How to Fuel the Flame of Hope in Your Life

How to Fuel the Flame of Hope in Your Life
Have you ever noticed how much light one small flame can emit?
It doesn’t have to be that large to make a difference in the darkness around it.
One small flame can pierce the darkness, bringing light where there was none before.
Over the years, this is how I have come to think of hope. I think of it as a little flame that I have carried in my heart throughout my life. God has protected and it kept that little flame burning, no matter how hard the winds of life have blown.
There Are Those Days
There have been days that have tried to snuff that little flame out, but God hasn’t allowed that to happen.
I grew up in chaos, abuse, and dysfunction, and as a result of this, I made a lot of foolish choices far into my adulthood.
Then, I allowed my childhood to cause me to believe a lot of lies, which led me to mistakenly believe that dysfunction was normal.
Also, I’m grateful to be able to say that God is still in the business of rescuing us and setting us free from the lies we are believing.
Out of the Pit
I’ve often said that Psalm 40:1-3 is my testimony because it describes exactly what God has done in my life.
“I waited patiently for the LORD; and He inclined to me and heard my cry. He brought me up out of the pit of destruction, out of the miry clay, and He set my feet upon a rock making my footsteps firm. He put a new song in my mouth, a song of praise to our God; many will see and fear and will trust in the LORD.”
God delivered me from the pit I had gotten myself into and gave me a fresh start.
In His mercy and kindness, He put people into my life to encourage me and help me to know Him better. He has taught me so many things over the years.
One of the most important things He has taught me is how essential it is to fill my mind with truth from His Word. Filling my heart and mind with His Word has helped me to keep that flame of hope burning.
If You Are Like Me
If you are anything like me, you have a lot on your mind most days. Honestly, people you love are going through difficult times. People you care about are struggling.
Truly, you may even be struggling yourself. Some days get heavy, my friend. It is so important to keep that flame of hope burning.
Also, a flame needs fuel to keep burning and the same is true for hope. You have to intentionally feed your hope and keep that flame burning, especially on difficult days.
In Difficult Seasons – How to Fuel the Flame of Hope in Your Life
About eight years ago, during a really difficult period in my life, God began to impress upon me the importance of transforming my mind with His Word (Romans 12:2).
After a lifetime of believing lies, I began to replace them with truth from His Word and everything changed. Psalm 119 is one of my favorite chapters in the Bible because it talks about the power of the Word of God and how it works in our hearts and lives.
His Word gives fuel to our faith and keeps the flame of hope burning strong.
When I read verses like Jeremiah 30:17 and see that “nothing is too difficult” for God, I am encouraged.
No matter what my feelings are saying to me, nothing is too difficult for my God. I can always cling to hope knowing nothing is hopeless because there is nothing too difficult for my God to handle.
What a joy it is to meditate on truth like that, dear heart.
I Am Learning
Also, I have learned that I must carefully direct my thoughts and not allow them to direct me. I have to boss my thoughts, or they will become the boss of me. If I look at the situations that are concerning me, I will quickly find myself despairing and struggling to hold to hope.
The more I allow my feelings and thoughts to run freely, the more I find myself struggling to cling to hope. However, when I choose to meditate on truths like this one in Jeremiah, I feed my hope.
Being Intentional
It is so important that we intentionally feed our hope instead of our feelings. Hope will keep us putting one foot in front of the other when times get hard. I have learned that when what I am looking at seems hopeless, I must intentionally change my focus.
Ever more, I must fix my eyes on the One who fills my heart with hope and reminds me of what is true. Looking to Him lifts my eyes and my heart above my circumstances and gives me courage to keep hoping.
Closing Thoughts – How to Fuel the Flame of Hope in Your Life
My friend, what are you doing to feed your hope?
What is something you could do today that would fuel the flame of hope in your life?
“May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that you will abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit”
Romans 15:13.
About the Author – Katrina Douglas
Katrina Douglas is a survivor of childhood abuse and domestic violence who now uses her voice to tell others about the hope and freedom she has found in her Savior Jesus Christ.
As an author and blogger, she endeavors to encourage women and help them grow in their walk with God. Her passion is sharing the Word of God with others so that they too can experience its life-changing power.
She’s a single mother making her home in Tennessee where you will find her surrounded by two of her favorite things… plants and books.
On her Website.
Also available on Facebook, Instagram, and X as “Katrina Douglas Writes.”
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1 Comment · 03/11/2025 at 11:49 AM
What an encouraging post, Katrina!
Sure do appreciate you and your ministry.
You are a blessing,