What Does Amazing Grace Sound Like?

What Does Amazing Grace Sound Like?
Amazing Grace.
Likely, you’ve heard and sung the song many times.
The words are familiar and loved.
But what do we mean by the phrase, “Amazing grace, how sweet the sound…?”
In other words, what does amazing grace sound like to our ears and in our lives?
I’d like to attempt to answer that question today.
Some of the Sounds in Life that I Love to Hear:
In thinking about sounds, I think of a few of the sounds that I love to hear.
To begin with, I love the sound of the ocean. Or any rushing water.
Also, I love the sound of a train. Growing up, there was a train that went by our house twice a day and the sound is just comforting and brings back great memories.
Every morning, I love the sound of coffee being made. When it starts brewing, I start smiling.
Another sound I love is the sound of my husband’s voice. He has a calm and comforting voice. And when he speaks, I am calmed and comforted.
I love when I answer the phone and I hear one of the voices of my two children.
And I love the sounds of my puppies. I have two amazing Aussies who make the cutest sounds.
In the afternoon, I love the sound of the mail truck outside my front door. I love going to the mailbox and opening up to see what’s in it.
Also, I love the sound of loud, excited praise when people are all together in worship.
Lastly, I love baby giggles and little kids laughing.
Truly, these are just a few of my favorite sounds.
What about You?
What about you?
And, what are some of your favorite sounds?
Are there some sweet sounds that you love to hear?
So… What Does Amazing Grace Sound Like?
Let’s go back to church and to that song that we love to sing… Amazing Grace.
What are we talking about when we say we have heard the sweet sound?
I want to give you three promises that give me incredible hope and keep me grounded when the world goes wild!
Three sounds that I love to hear! All the time!
These sounds are all part of God’s amazing grace in our lives.
First, What Does Amazing Grace Sound Like? “I JUST LOVE YOU!¨
God loves us!
There’s nothing we can do to add to his love, or subtract from his love, or change his love, or dissuade his love.
Our God adores us and that’s it.
It isn’t that a sweet sound!
Consider the words of Romans 8:38 and 39.
Paul asks, “Can anything ever separate us from Christ’s love?”
Then he answers it by sharing, “I’m convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God’s love.
Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, Neither are fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow, Dash. Not even the powers of hell can separate us from God’s love.
No power in the sky above or the earth below, dash indeed, nothing in all of creation, will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus, our Lord.”
God loves us so much that He sent His son to save us.
You likely know this familiar sound of His love found in John 3:16:
“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”
My First Experience with Amazing Grace
I first heard the sound of how much God loved me when I was 11 years old. I was sitting in a church service and a man began to talk about his relationship with Jesus.
As I heard this man talking about a personal love relationship with his Savior, I knew that’s what I wanted. I wanted to know God personally.
That night, I looked up to heaven and invited Jesus to be my personal Savior and Lord. We began our love relationship as I heard about how much He loved me and wanted to be close to me.
Five Decades Later
Can I tell you that five decades later… I still love to hear the sound of God’s love.
It’s not a one-and-done.
Instead, it’s a constant and overflowing shower of love.
God’s love is like a waterfall of Amazing Grace flowing and cascading over us, moment after moment, day after day.
It’s refreshing, renewing, reinvigorating, and awesome!
So, what about you?
Have you heard the sound of God’s love?
Do you realize how much He loves you?
God loves you so much that He sent His only son to die for you so that you might hear the sound and experience a relationship with Him.
Let’s talk about that a little more…
The Dinky Shower Head
When we first moved into our current home, we did quite a few renovations.
One of the renovations was to take out the old showerhead in our master bathroom. The existing shower head was a small faucet that pointed one small stream of water straight down at your head. It was not enjoyable to take a shower.
So, my husband went to the local hardware store and picked up a huge, round, cascading showerhead. He replaced the existing pointy small showerhead with the larger, broader showerhead. And everything was instantly different.
Now, instead of having one little stream of water pointed at your head, you’re able to enjoy a huge waterfall of water pouring all over you as you shower.
It’s an incredible experience!
Like God’s Love
That jumbo showerhead of ours is a lot like God’s love.
Truly, God’s love is not meant to be some dinky little showerhead that just trickles out a little stream of love here and there into our lives.
Instead, our God means for us to stand in the overflow of rushing water, cascading His grace and His love over us daily.
We were created to stand complete and whole and full in the love that God has for us.
Are You Standing Under the Cascading Water of God’s Love?
It’s true.
God’s love is ever-flowing and cascading down. We are always free to get under the abundance of His love flowing over our lives.
Perhaps, you’ve never stepped under the shower of God’s love. Perhaps you’ve never come into a personal relationship with Jesus, you can do that today. You can come to Jesus. Check out this podcast for more info.
On the other hand, it could be that you have just gotten away from the shower of God’s love.
It may be that you once enjoyed the refreshments and nearness of your savior.
But over time, you’ve walked through situations and relationships and difficulties that have pushed you away from God’s love.
It’s true! You can always come back into the overflow of God’s love. You can always step back under His waterfall of love!
For more on this, check out this podcast. It’s called, “Come to Jesus.”
Simply Put:
Can I encourage you with this truth… you can always come back under the cascades of God’s love.
Why not say this sound of amazing grace with me?
I want you to hear yourself saying the sweet sound.
So, will you say it aloud?
“God just loves me.”
Say it one more time. “God just loves me.”
It’s a sweet sound.
Second, What Does Amazing Grace Sound Like? “I AM ALWAYS WITH YOU!”
