Promises to Cling to When You Are Walking Through a Dark Valley

Promises to Cling to When You Are Walking Through a Dark Valley
They are Dark Valleys.
Promises to Cling to When You Are Walking Through a Dark Valley
All of us travel through them from time to time.
There is no way around them.
Life can’t be mountaintops, lakes, fair meadows, and pleasant travels ALL the time.
I wish we could skip the dark valleys in life. But, they seem to be a very necessary part of the journey.
David knew about dark valleys back in the Bible days.
In Psalm 23:5, he talks about them, “Even though I walk through the darkest valley…”
Though we will walk through dark valleys…
Since there is no way around them…
Because they are part of life…
Promise 1: God is our FORTRESS & RESCUER!
“The Lord is my solid rock, my fortress, my rescuer. My God is my rock— I take refuge in him!— he’s my shield, my salvation’s strength, my place of safety.”
Psalm 18:2, CEB
Promise 2: God is GOD!
‘Attention, all! See the marvels of God! He plants flowers and trees all over the earth, Bans war from pole to pole, and breaks all the weapons across his knee. “Step out of the traffic! Take a long, loving look at me, your High God, above politics, above everything.”’
Psalm 46:10, MSG
Promise 3: God will SHOW US THE WAY to walk!
At times, we come to a crossroads – that place where we must decide which way to turn.
Should we go to the right or the left? Today’s verse is a wonderful reminder that our God will guide us “as we are walking.”
We will hear His voice behind us, instructing us in the way we should go???
The ERV states it this way, ‘If you wander from the right path, either to the right or to the left, you will hear a voice behind you saying, “You should go this way. Here is the right way.”’
Aren’t you grateful that the ultimate direction for our lives is up to Him and not up to us?
Promise 4: God will ACT on our behalf!
“Commit your way to the Lord [roll and repose each care of your load on Him]; trust (lean on, rely on, and be confident) also in Him and He will bring it to pass.”
Psalm 37:4, AMPC
Promise 5: God is WITH us!
Love this from my friend Alison:
What does this verse do? It forces us to remember something vital. It forces us to remember that it is not about us, but about Christ in us.
Who will strengthen us? Who will help us? And, Who will uphold us?
God alone – in His power, might, love, and grace.
This verse gives us the freedom to dream big, to hope huge & to be bold.
Believe it & rest in it, dear Christian.
Let God be God today.
Promise 6: God is ABLE to deliver us!
This verse today comes from the story of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-Nego as they were facing the fiery furnace.
They faced the king and said, “Our God whom we serve is ABLE to deliver us from the burning, fiery furnace, and He will deliver us from your hand, O king.”
(Dan. 3:17)
Guess what? Our God still delivers!
He still offers powerful deliverance in 2016!
He is completely ABLE to deliver to you!
Can I pray with you today for His deliverance???
I’d love to pray for you today!
If you are walking through a dark valley today, I’d love to pray for you.
You can leave a request in the comment below or email me at
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SDA Hymnal Online · 08/22/2023 at 9:04 PM
Thank you for sharing very profound article! The Lord is my solid rock, my fortress, my rescuer. My God is my rock— I take refuge in him!— he’s my shield, my salvation’s strength, my place of safety. It’s one of my favorite too. · 09/02/2023 at 8:54 AM
Thank you so much!
He is our Solid Rock!
Hope you have a wonderful day!
Raising Samuels · 05/07/2016 at 6:40 PM
I love the encouragement you offer, Melanie! This post is filled with wonderful scripture and the truth that can bring us peace, even in those dark times. Thanks so much for sharing with #SocialButterflySunday! Hope you have a wonderful Mother’s Day, and look forward to you linking up again this week 🙂 · 05/09/2016 at 10:31 AM
Hey Kelly,
Thanks for stopping by to leave a kind word today!
You are always so faithful to encourage and affirm!
Sure do appreciate you!
Phyllis · 05/04/2016 at 9:17 AM
Thank you! Just lost my husband on April 2, 2016. Love these verses to hold onto during this time. · 05/04/2016 at 12:07 PM
I’m so sorry to hear about your loss, Phyllis.
Praying today that God will give you incredible peace and strength as you walk through this valley.
Thank you for stopping by and leaving a comment today.
You have blessed me~
Lori Schumaker of Seaching for Moments · 05/02/2016 at 4:11 PM
Mel, This post is so needed! So much truth here. If we cling to these truths and tune out the lies of the enemy, we will get to the other side of that valley victoriously! I loved the emoji’s! How do you get them to show up in a post? Adorable!
Blessings and smiles,
Lori · 05/03/2016 at 7:28 PM
Thank you, Lori!
Sure am blessed by you.
The emojis were shared on Instagram. Then, they converted easily to this site. You could add them as well!
dawnklinge · 05/02/2016 at 3:26 PM
I’m so thankful that these promises are true! What an encouragement this post is. I hope you’re having a wonderful day. · 05/03/2016 at 7:27 PM
Me too, Dawn!
Thank you for your encouragement!
Alisa · 05/02/2016 at 2:42 PM
What wonderful reminders today Melanie! I especially love #2. Why is it so hard to let God be God?? I often feel like I have to do everything or nothing will get done. I imagine He watches in amazement as I completely wear myself out and then asks, “Are you done trying to do my job?” Thanks for sharing these!! · 05/03/2016 at 7:26 PM
Thanks, Alisa!
Sure do appreciate you stopping by today!
Your words affirm me!
BlessingCounterDeb · 05/02/2016 at 10:49 AM
This is great, Mel. Powerful verses with beautiful graphics. Hope and encouragement for hard days. We all have them. What a blessing to know His presence. Sharing this everywhere today. · 05/02/2016 at 11:24 AM
Thank you, Deb!
You bless me~
Leah Adams (@LeahCAdams) · 05/02/2016 at 2:42 AM
Thank you for such beautiful reminders….that we all go through deep darkness, but God is always with us. Honestly, knowing that He is with me, working things out for my good and His glory is what has got me through some of the darkest days of my life a couple of years ago. Sharing this post on Pinterest! · 05/02/2016 at 11:23 AM
Thank you, Leah!
I do love knowing that God is ALWAYS with us!
Hope you have a blessed day, and thank you for sharing!