How to Make Better Friends

The room was packed with college graduates and young professionals.
Summer was beginning, and everyone was home from school and excited about seeing old friends and making new ones.
Our church was having its first summer event for our age group.
We were all having dinner together at The Spaghetti Warehouse.
I arrived solo, hoping to be seated at a table with some of my long-time friends.
However, when I entered the room, there were no chairs available at familiar tables with my familiar friends.
I walked around the room feeling a little lost.
I’d been away at college for the last four years, and most of my high school friends had moved on – making new friends.
My heart was starting to beat a little faster as I tried to decide what to do next.
- Where would I sit?
- Who was I still close to?
- Where would I fit in now that I was back in town?
- Where were my friends?
Perspiration was starting to gather on my upper lip.
And I was beginning to feel very alone and uncomfortable.
I needed a place to sit, and I had no idea where to turn.
I thought I might just turn around and head back out to my car. It was that awkward.
It was at that moment that the most amazing thing happened.
Then, the unexpected happened…
A lovely brunette that I’d never met before came up to me and invited me to come and sit at her table.
She pulled out a chair, invited me to sit down, and introduced me to a whole table of her friends – none of whom I knew.
That’s all it took to meet a great group of women who would become some of my favorite friends over the next months and years.
In a very uncomfortable moment in my life… a woman I did not know gave me the most amazing gift.
She gave me exactly what I needed – friendliness.
She practiced incredible generosity, kindness, and hospitality that day.
And, I believe, she taught me a valuable lesson – a biblical lesson.
You’ve likely heard or read the Proverb:
“A man that has friends must show himself friendly.” (Proverbs 18:24)
Jesus stated it this way,
“Do to others as you would like them to do to you.” (Luke 6:31)
So, How Do We Make Better Friends and Enjoy Better Friendships?
First, we have to get over ourselves!
To enjoy others, we’ve got to get past our insecurities and be willing to put ourselves out there.
You can’t be friendly and stay “safe” at the same time.
Most of us don’t want to feel the discomfort of making the first move.
So, we keep to ourselves and miss out on the fun, the fellowship, and the companionship.
Friendly people are courageous people – willing to make the first move.
To have better friends, you are going to have to be open to branching out into new territory. Share on X
It might feel really strange, but it will be worth it!
Second, we have to actually take risks and put ourselves out there!
To make new friends, we may have to send the first text, make the first call, or initiate the first lunch or coffee meeting.
- Just do it anyway.
- Pick up the phone.
- Send the email.
- Walk up to the person at work or church.
Chances are, they will appreciate your gesture of kindness.
Likely, they will respond favorably.
I remember when my husband and I moved to a new city for a job.
We didn’t know anyone very well.
So, we started inviting other couples over for supper. We would cook out, talk, and usually, play a board game or two.
We had to invite several couples over before we found great friends.
At times it was a little uncomfortable.
However, with each invitation, we got a little braver.
In time, we made some wonderful friends.
But, we had to first put ourselves out there.
To have better friends, you are going to have to take risks & put yourself out there! Share on X
Third, we have to give others what we need!
Pastor Adrian Rogers used to say regularly,
“Give to others what you need. If you need kindness, give kindness.
If you need a good word, give a good word. And, if you need friendship, give friendship.”
That’s the idea here.
If you are lonely and in need of companionship, give companionship to someone else.
Give friendship because you need friendship.
If you are new to a place, a church, or a city, reach out because you need someone to reach out to you.
Care because you need someone to care about you.
I have personally practiced this principle over and over in my life.
And, I’ve seen it work again and again.
When I unselfishly give to others, I gain.
Somehow in reaching out to others, I am blessed and encouraged.
Sometimes others will respond favorably.
Sometimes they will not.
Reach out and be friendly anyway.
Do it because it will change you – no matter how they react.
Do it because the Bible tells us to.
You do it because it’s the right thing to do.
Do it because you want to have better friends.
To have better friends, you are going to have to give to others what you need! Share on X
By the way…
That beautiful brunette who reached out to me that night at The Spaghetti Warehouse became my lifelong friend.
We were at each other’s weddings and we’ve been close friends for over 30 years now!
It’s all because she reached out and was friendly when I needed it most.
Many of you have mentioned to me that you are lonely – in need of friendship.
Especially after the pandemic and all of this time at home, we need to focus on gathering and being in the community again.
That’s why we are focusing on friendships.
It’s my hope and my prayer that you will be encouraged as we think about better relationships and more meaningful friendships.
You can catch all of the friendship articles by linking to them below:
How to Make Better Friends – Week One
How to Begin & Enjoy a Mentoring Relationship – Week Two
And How to Enjoy Mutually Encouraging Friendships – Week Three
How to Invest in the Life of a Younger Friend – Week Four
How to Expand Your Friendship Horizons – Week Five
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Katie · 01/08/2017 at 8:42 AM
I found just what I think I need right here!
