to lift you up in prayer! You can click on this link and be taken to a secure page where you can share a prayer request or a praise.

Blog Posts

Could you use a little encouragement today? Check out one of hundreds of articles written just for you! We cover everything from marriage to parenting to faith.

What People Are Saying...

As we share our blogs, our books, and our messages of hope, we often get some amazing feedback! Here is just a small taste.
Sue Parker

Sue Parker

Ministry Leader

An excellent speaker, Melanie has brought encouragement to those of us working to help young women contemplating abortion to choose
and cherish life!

Mary Ellen Marshall

Mary Ellen Marshall

Mentor/Small Group Leader

"Melanie is an excellent teacher and holds one’s attention through her presentation style, knowledge,
life experiences, and media.”

Leah Adams

Leah Adams

Author & Speaker

“Melanie has worked with girls and women for decades. That is why I am tickled about Melanie Redd’s devotional for teen girls, Live in Light. The format is easy to read and offers Scripture.”


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