10 Ways to Make Your Bible Study More Interesting

“Sometimes I get a little bored or get in a rut with my personal Bible study.
I need to try something different or fresh to keep me going.”
10 Ways to Make Your Bible Study More Interesting
This is what a sweet friend said to me recently.
Honestly, I think we can all get into a Bible study groove that can become a rut.
~ Do you ever feel like you are in a rut with your devotions?
~ Do you find yourself growing bored or uninterested in personal Bible study?
10 Ways to Make Your Personal Bible Study More Interesting:
Maybe you just need something new and fresh.
Maybe you could use a different approach—something to change things up a bit.
From time to time, we all need some new Bible study ideas!
I know I do!
From time to time, we all need some new Bible study ideas! I know I do! Share on X
Here are 10 ways to study the Bible and keep things fresh:
One – Try the 3 Question Method.
Growing up, my pastor (Adrian Rogers) taught us to ask three great questions when reading any passage.
This is an easy and powerful way to study the Bible!
Three Great Questions to Ask:
First, what did it mean back then? Look in the notes and margins. Try to discover what was going on when these verses were written.
Second, what does this passage mean now? What instruction is there for everyone?
Third, what does it mean for me and to me personally? How can I apply this passage to my life today?
Two – Study one word at a time using your Bible Concordance.
Turn to the back of your Bible and you should find a concordance–which lists major words found in the Bible.
Start with the A’s and choose a word.
Then, look this word up in the various places it is used in the Bible. You will likely have the chance to read the word in context in both the Old and New Testaments.
This type of study will allow you to delve into all of the different ways particular words are used in the Bible and give you a better understanding of word meanings.
If you want to take it to the next level, look up the word in a Greek or Hebrew lexicon or study guide. Discover the original meanings and uses of your chosen word.
You can find free tools at Bible Study Tools. Click HERE to find these tools.
Three – Mix and Match different versions of the Bible.
To do this type of study, you will need to select a verse or a passage that you wish to compare and read. Then, you will look this verse/passage up in several different Bible translations.
You can gather up all of the Bibles in your house for this activity. This is what we did before the Internet!
Or you can go to an online source like Bible Gateway for this type of Bible study.
By looking up a verse or passage in different translations and versions, you can get a better idea of what the original text was saying.
It can be a fascinating way to study the Bible.
By looking up a verse or passage in different translations and versions, you can get a better idea of what the original text was saying. Share on X
Four – Take your Bible study in very small portions.
Go through a book of the Bible in very small chunks. Don’t rush. Just enjoy a little bit of God’s Word every day.
For example, one year I studied the Psalms. Each day, I would read and study until I found a nugget–a gem I could take with me and think about all day.
It took a long time to get through the book, but I discovered so many wonderful treasures along the way.
Five – Make a list as you study.
Some Bible passages actually are organized into lists that you can write down.
At times, you will find lists that are 1, 2, 3. Other passages will easily be written down in a chart or a list of what to do and what not to do.
You may find passages that allow you to compare and contrast.
Grab a journal and make some lists and notes.
You will learn so much more if you will employ these techniques!
Grab a journal and make some lists and notes. You will learn so much more if you will employ these techniques! Share on X
Six – Outline the passage or verses.
If you like to make and/or use outlines, you might enjoy making an outline of what you are reading.
You can write this outline in a journal or type up your notes.
Seven – Answer some specific questions as you read.
Another great list of questions was shared by Pastor Adrian Rogers.
You might use this list to enhance your Bible study time.
Great Questions to Ask:
- Is there a promise to claim?
- Is there a lesson to learn?
- Also, is there a blessing to enjoy?
- Is there a command to obey?
- Is there a sin to avoid?
- And, is there a new thought to carry with me?
Eight – Write down what you read.
For this type of study, you will actually copy down the verse. Write out what you are reading.
Or, write out a paraphrase of the verse or passage that you are reading.
Writing these verses on paper will help you learn and remember them.
Nine – Read the passage several times.
You may try reading it out loud.
Or, listen to it being read aloud on CD or Podcast.
At one point, I was involved in a Bible study where I had to read the passage over every day for a week. On the final day, we were asked to read the passage 7 times.
Honestly, I got more out of my study by doing this!
