Anchored in Hope: Finding Strength in Life’s Storms

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Anchored in Hope: Finding Strength in Life’s Storms

As a follower of Jesus, we have access to a hope that breathes life into our deepest pain.

It’s a hope that shouts from rooftops rather than whispers from the sidelines. His hope is so much more than wishful thinking. It’s life-transforming and leads us past all of life’s obstacles toward the purpose God has ordained for our lives.

But friend, even though I know this to be true and have experienced the power of God’s hope, I also know that pain is real. I know that hard times are often unavoidable, and the brokenness of this world often throws its shattered shards directly at us.

Are You in One of Those Seasons?

You may be in one of those seasons right now. Maybe you’ve lost a loved one and are facing grief deeper than you’ve ever known. Or perhaps the betrayal of a treasured friend has left you gasping for air. It could be a wayward child, financial devastation, a life-shattering diagnosis, chronic illness, or crushing loneliness.

Whether you are experiencing one of these seasons or something else entirely, friend, you are not alone. I see you and understand your struggle to hold onto hope. And even more importantly, Jesus sees you. He grieves over your pain, weeps with you, and will never leave you.

“So God has given both His promise and His oath. These two things are unchangeable because God can’t lie. Therefore, we who have fled to Him for refuge can have great confidence as we hold to the hope that lies before us. His hope is a strong and trustworthy anchor for our souls. It leads us through the curtain into God’s inner sanctuary.” -Hebrews 6:18-19 NLT

The Strong and Trustworthy Hope Found in Hebrews 6:19

In these five short sentences found in our Bibles, God gives us much to hold onto so that we may be assured of hope even in the darkest times.

  1. The Certainty of Hope

God’s promises are binding because God cannot lie. He is the embodiment of truth. His promise or oath isn’t like the promise of a loved one who seemed so heartfelt but who fell short.

We can know without any doubt that God’s promises to be with us (Matthew 28:20), to make a way (Isaiah 43:19), to never leave us in the fire (Isaiah 43:2), to work all things together for good (Romans 8:28), to have a plan for us (Jeremiah 29:11), to fight for us (Exodus 14:14) are true.

Like the weight of an anchor that sinks deep into the seabed, these promises hold us steady when everything else gives way. We can be secure in this.

  1. An Anchor for Our Soul

The waves of this world pull us this way and that. If we have no anchor, our hope rises with good news and falls with bad. We never feel settled, peaceful, or safe. Today it is even worse than in times before because of 24-7 news, constant connectivity, and social media.

Without an anchor, we believe everything we read and every opinion we hear. We aren’t grounded in Truth and in the knowledge of who we are in Christ. Our identity drowns in the chaos of it all

But God, His Truth, and His promises are that anchor for our soul. We can stand steady holding onto what He and He alone says about who we are and what we are to believe. Even as storms rage around us, we remain secure because our anchor holds firm.

  1. Tearing of the Curtain

In the Old Testament, the temple was constructed with great detail. God’s presence was in the most sacred place of the Temple where the Ark of the Covenant was located and only the High Priest could enter. It was called the Most Holy Place, or Holy of Holies. A curtain, or very thick veil, separated this sacred place from the rest of the temple. It separated God from the uncleanliness of the sin of the world. Only once a year could the High Priest go into this place to make atonement for the sins of the people.

When Jesus died on the cross, the entire curtain was torn from top to bottom (Matthew 27:51). I get goosebumps thinking about that moment! As the veil tore, so did the barriers between us and God. We were invited into a personal relationship with Him (Hebrews 10:19-22). Can you imagine the sound? The thick, heavy fabric ripped with supernatural force, the holy fragrance of incense spilling out from the inner sanctuary, no longer contained but released into the world as God’s presence broke free of its confines.

The veil was torn, friends!

Hope was unveiled forever and is yours today and always. God went to great lengths to be sure this story was woven throughout the Bible — a book written over the span of approximately 1,500 years! That tells us to take notice because this is an important Truth for us. It is a Truth to which we can anchor ourselves!

  1. An Eternal Perspective

What a privilege it is to be welcomed beyond the veil into God’s inner sanctuary! It is a glimpse of heaven — of eternity — and reminds us that all that is in this life is temporary. Our ultimate goal and dream is of our eternal life with Jesus (2 Corinthians 5:1). It helps us put into perspective that the current trial we are facing will not last forever (2 Corinthians 4:17-18). There is something so much bigger waiting beyond. The weight of present suffering feels heavy on our shoulders. Yet it lightens when we catch glimpses of eternity. 

And not only that, ut when we keep our focus on Jesus, our problems lose their power over us. We all submit to something whether we realize it or not. In this circumstance, will we submit our thoughts under the God whose promises and hope are an anchor (2 Corinthians 10:5)? Or will we submit them to the fear and anxiety that will hold us back from living with the peace and hope that is ours in Christ (Philippians 4:6-7)? 

Fighting for Hope – Anchored in Hope

Building a relationship with the Lord is key to accessing His hope. Pursuing Him daily is important, but when storms come and you are tempted to turn away, do the opposite. 

Spend time in prayer with the Lord. Worship Him. Learn about Him. Wrestle with Him and be transparent with all that rumbles through your heart. He is able and willing to join you in every step. Read Hebrews 6:18-19 out loud… again and again. Remember the times the Lord was faithful to His promise and believe for it again, knowing that He cannot nor will not break a promise. And even when it feels like He has abandoned you, know that He has not. So lean in closer and seek Him more because He has not left. He is right there with you.

Hope is yours, friend, not as a distant wish but as a present reality. In your darkest night, it shines like stars. Your tears are caught in His bottle, your doubts met with patience, your steps supported by nail-scarred hands. So breathe deeply of this hope today. The God who tore the temple veil has anchored your soul to His unshakable promise. And that makes all the difference.

About the Author: Lori Schumaker

Lori Schumaker’s life story embodies the phrase “unveiled hope.”

As both a Life and Mental Health Coach, as well as a writer, speaker, teacher, and creator, she gently guides women through the complexities of life with grace, hope, and resilience. Her journey through the pain of abortion, and the subsequent cycle of shame and insecurity that followed, left her feeling shattered and unable to move forward.

Yet, anchored by her faith in Christ and armed with practical strategies, Lori has found strength and redemption. The adversities that once sent her spiraling are now her testimony to the power of Jesus.

Lori’s Ministry

Armed with a Master’s in Education, coaching certifications, and over two decades of ministry experience, Lori guides others toward unveiling their hope, healing their hearts, and moving forward with confidence. She provides the practical tools, inspiration, and teaching needed for this journey through her award-winning blog, Unveiling Hope. She is also a wife, adoptive, biological, and special needs mom, and a woman who reflects her Creator’s love. 

Lori also writes for various online publications and books, speaks at local and national events and podcasts, hosts Unveiling Hope retreats, and authored the award-winning personal adoption memoir, Surrendered Hearts: An Adoption Story of Love, Loss, and Learning to Trust.

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Best-Selling Author | Speaker | Blogger| Podcaster | When the world is falling apart, we can ALWAYS trust in God’s goodness!


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