How to Give the Gift of Prayer for Christmas

How to Give the Gift of Prayer for Christmas
With all of the hustle and bustle of the season, it can be challenging to maintain a practical focus on the birth of Christ.
Amid the parties, shopping, wrapping, baking, and fun activities, Christ can fade into the background if we aren’t intentional about worship during the Christmas season.
How to Give the Gift of Prayer for Christmas
Some of the best gifts cannot be wrapped.
Intangible treasures of heart, the greatest gifts last for eternity. In the frenzy of shopping and wrapping, simple stands in stark contrast to the bright and glittery this Christmas.
Why not give your family a gift that comes packaged in the power of God rather than ribbons and bows?
Family traditions add to the joy of Christmas. Giving the gift of prayer has become a special part of our family celebration.
Each year, I give each person the gift of a verse of scripture from the Christmas story. Share on X
With this gift comes a prayer echoed throughout the years.
I prayerfully read the accounts and prophecies about the birth of Christ. Isaiah, Matthew, Luke, and John are often the books that I will find my Christmas treasures.
Once I choose a gift and short prayer for each person, I write the verse and prayer on a blank index card.
I fold the card in half, making a name card that I place on the table for Christmas dinner.
Keep It Simple
Some years I decorate the card a little, but most of the time I just keep it simple.
During our festive meal on Christmas day, each person shares the verse with the family.
This is a simple thing, but over the years, it has become very meaningful to our family.
A Gift that Keeps on Giving
In the margin of my Bible, I always write __________’s Christmas Verse and the year beside each verse.
Through the years, as I come across a Christmas verse, I stop and pray that verse for each person.
Anytime we pray for someone, we give the gift of our heart, whether they are aware of our prayer or not. Share on X
Some verses I have prayed for many years.
The last thing that I often do with the verses is slip them into a little photo album.
In this book, I keep slips of paper where I have written verses and prayers for my children through the years.
Through the years I have added many prayers and verses as the children have grown.
This is a simple and practical way to give an eternal gift.
It’s also a non-threatening way to talk about Christ with family members and guests who may not be familiar with specific scriptures.
Choose, prepare, and pray verses for your family.
Write them on Christmas cards, tuck them into stockings, make them into gift tags, or make them into place cards for Christmas dinner.
May your Christmas be filled with worship and special family experiences this year.
Thanks, Ginger, for reminding us of the importance of prayer at Christmas time. I love the idea of giving each person a verse each year. And, to pray scripture for friends and family is such a great gift. We appreciate you and your message today. Thanks for sharing your ministry and your heart with us!
About the Author
An entertaining speaker and ministry leader, Ginger is a coffee-loving, picture-taking mom of three young adults.
Ginger writes about fresh faith with a dash of quirky as she writes at and Planting Roots.
She’d love to connect with you on her blog, Pinterest, Facebook, or Twitter.
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Jenny · 12/24/2020 at 7:12 AM
I love this idea! I might have to see if I can whip this out in 24 hours for our family Christmas get together! · 12/28/2020 at 11:46 AM
I thought Ginger shared such a great idea on how to pray for your family members.
Blessings and Merry Christmas to you and your family.
Ona · 12/18/2016 at 8:00 PM
I love these ideas, Ginger. Thank you for taking the time to share your heart with us. Many blessings, Ona · 12/13/2016 at 7:17 AM
Thank you, Ginger, for sharing with us how we can give the gift of prayer for Christmas! What a wonderful idea~
You are a blessing,
Ginger Harrington · 12/15/2016 at 11:53 AM
You’re welcome! It’s so fun to participate in this series. Thanks for the invite!