How to Add a Little Fun & Joy to Your Life

How to Add a Little Fun & Joy to Your Life
A little fun & joy–now and then–can be so good for us.
In fact, “a little nonsense now and then is cherished by the wisest men.”
This is an adage made famous by Roald Dahl, a famous British children’s author.
The reason that sayings like this stick around is because of how true they are.
In a world of serious topics, difficult moral judgments, and strange news cycles, this wisdom is perhaps more important than ever.
Learning to enjoy the simple things in life is not only something that can help lift your spirits but can improve your mental health, also.
This ability to love the smaller things from day to day is not something that we always have trained and ready to go.
This is because between work obligations, dealing with the big topics of life, and planning for the future, we lose sight of what matters.
Indeed, it’s sometimes hard to miss what’s right there in front of us.
Another famous philosopher, Alan Watts, once said “It is now your moral duty to learn how to enjoy yourself.”
In this post, we’ll discuss how you can learn to love a little silliness every day.
Moreover, we’ll talk about how to add a little fun and joy to your life.
First, to add a little fun & joy to your life, have more fun with your spouse or boyfriend/girlfriend.
Having a little fun with your partner can be a fantastic way of enjoying your time.
To laugh without feeling as though every single date needed to be formal is essential. Additionally, we don’t need to spend all of our moments discussing heavy topics.
For instance, spending some time wrapped up in a blanket with some calming jazz music, some cocoa, and a range of quizzes on relationships to help you learn more about each other.
You can do this in a pressure-free environment is a cute and calming way of just enjoying one another’s company.
Additionally, you can do this without much trouble and without spending any extra money.
Second, to add a little fun & joy to your life, find a hobby that you enjoy.
It’s good to have one hobby entirely for yourself, no matter what that is.
Perhaps you love arts and crafts, textile work, painting, committing to yoga, or even journaling your day with entries that detail your thoughts at the time.
Having at least one enjoyable activity we can take part in just for the fun of it can help us avoid needing to be ‘productive’ at every turn of the day.
Finally, to add a little fun & joy to your life, allow yourself time to play.
It’s good to express yourself through a hobby, be that through painting and reupholstering furniture, knitting, journaling, painting, or even learning to dance Salsa with a friend.
Play is often the best way to learn when it comes to adopting new habits and practices, and doing that with clear intent can help you avoid needing to be ‘productive’ every moment of the day.
Some people, for instance, use constructive video games to bond with their friends online.
And, others might learn to edit their holiday photos using software and tutorials that allow you to put your spin on your photo uploads for the better. To assist you in your editing, you may want to try an image size changer.
Use fun as a medium, and it will pay you back in lost stress and lessons easily learned.
With this advice, we hope you can begin to love a little silliness every day, in the best possible manner.
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