4 Bible Reminders that God FINISHES What He Starts

4 Bible Reminders that God FINISHES What He Starts
It was one of those “aha” moments for me.
I was reading my Bible on a regular Wednesday morning, and this amazing thought hit me.
Maybe it was the second cup of coffee.
Maybe it was the sweetness of the Spirit.
Whatever the case, it was so good!
4 Bible Reminders that God FINISHES What He Starts
It’s simple, and yet it’s profound.
Ready for it?
God always finishes what He starts! Share on X
He never leaves a project forever undone or unfinished.
God doesn’t walk away.
He doesn’t quit on us. Our heavenly Father is a finisher!
Our heavenly Father is a finisher!
God achieves what He sets out to achieve.
He fulfills His promises.
He answers prayer.
Sometimes, there are long delays.
Often, we wait to carry things out.
We pray in earnest for years, even decades.
But, eventually, God brings about what He sets out to accomplish.
God finishes what He starts.
For example, we prayed for over 20 years for one of our relatives to come back to the Lord.
We loved him, and we believed God would draw this man back to Himself.
But, there were many long, dark years in his life.
There were many years of praying in faith that one day he would return.
Eventually, our relative began to express the emptiness he was experiencing in his life.
After over two decades of praying for him, God began to bring him home.
He now walks the Lord and serves on the staff of a church!
Our heavenly Father is a finisher! God finishes what He starts! Share on X
God finishes what He starts – even if it takes two decades.
Additionally, we see God as the “Finisher” throughout the Bible.
Consider these examples.
God finishes what He starts – Example One – Genesis 2:2
To begin with, consider the very first pages of scripture.
In this text, God completed His work making all of creation in six days.
He finished what He started, and then He rested.
God is a finisher!
“By the seventh day God had FINISHED the work he had been doing; so on the seventh day he rested from all his work.”
God finishes what He starts – Example Two – John 4:34
Secondly, we discover that “finishing His work” was at the very heart of Jesus’s earthly mission.
Jesus had a mandate that He would fulfill, no matter what it cost Him.
Jesus said to them, “My food is to do what the One who sent me wants me to do [the will of the One who sent me] and to FINISH [complete] his work.”
Example Three – John 19:30
This third example may be the greatest evidence we have that our God is a finisher, a completer of what He starts.
In this section of scripture, we find Jesus on the cross nearing death.
His final words give evidence of His commitment to following through on what He begins.
When he had received the drink, Jesus said, “IT IS FINISHED.” With that, he bowed his head and gave up his spirit.
Example Four – Philippians 1:6
Finally, the apostle Paul shares a great word of encouragement about how God works in our lives.
Our God always finishes what He starts in us!
“There has never been the slightest doubt in my mind that the God who started this great work in you would keep at it and bring it to a FLOURISHING FINISH on the very day Christ Jesus appears.”
Our God always finishes what He starts in us! Share on X
Be encouraged today that God finishes what He begins.
He finishes in other people’s lives, He finishes in the Bible, and He will finish in your life too!
Maybe you’ve been praying about something for a long time… keep praying.
Maybe you’ve been waiting for an answer for years… keep waiting and hoping.
Possibly, you are ready to give up today… don’t!
The Life Application Bible sums this whole idea up so well:
“When God starts a project, He completes it!”
And, He will complete His projects in your life and mine.
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Marthe Ninine · 07/12/2021 at 11:00 PM
helloredds@gmail.com · 07/16/2021 at 8:22 AM
Amen, Marthe!
Blessings to you today~
Gloria Ruiloba · 05/13/2021 at 7:01 PM
what a great reminder of who our God is and yes that He finishes what He starts.
This has been my life vrs. So encouraged today reading this.
Blessings to you!
helloredds@gmail.com · 05/15/2021 at 11:28 AM
I’m so grateful that He finishes what He starts!!
Praying He will bless you!
Blessings to you,
dawie · 06/17/2020 at 5:09 AM
i am working at a radio station in Middelburg part time and have 2 gospel programs running live weekly. may i please use some ‘aha’ moments also for it bless the hearers of God’s word please …
helloredds@gmail.com · 06/20/2020 at 9:28 AM
Yes, Dawie!
May God bless you today!
Praying for you to have many “aha” moments!
Brittany · 02/07/2017 at 2:05 PM
This is such an encouraging post Melanie!
I walked away from God almost two years ago because I believed I was only following Him to please my family. So, I went about trying to find out who I was on my own, without their opinions and religion dictating me.
Almost two months ago, I got the urge to go back to church, and begin reading my Bible again. I am living proof that God finishes what He starts. God was not finished with me,and the truth came to be that I didn’t just love God because my family told me so. It truth, I loved God because of who He is and what He has done for me!
This post was such an encouragement!!! Thank you so much for sharing!!!
helloredds@gmail.com · 02/07/2017 at 3:51 PM
Amen, Brittany!
What an awesome testimony! Thank you for sharing this today with.
I’m so glad to hear your story and the way God has finished and is finishing what He started in you. He never stops!
And, I’m also grateful that you were encouraged by this post.
My prayer for you – may God continue to pour out His love on your life and encourage you greatly!
You’ve blessed me today~
dawnklinge · 01/26/2017 at 9:58 AM
You’ve shared such great examples here of how God finishes what he starts. This was such an encouraging post. God bless you, Melanie!
helloredds@gmail.com · 01/27/2017 at 3:37 PM
Amen, Dawn!
Aren’t you grateful that God does finish what He begins! It’s an awesome promise we can lean on!
Sure am blessed by you and your kind words today~
Lauren Gaskill · 01/26/2017 at 8:21 AM
Love that you included John 4:34 in this list! That’s one of my favorites. 😀 Thanks for this encouragement today, sweet friend.
helloredds@gmail.com · 01/27/2017 at 3:35 PM
Amen! I love that verse as well, Lauren!
Hope you have a blessed day today~
Amelia · 01/23/2017 at 6:20 PM
Really enjoyed this & shared it with a friend who she & I have been praying for someone we know stopped going to church & has drifted away. We need to keep pressing on as Paul said, Thanks for this reminder . Love Ya.
helloredds@gmail.com · 01/25/2017 at 10:20 AM
Thanks for letting me know, Amelia!
You bless me with your sharing and your kind words!
I hope you have a wonderful day today.
Love you much~
marthajaneorlando · 01/22/2017 at 12:49 PM
Such encouragement, Melanie! I’ve been praying for my son to return to the Lord. You inspired me to not give up on this as God is the great finisher.
helloredds@gmail.com · 01/23/2017 at 1:13 PM
Amen, Martha!
Don’t you dare give up! You keep on praying for that son. God hears your prayers, and He loves that boy of yours.
God always finishes what He starts.
I’m praying with you – for the kindness of the Lord to lead your son to repentance.
Keep me posted~