Ten – Journal what you learn from reading.
In a notebook or on your computer, make notes of all of the things you are learning from your Bible study.
Also, jot down or type up lessons learned and ideas that come from your study time.
Writing makes the entire experience more powerful.
And, if you need a little help with writing an essay, you may want to seek assistance. For example, there are companies that will help you to rewrite my essay.
A few other Bible Study tips:
1} Find a Bible that you love, understand, and will read.
If you don’t love and understand the Bible translation you have, you won’t read it.
So take some time to find and purchase a great Bible that you will actually read and want to study.
Need some ideas?
I asked some friends to share about their Bibles. You may want to check out this article: 14 Bible Recommendations from 14 Amazing Women
2} Be Realistic as You Study!
You don’t have to read the whole Bible in one sitting or even a whole book or chapter.
Instead, start small. In other words, take it in small bites.
Then, come back tomorrow and try a little more.
3} Ask someone to hold you accountable.
Invite a friend, Sunday school teacher, co-worker, or family member to hold you accountable to study the Bible.
Additionally, give someone the freedom to regularly ask you about your devotions and what you are learning.
Also, to make your Bible study more interesting, study with a group, keep a sermon notebook, and concentrate on relevant topics.
These approaches can help you understand and relate to God more deeply by bringing the text to life.
Give someone the freedom to regularly ask you about your devotions and what you are learning. Share on X
4} Have fun and enjoy learning as you spend time with God.
Bible study is not meant to be drudgery; it’s meant to be amazing!
However, if it’s not amazing for you, ask God to sweeten the time and make it rich and more fascinating for you.
Bible study is not meant to be drudgery; it's meant to be amazing! Share on X
5} Remember – God loves to spend time with you!
Don’t forget… the Creator of the entire universe is waiting to spend time with you!
Additionally, He bends down to hear your voice.
Moreover, He loves you and enjoys it when you draw up close to Him.
As you begin your Bible study time, you might pray this prayer from Psalm 119:18,
“Open my eyes to see
the wonderful truths in your instructions.”
Want more?
Several years ago I put together a helpful and very practical resource for people who wanted to grow closer to the Lord and fall more in love with Him.
And, you may want to check out this resource…
Stepping Closer to the Savior
One reader shares this review –
“I highly recommend this very practical book to anyone! It is great for the new believer in Christ to give them step-by-step guidance in their young faith.
This would be a great book to use to assist in discipling a new believer in Christ.
However, I would also recommend it for those who have walked with Christ for years and maybe are stuck in a rut and need some fresh new ideas or fresh reminders in their walk.
Let’s face it, our desire should be to daily “step closer” to our Savior and walk more intimately with Him! Melanie gives a variety of helpful ideas to assist you in this pursuit. A great read for anyone!”
For more info or to get a copy on Kindle or paperback, click HERE.
Additional Bible Study Resources:
5 Creative Ways to Study the Bible
Get Creative with Bible Reading
7 Ways to Make Bible Reading More Fun
5 Creative Ways to Read the Bible This Year
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Ken · 03/11/2023 at 4:13 PM
I teach a Bible study. I am someone who is learning to do this. How can I may my teaching not boring
helloredds@gmail.com · 03/23/2023 at 9:20 AM
Hey Ken,
Great question!
Here is a helpful article for teaching – https://churchleaders.com/youth/youth-leaders-articles/174323-andy-blanks-becoming-a-better-bible-teacher.html?utm_medium=social&utm_source=pinterest&utm_campaign=tailwind_tribes&utm_content=tribes&utm_term=1113120692_54140478_643508
I also pray and ask God to give me incredible creativity and passion!
Blessings to you,
Getrude · 01/11/2020 at 2:14 AM
Thank you for having this up,
I am Kenyan and we are doing the Bible Marathon, we are 50 in a wattsapp group and I want to really encourage people to read the word on a daily basis, I am a precept inductive student and the Word has and is having GREAT impact in my life, I will share what I have learnt so that reading will not be a rut and booring ….please pray with us
helloredds@gmail.com · 01/12/2020 at 7:04 PM
Wonderful, Getrude!
I love that you are encouraging others to love the Word. God’s Word is life-altering!
Blessings to you~