5 Strategies To Improve Your Relationships

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5 Strategies To Improve Your Relationships

From romantic to passing professional interactions, people have a variety of relationships that make up essential elements of their lives. When any of these relationships begin to go sour, it can make life difficult.

Recognizing how you can make changes and implement strategies to improve your relationships is immediately beneficial.

And although you can’t make others change how they behave, you can change how you act.

Listen To Improve Your Relationships

One of the quickest ways to show others that you appreciate them is to listen actively. When someone speaks to you, put down what you’re doing and make eye contact to show that you’re giving full attention.

Paying attention to the non-verbal cues of what someone is saying is an excellent way to build that bond further.

When someone feels appreciated and seen, they are more likely to reciprocate and give that attention back.


Personality differences can often lead to clashes between people, especially when they don’t understand how other personalities function.

Myers Briggs sensing vs. intuition elements can help individuals understand what part of their personality clashes with somebody else’s and, therefore, figure out behavior modifications that can ease tensions.

Taking the time to learn about your personality and how it functions around the characters of others gives you essential building blocks for improving relationships.

Spend Time Together To Improve Your Relationships

Investing time in a relationship is one of the easiest ways to strengthen and build that relationship.

It doesn’t matter what kind of relationship it is; investing an appropriate amount of time reaps the reward of becoming a good relationship.

A few minutes each day spent chatting with social co-workers humanizes each other and makes your workday more productive and pleasant.

Personal relationships require more time, and when time’s tight, get imaginative with how you connect with friends and family, as it’s making the time rather than what you’re spending it doing that’s important.

Be Positive To Improve Your Relationships

As the stresses of life niggle and gnaw at us, dwelling on the negatives becomes all too easy.

Finding the positives in your relationships is therefore vital for their continued health.

Reminisce about the good times together and make plans to build on those good feelings.

And although it’s not great to dwell on the past too much, sometimes even looking back at a tough time and thinking, “You know what? We got through this together, and we’ve come out stronger.”

This is an excellent exercise to remind yourselves why you’re still in this relationship.

Keep An Open Mind

When we get into a disagreement, the desire is to double down and try to win the fight.

This approach rarely works and becomes a source of further conflict within a relationship. Trying to keep an open mind allows compromise and consideration of other viewpoints to come to the forefront, even during an argument.

Working on these skills makes for better conflict resolution and improves relationships.

Implementing strategies where you’re upbeat, open-minded, and fully engaged in any relationship will automatically improve the quality of that relationship and make life far more pleasant for everybody involved.

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Best-Selling Author | Speaker | Blogger| Podcaster | When the world is falling apart, we can ALWAYS trust in God’s goodness!


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