How to Make the Prayer of David (in Psalm 20) Personal

How to Make the Prayer of David (in Psalm 20) Personal
Recently, I had to get some new reading glasses.
I went to the glasses shop and met with my favorite optician. Her name is Deborah, and she’s been helping me choose glasses for about 10 years.
Our practice is pretty simple… We gather up about 20 pairs of glasses that we like. Then we get a big mirror and start trying on.
Deborah is so good at helping to select the glasses that look the best on my face. So, I always love meeting with Deborah and choosing my glasses.
She’s clear, she’s specific, and she pays attention to the details.
When I order a pair of glasses with Deborah, I’ll always know I’m going to like how they turn out. They’ll look good, they’ll fit well, and I’ll be very happy with my new glasses.
But… Last Year
Last year, sadly, Deborah wasn’t working the day I had to choose my new glasses.
So, I made the worst decision… I chose the glasses all by myself!
And I did not like the way my choice turned out. They didn’t look or fit as well. Truly, I never loved those glasses.
And I learned… working with a seasoned glasses expert (like Deborah) is always the best decision.
It’s Sort of Like a Prayer
Similarly, we have a choice in our prayer lives. We can go to the Lord with all of our “things,” or we can try to make it on our own.
When we go to the Lord, we’re asking Him to help us with very specific decisions and choices for our lives. He’s able to take the big mirror and help us to choose the very best options.
But when we tried to do it by ourselves, it never turned out as well.
Truly, we flail around and try to make things work out ourselves. We try to control our own lives. Typically, we don’t enjoy the outcomes much.
And so, let’s focus on praying more intentionally and purposefully today. Let’s take the words of David’s prayer in Psalm 20 and pray these ourselves. This prayer is divided into 7 specific requests.
Will you pray these with me?
Here is: How to Make the Prayer of David in Psalm 20 Personal.
First, as we pray Psalm 20, let’s pray that the Lord will hear our cry.
Psalm 20:1 says, “In times of trouble, may the Lord answer your cry.”
Pray this way with me…
“Father, I’m crying out to You today. Bend down and listen as I pray. Be near me as I lift my request to You. Thank You that You hear me. Thank You that You care about what’s going on in my life. Today, I ask that You listen as I cry out to heaven.
Thank You that Psalm 55:16-17 promises that I can call to You, and You will save me. Evening, morning, and noon, I can cry out to You in my distress, and You will hear my voice.”
Second, as we pray with David, let’s pray that God will keep us safe from all harm today.
Psalm 20:1 says, “May the name of the God of Jacob keep you safe from all harm.”
Harm can be anything that will cause us grief sadness or concern. It can be financial, emotional, spiritual, relational, or harmful in our work. Truly, harm can come in the form.
We can pray and ask God to keep us safe from all harm.
Pray this with me…
“Lord, there are so many things around us that can cause us harm. Today, I pray that You would keep my family and me safe from all harm. Protect us as we drive, walk, run, travel, work, eat, and live. Whatever we’re doing today, would You surround us with Your protection and keep us safe?
Father, I thank You for the words of Isaiah 41:10 that remind us… We don’t have to fear, for You are with us. We don’t have to be dismayed for You are our God. You will strengthen us and help us. You will hold us up with Your righteous right hand.”
Third, as we pray with David, let’s pray that God will send us help and strengthen us.
It’s true–we can ask Him to support us help us and strengthen us. He invites us to do this.
Pray this with me, “Father, Some days I feel so tired and weak. I need Your help. Would You send me Your assistance? Would You send Your strength into my life?
In Psalm 28:7, You promise that You are my strength and my shield. My heart trusts in You and You help me.
Also, in Psalm 20:49, You promise to give strength to the weary increase and to increase the power of the weak. Lord, I’m weary and I’m weak today. I ask You to increase my power and strengthen me in my exhaustion.”
Fourth, let’s pray that God will remember our offerings and sacrifices to Him.
Interestingly, according to commentator J Vernon McGee, this particular prayer is not talking about our offerings and gifts. Instead, this prayer is talking about the gifts and sacrifices that the Lord Jesus made on our behalf.
In Hebrews chapter 5, we read about the sacrifices that Christ made on our behalf. (You can read about what He did for us.)
So, let’s pray in this way,
“Thank You, Lord. For what Jesus did on my behalf. Thank You that Jesus died and gave His life as a sacrifice so that I could know You and have a relationship with You. What a gift!
The words of Romans 5 verse 8 encourage me today, Lord. Thank You that You demonstrated Your love for us. While I was still a sinner, Christ died for me. Thank you for this incredible offering! I am so blessed!”
Fifth, as we pray Psalm 20, let’s ask God to grant our heart’s desires and make our plans succeed.
Of all of these prayers, this may be the most fun for us to pray!
Truly, we can pray this for ourselves. We can pray this for our children. And we can pray this for our spouses and significant others.
So, pray this with me,
“Father, would You grant the desires of my heart? Would You look into the depths of what matters most to me and do amazing things? You know me better than anyone. I ask that You answer my prayers knowing always what is best for me.
Also, Father, would You help my plans to succeed? Would You take those things that I’m doing for You that are good and right and best, and cause them to succeed greatly?
Lord, I pray the words of Psalm 115:14, may You give us success, and may You give my children and my grandchildren success.”
Sixth, as we pray and see the answers, let’s ask God to let others get great joy because of what you’re doing.
Pray in this way with me,
“May others shout for joy when they hear of the victories. May others raise a victory banner in Your name because of the way You’re answering our prayers, Lord.
Father, would You encourage others when they see victory in my life and the lives of my family members? Let it not lead to jealousy, but let it lead to rejoicing and hope and victory.
Also, I pray the prayer of Romans 15:13. As I rejoice, and we rejoice, may others rejoice with us.”
Finally, as we pray, let’s ask God to answer our prayers.
Pray in this way with me,
“Lord, I pray that You will not only hear but that You will answer my prayers.
In Philippians 4:6, You tell us to pray about all things. So, Lord, I’m going to begin to pray like I’ve never prayed before and ask You to answer like You’ve never answered before.
Also, in Matthew 7:7-8, You tell us to ask and it will be given to us. You tell us to seek, and we will find. You tell us to knock, and the door will be opened to us. For everyone who asked receives, and the one who seeks finds, and to the one who knocks, it will be open.
Also, Lord, you remind us in Jeremiah 29:12 that we can call upon You and come to pray to You and You will hear us.
Father, I ask that You hear my prayers today and that You answer my prayers today. Thank You, in advance, for everything You’re going to do in my life.”
Closing Thoughts – How to Make the Prayer of David in Psalm 20 Personal
When I started this article, I told you that I don’t choose glasses anymore without going to see my optician, Deborah. Truly, she is a wonderful help when it comes to choosing the best pair of eyeglasses.
Even more, we need to daily seek out God Almighty in our lives. We need to pray like we’ve never prayed before!
Want to see more prayers answered?
Just begin to pray! We learn to pray by praying! As we get more comfortable with prayer, we will pray more and more!
“Each time, before you intercede, be quiet first, and worship God in His glory. Think of what He can do, and how He delights to hear the prayers of His redeemed people. Think of your place and privilege in Christ, and expect great things!”
Andrew Murray
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How to Make the Prayer of David (in Psalm 20) Personal