How Do I Calm and Quiet My Heart?

How Do I Calm and Quiet My Heart?
Because of the kindness of some generous friends, my husband and I have been able to enjoy some peaceful getaways to the Ozark Mountains each year.
Typically, these trips involve great food, long walks, gorgeous lake views, hiking, and a whole lot of sleep and rest.
My man calls these our, “Ahhhhh…” trips.
Recently, we were on one of these “Ahhhhh…” trips.
Each morning begins with a late wake-up time, a cup of hot coffee, and some moments looking out at the lake and the beautiful views.
Usually, the part of the lake that we look at is rather choppy. Settled near a marina, we get to see lots of boats and activity. The waters are rarely completely calm or smooth.
However, as I awoke on the Monday of our trip, I was startled to look out on the most serene waters I had ever seen on this lake. There was not a single wake, wave, or a bit of movement on the water. It was like glass.
I wished for a boat and a water ski!
And, it was in that quiet moment that I sensed the Lord prompting me to take a good, long look at that water.
As I did, the thought came to my mind,
“Is my heart calm like that water?”
“Am I at peace deep within my spirit like that calm lake water?”
Or, is my spirit disquieted right now?
At that moment, I had to admit that I was anxious, worried, and stressed about so many things. My heart was not at peace, and my spirit was not calm.
And, I’m not alone.
People all around us are stressed, worried, and anxious.
People all around us are stressed, worried, and anxious. Share on X
We are stressed, worried, and anxious.
The Bible addresses these issues.
How Do I Calm and Quiet My Heart? Consider a few verses on these matters:
Psalm 42:11 –
Why are you cast down, O my soul?
And why are you disquieted within me?
Matthew 6:25 –
Therefore I say to you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink;
nor about your body, what you will put on.
Is not life more than food and the body more than clothing?
Luke 10:41 –
But the Lord said to her, “My dear Martha, you are worried and upset over all these details!”
How Do I Calm and Quiet My Heart – Within?
Although none of us can control the noise, the chaos, the people, and the situations AROUND us, we can find deep peace and quietness WITHIN us.
Even when the world is chaotic all around us, we can have calm & quiet hearts.
Even when the world is chaotic all around us, we can have calm & quiet hearts. Share on X
Deep within us, there can be calm.
On that morning as I looked at that calm lake, I began to ask the Lord to once again quiet my heart. I spent time looking through scripture at all of the references about stillness, quietness, anxiety, and worry.
Can I share with you what I discovered?
The Bible speaks at length about quietness, peacefulness, serenity, and their opposites. There are so many verses about these topics.
How can we get a calm and quiet heart again?
1} Be still and acknowledge that He is God and we are not.
Psalm 46:1 – Be still, and know that I am God!
Psalm 100:3 – Acknowledge that the Lord is God!
2} Allow Him to lead us to quietness and quiet waters.
Psalm 23:1-2 –
The Lord is my shepherd;
I have all that I need.
He lets me rest in green meadows;
he leads me beside peaceful streams.
Mark 4:49 –
When Jesus woke up, he rebuked the wind and said to the waves,
Be still!”
Suddenly the wind stopped, and there was a great calm.
3} Invite Him to quiet us with His love, His peace, and His grace.
Zeph. 3:17 – He will quiet you with His love.
4} Find strength in His quietness.
Isaiah 30:15 –
Only in returning to me
and resting in me will you be saved.
Quietness and confidence are your strengths.
Isaiah 32:17 –
And this righteousness will bring peace.
Yes, it will bring quietness and confidence forever.
5} Get up and walk in His peace.
Prov. 14:30 – A peaceful heart leads to a healthy body.
So, can I ask you a personal question today: How are the waters of your heart right now?
Are they choppy, windblown, and white-capping?
Or, do you have a heart that is deeply at rest and quiet before the Lord?
In closing, I was thinking about these questions –
Who do I know that is a peace-filled person?
Do I know any people who live with a quiet spirit?
- Calm
- Thoughtful
- Gentle
- Doesn’t overreact
- Deals in grace
- Brings you peace just by being around them
Honestly, I don’t know too many of these people – just a handful.
But, I am praying that I WILL BECOME one of these people and live as such… so filled with His peace that it will pass all understanding.
I’m praying that you will as well.
Why does this matter? How Do I Calm and Quiet My Heart?
Well, the water skiers in the group will understand.
When we ski, we want the quietest, smoothest water in the entire lake. We are drawn to it.
Similarly, when we as believers exude the fruit of the Spirit of peace and gentleness, others will be drawn to us.
They will want to understand our calm spirits in the middle of the chaos and the noise.
It is in these moments that we get to share our Peace with them!
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Melissa · 05/31/2017 at 8:08 PM
I love your questions at the end. Not only did you acknowledge that many people around us aren’t deeply at peace, but you related that to who you want to be. As I tried to think of anyone in my life that lives out these characteristics of peace, I realized that I don’t know many of them. But how much would I love to be on someone else’s list? Not only would that be wonderful for my own heart but could also show God’s amazing work in my life to others 🙂 My prayer is to show others how God can be the peace in the midst of the chaos.
Bodies of water bring me great peace (oceans, lakes, etc.). I feel God’s presence there more than anywhere else 🙂 Your post is a great visual for me and is actually in line with the sermon series at my church this month (the fruits of the spirit). Maybe God is trying to tell me something?
Can’t wait to see how God uses this in your life and mine! · 06/04/2017 at 1:14 PM
Thank you, Melissa!
I’m sorry I’m just now seeing this comment. It went into my spam folder. Sorry.
I appreciate you taking the time to stop by and make a thoughtful comment!
And, I will pray with you that you can show others how to be at peace in the midst of storms. What a great way to pray!
Additionally, I’m praying He will bless you and your ministry with great joy!
Your words have encouraged me today~
Mabel · 04/26/2017 at 2:41 AM
Thank you for the message. It really blessed me. · 04/27/2017 at 8:10 AM
Thank you, Mabel!
I appreciate you and your kind words!
Hope you have a blessed day today~
Julie Moore · 03/29/2017 at 2:59 PM
I love how you use Scripture after Scripture to remind us to find our calm in the Lord and not in our circumstances! · 03/29/2017 at 5:00 PM
Thanks, Julie!
I can think of nothing better than Scripture to calm our worried and anxious hearts!
Hope you have a wonderful day today~
Lauren Gaskill · 03/28/2017 at 1:46 PM
My heart is full of white caps these days … but I love what you said about trusting that God will lead us into peace. I’m hanging on to Him, waiting and asking for Him to calm the storm and believing He will in due time. Thanks for the encouragement! · 03/29/2017 at 4:51 PM
Thank you, Lauren!
I’m praying for you to hear the Savior speak peace over your whitecaps! He is the ONE to calm our storms.
Keep on keeping on. You are going to make it through this season.