11 Careers that Allow You to Make a Difference

11 Careers that Allow You to Make a Difference
Extend your faith into more aspects of your life, including your career, by choosing a role that lifts and helps others. Here are a few careers that may provide fulfillment.
First… Paramedic
Paramedics respond to medical emergencies, which means they often help people when they need it the most. If you have a passion for medicine and can stay calm under pressure, a career as a paramedic may be right for you. Training to become a paramedic is minimal and can usually be completed in just one to two years.
Second… Social Worker
Social workers help people and families navigate life’s challenges. One day, they may help someone overcome a mental health concern, and the next, they may assist families in reuniting. Social workers enjoy a fast-paced workday with many opportunities to help others. They must complete a master’s degree, which means at least four to six years of college.
Third… Firefighter
Firefighters are the first to respond to building fires. They may help residents exit to safety or implement certain procedures to put out the fire and minimize damage. Firefighters also respond to other emergencies, such as car accidents and work incidents. The ability to work in stressful environments is important when working as a firefighter. Firefighter training can be completed in as little as six to 12 months, making it a good option for those pursuing a change.
Fourth… Home Contractor
Home contractors fix the appliances and systems that many families rely on daily, including electrical or plumbing systems. Becoming a home contractor requires ongoing learning, as up-to-date knowledge of the city’s more recent regulations and codes is necessary. This can take a few months to a few years, and the training should be local. For example, working as a plumber in New York City requires NYC-specific training, whereas a Michigan plumber needs specific training in their state.
Home services professionals must also complete ongoing education, as codes and regulations often change. This training should also be local. Most states have specific minimum continuing education requirements. For example, Michigan plumbing inspectors completing continuing education should spend 34 hours for this role in the mentioned state.
Fifth of the Careers that Allow You to Make a Difference… Teacher
Teachers are in charge of shaping our youth’s minds. They get to spend many hours each week interacting with and educating children. Working as a teacher requires a minimum of a bachelor’s degree, which takes, on average, four years. Sometimes, a background in other fields, such as sociology, can transfer to criminal justice careers, too.
Sixth… Counselor
Counselors help people overcome common mental health concerns, such as depression and generalized anxiety. They may also help people through important life transitions. Counselors need a master’s degree, so you can usually expect between six and eight years. Marriage and family counselors also play an important role in protecting marriages.
Seventh… Police Officer
Police officers help to keep the peace by enforcing local laws. They maintain a presence in the community and respond to calls for help. Police officer requirements vary by state, but completing them takes between six months to one year. Continuing education is also an important part of working as a police officer.
Eighth… Pastor
A pastor leads worship services and helps congregants find their faith. They may work one-on-one with certain church members to overcome life challenges. They may also conduct weddings or baptisms. Pastors usually need at least a master’s degree, so you can expect between six to eight years of educational requirements.
Also, most denominations ask pastors to give evidence and testimony of being “called” into the ministry.
Ninth… Nonprofit Director
A nonprofit director helps organize and manage charitable organizations. Charities are important to helping underprivileged people, and as a nonprofit director, you get to play a significant role in this. Nonprofit directors will usually need a degree in Public Administration or equivalent and on-the-job training.
Tenth… Sustainability Officer
Be a part of protecting the climate as a sustainability officer. Sustainability officers lead efforts to reduce waste and implement environmental strategies. They may monitor and report systems or identify inefficiencies and make recommendations on how to improve them. Sustainability officers will usually need a Master’s degree and work experience.
Eleventh… City Planner
City planners work closely with a team to plan new city developments. This may include planning for new roads, road expansions, commercial buildings, or services. They also play an important role in building new cities. City planners help connect the residents to the services and resources they need most. City planners can expect to train for up to eight years, which may include a Bachelor’s degree, a Master’s degree, and work experience.
Closing Thoughts – 11 Careers that Allow You to Make a Difference
Make a difference in the world while also earning an income. Whether you’re good with building planning or prefer a more fast-paced job, many options are available. Work as a youth teacher, counselor, or plumber- they all provide value. A career that aims to help others also allows you to practice your faith and stewardship more often, including while on the job.
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