How Faith-Based Nursing Changes Patient Care

How Faith-Based Nursing Changes Patient Care
Also known as faith community nursing or parish nursing, faith-based nursing takes a holistic approach to health and well-being. It involves using tactics to adequately address a person’s emotional, physical, and spiritual health.
This specialty teaches nurses how to focus on spiritual health by offering counseling and sharing prayers with the people they serve. But they certainly have other roles to play in the healthcare field.
The Role of Faith-Based Nurses
Faith-based nursing is a role that seamlessly integrates religion and nursing. This unique position helps create a great deal of trust. As the nurses work tirelessly to promote health services and healthy lifestyles, they build meaningful relationships with others who usually don’t have access to regular healthcare. Like all nurses, faith-based nurses are responsible for various tasks, such as the following:
- Health screenings and assessment
- Health education and counseling
- Improved access to healthcare services
- Helping individuals deal with the healthcare system
Let’s take a deeper look at how these nurses change patient care quite considerably.
Improving Access to Healthcare
Experts believe that this holistic approach has a significant impact on well-being. It works impressively for low-income households. Usually, these people have no health insurance or face issues due to cultural barriers. These faith-based nurses work with individuals who have unmet health needs and connect them with health services.
Fostering Meaningful Connections
An interesting thing about faith-based nurses is that they don’t just attend to the medical needs of their patients, but also care for their spiritual and emotional needs. The emotional support they offer goes a long way in reducing anxiety and fostering hope. It’s worth mentioning that about 70% of Americans consider themselves Christian (2020, Public Religion Research Institute). Still, regardless of the religion, people draw support from the personal connection they have with someone who shares their faith. This truly makes faith-based nurses a lot more relevant in the healthcare sector.
Promoting Holistic Care – How Faith-Based Nursing Changes Patient Care
Faith-based nursing takes a holistic approach to healing the body, mind, and soul. They work in the spirit of inclusion, welcoming individuals from all beliefs and backgrounds. As professional nurses, they also work in multi-disciplinary teams that include chaplains, social workers, medical personnel, and clinicians.
A great thing about faith-based nurses is that they model faith in prayer, hope, and love as empowered by the Holy Spirit. They aim to build meaningful, therapeutic relationships that exemplify Christ as he was in the temporal realm.
To this end, each is committed to helping those traumatized by illness, birth, marriage, or death. They can be strong and trust by faith that God alone can bring about healing and wholeness.
Supporting Mental Health
Almost everywhere, individuals are struggling with poor mental health within the communities served by faith-based nurses. Everyone is treated with compassion, but also by their cultural traditions and spiritual practices. The nurses too, engage in rituals and prayer, undertaking serious studies of sacred writings on miraculous healing of the mind.
Endnote – How Faith-Based Nursing Changes Patient Care
Faith-based nurses are healers and educators. They focus on working sensitively around the demands of faith and culture so that anyone in need gets help. Their roots are in Christian ministry, as they nurse in response to the unique needs of their diverse communities, and that makes them special.
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