God tells us, “I am always WITH you.”
“I am always WITH you.”
Let me give you a little proof of this.
“Don’t be afraid, for I am with you.
Don’t be discouraged, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you and help you.
I will hold you up with my victorious right hand.”
“This is my command—be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged.
For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”
“For the Lord your God is living among you.
He is a mighty savior.
He will take delight in you with gladness.
With his love, he will calm all your fears.
He will rejoice over you with joyful songs.”
Zephaniah 3:17
Why Does this Matter?
Why does this sweet sound matter so much?
What difference does it make?
GOD IS WITH US; we never have to walk or live or rest or sleep or live alone. He never leaves us.
Truly, we are not alone. God is with us, beside us, before us, and holding onto us!
He will never leave us or forsake us!
What Does This Look Like?
My husband is a professor and a minister, and he’s also a security guard.
For this position, he carries all kinds of weapons, firearms, and tools that protect himself and other people around him.
When we go out anywhere in our city, I love when he is with me. Why? Because he is always armed. He is my security! He is my guard!
Truly, I feel safer when he is WITH me.
As You are Going
As you and I are going, God is always with us as well!
No matter the ups and downs, highs and lows, or anything that comes; He remains by our side.
Whether alone or in a crowd – God is right there with you and me whispering hope and peace and love to us. We can feel safe knowing He is always with us.
Indeed, He is our security! He is our guard!
Say This Sound with Me:
Would you say this second sweet sound with me? (out loud)
“God is always with me.”
“God is with me!”
Third, What Does Amazing Grace Sound Like? “GOD IS FOR ME!”
Honestly, this third sound is one of my favorites that I learned from one of my mentors years ago.
Her name was Faye Hardy and she taught me a whole lot about teaching and preparing to speak. Also, she taught me so much about the things of God.
One day, as we were talking, she looked at me and she said, “Melanie, I want you to remember this one thing.”
Here it is. “God is FOR you.”
I knew if Miss Faye was saying this to me, it must be found in the Bible. She’s still living and is one of the most Bible-based women that I have ever known.
Where do I find the sweet sound that says the Lord is for me?
Romans 8:31 – What then shall we say to these things? If God is FOR us, who can be against us?
Psalm 118:6 – The Lord is FOR me, so I will have no fear. What can mere people do to me?
Psalm 56:9 – Then my enemies will turn back in the day when I call. This I know that God is FOR me.
God is FOR ME!
God is for me! He is for you!
God is on my side, by my side, in my corner, on my team.
Moreover, God is on your side, by your side, in your corner, and on your team!
Even when you and I don’t feel like it, He is FOR us!
Example of Someone Being FOR YOU
Several years ago, I served as the women’s ministry director in an area church.
As I gathered the leadership team and the ladies together, a small group of women emerged that wanted to help more than most.
One of these women was a precious sister named Barbara. Barbara and I were acquaintances but had not ever really gotten to know each other personally.
But as we began to serve together, Barbara became such an incredible support and friend. She desired to support me and the ministry.
Honestly, God sent her to me when I needed her greatly. She was on my side, supporting me; she was such a gift.
Truly, Barbara was FOR me!
God is FOR us!
The same is true with God!
Because God is for us, He wants what is best for us!
He supports us. He is on our side!
Say this one with me…
“The Lord is for me.”
Say it again… “The Lord is for me.”
That’s the message, the sweet sound of God’s Amazing Grace in a nutshell.
Would you repeat these words one more time aloud?
- God just loves me.
- God is with me and will never leave me.
- God is for me.
Those are some sweet sounds!
Do you agree?
Closing Thoughts – What Does Amazing Grace Sound Like?
Now let’s make this practical.
As we close, I’ll share one final example with you.
A few years ago, my kids got me started listening to an app on my phone called “Spotify.”
It’s a music and podcasting app where you can be very particular about the kind of music or podcasts that you listen to. You can play what you want to play.
There’s even a feature that allows you to have a DJ pick out your music for you.
When you like a song, you push the plus mark. When you don’t like a song, you push a negative sign. Then, the app keeps up with your music and listening preferences.
And I’m selective about what I like to hear! My app allows me to be particular and choosy.
Are You Particular and Selective about Your Music, Too?
You are likely very selective about the music and podcasts you are listening to as well. Most people are!
What are you putting on your daily playlist?
- On your mix tape.
- On your record player.
- Into your cassette deck.
- Or, even on your 8 tracks!
Spiritually, We Need to be Particular and Selective, Too!
In our spiritual lives, we need to do the same thing. We need to be particular and selective about what we allow in.
We need to be so careful what words ideas and concepts and thoughts we let play in the music of our minds.
And we need to be so careful what we let ourselves listen to and what we hear ourselves say.
So, what if you’ve got some amazing sounds like my sounds, and begin to play them and say them quite often to yourself?
A Challenge As We Go – What Does Amazing Grace Sound Like?
In this article, I’ve shared with you a few of the sounds that I love to hear. Sounds of God’s amazing grace!
- God just loves me.
- God is with me and will never leave me.
- God is for me.
How it Works
When I say things like God is for me and with me and loves me, it changes me.
It makes all the difference in my mind, my heart, my emotions, and my outlook!
I’d like to encourage you to use these or get some positive statements of your own from the Bible.
Why Does This Matter?
Here’s the deal…
The things that you and I think about, dwell on, focus on, and spend time on, impact everything else in our lives.
The words and the sounds that you and I listen to matter.
Let’s make them sweet sounds of God’s Amazing Grace.
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