How to Change the Way You Think

How to Change the Way You Think
He was a well-liked middle school teacher.
When he received his homeroom list with names and IQ numbers, he got so excited.
These kids were brilliant!
He’d never had the gifted and talented kids before.
This was going to be his best year ever!
As the teacher met his new students and welcomed them to school, he began to encourage them for the smart and capable group of kids they were.
Daily, he would exhort them to do their best, for he knew they were able.
He believed in them completely. And, they had the most amazing year with incredible test scores and successes.
How to Change the Way You Think
At the close of the school year, the principal came to this teacher and congratulated him on a wonderful and successful school year.
She asked, “What did you do to get those students to perform so well? Their test scores were well above average.”
The teacher asked, “What do you mean? I had the brightest kids with the highest I.Q.s!”
“Where on earth did you get that idea?” the principal asked.
The teacher went to his desk drawer and pulled out his class roster showing the principal the kids’ names and I.Q.’s.
“Oh, my,” the principal exclaimed. “Those numbers are not their IQ scores; those are their locker numbers. These are just average kids that you’ve been teaching. No one in this group is particularly gifted or talented.”
All year long, that middle school teacher believed he had been teaching the brightest kids.
So, he treated them like they were brilliant. And, they believed it too!
There is something so powerful in what we believe!
There is something so powerful in what we believe! Share on X
Our beliefs and our thoughts impact everything we do… How to Change the Way You Think
There is great power in what we say to ourselves.
So, what are you believing?
What sorts of truths are you telling yourself each day?
It matters what we think!
It matters what you and I tell ourselves!!
Proverbs 4:23 reminds us of this truth: “Be careful what you think, because your thoughts run your life.”
It matters what we think! It matters what we tell ourselves!! Share on X
What if today, you and I began to believe better truths?
More powerful truths.
Life-altering truths.
What if we intentionally told ourselves some powerful Bible truths that could transform the way that we think and act?
What if we intentionally told ourselves some powerful Bible truths that could transform the way that we think? Share on X
To help you with this… How to Change the Way You Think
I’m excited to share two amazing resources with you today that can help you to change the way that you think!
Both of these resources come from my amazing blogging friend (and Christian Counselor) Sunshyne Gray.
Sunshyne shares truths that change lives; she is a licensed Christian therapist who teaches people new patterns of living and relating that line up with God’s Word and His purpose for their lives.
Here are two amazing new resources that Sunshyne has recently released:
First, you may want to check out her video and workbook series called, “How to Stop Feeling Anxious.“
You can discover more about this video and workbook HERE.
Second, if you are more serious about this, you may be interested in her new online course called, “Taking Every Thought Captive.”
You can learn more about this online course HERE.
And, if you end up watching the video or taking the course, let me know.
I’d love to hear how it helps you!
You can discover how to change the way you think! Share on X
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Betsy de Cruz · 11/05/2019 at 8:38 AM
Wow, Melanie! These are powerful words, my friend. Thank you for this powerful encouragement! · 11/06/2019 at 9:14 AM
Thank you, Betsy!
Sure do appreciate you!
Melanie M. Redd · 11/03/2019 at 3:20 PM
Thank you, Deb!
It is so powerful what we tell ourselves! Amen!
Sure am blessed by you~
Deb Wolf · 11/01/2019 at 9:49 AM
Wow, Melanie, this is so powerful! What we repeatedly tell ourselves becomes what we believe and that influences how we live. We settle for so much less than God wants for us! Thanks for reminding us of His truth!