A Little Encouragement for those Who Struggle with OCD

A Little Encouragement for Those Who Struggle with OCD
From time to time, I meet friends who take the time to share their struggles with me.
It’s amazing to hear about some of the issues, illnesses, and challenges that people are dealing with and fighting to overcome.
A Story
Recently, one of these friends permitted me to share her story. I believe her words will encourage others today.
Today, I’d like to introduce you to one of my newest blogging friends – Holli.
Melanie – Tell us a little bit about yourself.
Holli – My name is Holli Anne Perkins. I’m 32, and I hold a Bachelor’s degree in Creative Writing. I have a wonderful group of family and friends and I love to go to Starbucks to relax! (She is pictured below.)
A Little Encouragement for Those Who Struggle with OCD – Beginnings
Melanie – Would you share how you came to Christ?
Holli – I have come to know Jesus Christ through His pressing on my heart to surrender to Him. I always knew “about” Jesus, but it was more that He wanted from me. It’s been a journey getting to know Him, and I consider every single moment on my face before Him worth it because He is worth it.
However, I didn’t grow up in a home that went to church often or followed Christ. But I found Jesus when I went to college. Campus ministries there ultimately helped me get to know Him and accept Him. Every trial in my life has led me closer to Him, and while I struggle in my flesh to follow Him faithfully daily, as we all do, I love Him deeply because I felt like my illness made me unlovable; He squashed the devil under my feet and defied that lie!
Struggles Begin…
Melanie – You’ve told me that you struggle with a difficult illness. Would you briefly describe your illness?
Holli – My illness is a mental illness, a chemical imbalance in my brain, called Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. It’s not like the “OCD” term people use so lightly. I have suffered immensely and struggled daily just to contain my anxiety. I also struggle with a Generalized Anxiety Disorder along with my OCD.
Also, my OCD puts scary thoughts in my head, but at no time have I acted on them. Christ helps me get through my anxiety daily and keeps it from harming my relationships with God and others, which is easy for me to do.
A Little Encouragement for Those Who Struggle with OCD – Solutions
Melanie – What remedies, help, and solutions have you discovered for your illness?
Holli – I’ve been to psychiatrists, counselors, nurse practitioners, and psychologists. My case of OCD has been so severe that I’ve had to seek out every form of help possible. I’m on medication for my OCD and anxiety. It helps.
But honestly, God is the only One that sustains me throughout the day. He is so gentle with me. I’ve discovered that psychiatric professionals are blessings and people especially myself need them, but God is the Ultimate Physician and I trust Him with my recovery.
Words of Encouragement
Melanie – What words of encouragement would you like to share with others struggling with this illness?
Holli – I would just love to tell anyone and everyone else who struggles with OCD and anxiety that you are not losing it, and you are not alone. I bought the lie that I was losing it and the only one going through this. No, I wasn’t, and no, you’re not either, friend. There is power in the name of Jesus to heal and break chains!
Even more, I would love just to sit down and talk to another sufferer of OCD and anxiety, and give them hope that anxiety is not eternal. Christ is eternal. And He loves you, deeply.
A Little Encouragement for Those Who Struggle with OCD – Scripture
Melanie – Would you share your favorite scripture and how this verse gives you hope?
Holli – My favorite scripture is 2 Corinthians 12:9-10, which reads:
And He said to me, ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness.’ Therefore I take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in needs, in persecutions, in distresses, for Christ’s sake. For when I am weak, then I am strong.”
This verse gives me hope because it tells me that I don’t have to try so hard to be strong on my own. It tells me that His grace is enough for me, in fact, more than enough! It says I am to consider it all joy (like in the book of James, James 1:2-4) when I’m distressed just because His strength is enough and His strength is the perfection that I can’t be on my own!
Thank you so much, Holli, for sharing words of hope with us today.
You have blessed us and offered much hope to anyone who might be struggling with OCD.
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Niki · 05/27/2019 at 8:31 PM
Thank you Melanie. I to suffer badly with OCD and would love to get in touch with Holli. I see this is an old post, so I’m not sure if you have this ability anymore?
helloredds@gmail.com · 06/05/2019 at 2:59 PM
Hey Niki,
It’s so good to hear from you! Thanks so much for being a part of our community.
And, I’m sure Holli would love to connect with you. Her email is perkinshollianne@gmail.com.
Why don’t you tell her you read her post on my site and would like to talk with her?
Hope this helps~
betsydecruz · 10/28/2016 at 11:10 AM
Such a sweet testimony here to God, our powerful yet gentle healer. Thanks so much for sharing your story, Holli. I didn’t know OCD could be so serious. Sometimes I refer to it jokingly because I think I have it, but you’re helping me to see I really shouldn’t refer to it like that. (I’m more perfectionist compulsive, but not something disabling.) I appreciate your story.
helloredds@gmail.com · 10/31/2016 at 11:06 AM
Thank you, Betsy, for your words of encouragement!
I believe Holli shared such great insight and gave us a little more sensitivity to OCD.
You are kind to stop by today!
Candace · 10/25/2016 at 2:30 PM
I love how Holli calls God the Ultimate Physician. I’m taking that with me today! Thank you. My daughter struggles with OCD. It’s hard to completely understand if it hasn’t touched your life. It can be truly debilitating at times. This interview is filled with hope and truth. It will no doubt serve many, including this often worried and weary mommy :).
helloredds@gmail.com · 10/27/2016 at 10:24 AM
Hey Candace,
He is the ultimate Physician, isn’t He!
So glad you were encouraged by the article. I’m so sorry your daughter is struggling.
I pray you both will be encouraged as you walk through these days.
I’ll pass along your kind words to Holli! Thank you for stopping by.
Hope you have a blessed day today~