Thank you dear friend! · 01/08/2017 at 3:15 PM
Hey Katie,
Thanks for stopping by to leave a comment today!
So glad you found what you needed.
Praying that God will bless you and encourage you~
Marcie · 10/10/2016 at 3:42 PM
Hi Melanie~when I went to a high school reunion the same thing happened to me, but no one asked me to sit with them. I didn’t see anyone I knew & I did get up & leave. I never went to another class reunion & have been out of high school 47 years now. That’s pretty sad. I really appreciated your article, thanks for sharing! · 10/11/2016 at 4:46 PM
Hey Marcie,
I think we have ALL been there – alone, awkward, uncomfortable! It’s the worst feeling, isn’t it!
Amazingly, I read a book by a very popular author and speaker recently. She shared about this same thing happening to her.
Sadly, I think it’s part of life.
The good news – we can be the ones to reach out and be kind!
Praying God will bless you with much sweet fellowship this week.
Thanks for stopping by.
Tona · 08/19/2016 at 3:23 PM
I agree making friends takes courage. I have reached out to individuals and at times it has worked and other times it doesn’t. I think the key is to keep reaching out anyway. · 08/19/2016 at 4:04 PM
Amen, Tona!
Keep reaching out! Don’t give up.
I believe there are some precious sisters out there who would love to be your friend.
I will pray that God bless your friendships and fill your life with women who will encourage you, support you, pray with you, and sweetly build you up!
ordinarilyextraordinarymom · 08/11/2016 at 5:07 PM
This blog is amazing. I’m working on new friendships because many of my friends have moved, and I feel as though I have closed myself off to some degree. Great tips. Thank so much for sharing · 08/12/2016 at 3:47 PM
Thank you for your kind words! I’m so glad you stopped by today!
Keep on working on those new friendships. Don’t close yourself off.
Open up – there are amazing women out there who need friends just like you!
And, I hope you will join us for the 30-Day Friendship Challenge.
You can find out more here:
alisa · 08/09/2016 at 11:52 AM
Melanie, this was exactly what I needed! “You can’t be friendly and stay “safe” at the same time” is such a timely word for me! Just coming back from the She Speaks conference, I was put in this same position that you mentioned here. Except I didn’t take the plunge and step out. I hid in my room!!! I know God has been calling me to step out more in this area. Thank you for your encouraging words. · 08/10/2016 at 5:57 PM
Hey Alisa,
It’s so good to hear from you! Thanks for stopping by today and leaving a kind word!
You are too precious and have way too much to offer to hide in your room! I double dog dare you to take the plunge! Honestly, you have so much more to gain than to lose!
I would love it if you would do this 30 Day Friendship Challenge with us and let us know if it helps!
Now, I know how to pray for you!!
KeiYawnnah · 08/05/2016 at 3:36 PM
This post has been most helpful in explaining step by step how to make friends. I will pass this on to someone who struggles with making friends. · 08/06/2016 at 2:10 PM
Thank you for stopping by and leaving a good word today!
I would love for you to share this article with others.
Hope you have a blessed day~
Ginger Harrington · 08/05/2016 at 2:24 PM
Such great tips here. Taking risks and being an initiator have helped me. It’s also been important to give God the friendship and let Him develop the ones he wants to take deeper. · 08/06/2016 at 2:12 PM
Thank you, Ginger! I’m so glad you stopped by today.
And, we do have to step out there and take those risks, don’t we!
Love it when the Lord sends friends and takes them deeper as well.
I’m sure grateful for you and for your friendship~
Karen Del Tatto · 08/05/2016 at 11:34 AM
Melanie, This post spoke such encouragement to my heart at this season in my life of very few friends.
I live in a notoriously “clicky” area of the country and as such, it is very hard to make friends. I tend to shy away from reaching out because I just assume the answer will be no. There is such truth in what you said that “Being friendly takes courage”.
I was greatly encouraged by the insight to “give what you need”.
I have been so blessed by my visit here today. 🙂 · 08/06/2016 at 2:09 PM
Thank you, Karen, for your visit and your kind words today.
Making new friends can be such a challenge! However, I still think it is worth it to put yourself out there – no matter how hard!
I pray that God will fill your life with great friendships, companionship, conversation, laughter, and joy!
There is likely another sister in your area/neighborhood who would LOVE to have a friend like you!
I’m going to ask God to put you two together!
Lori Schumaker of Seaching for Moments · 08/05/2016 at 10:42 AM
This is going to be AWESOME, Melanie! As women, we struggle with friendship, don’t we? What a needed resource this will be!!
Deb Wolf · 08/05/2016 at 9:28 AM
I love tip #1 – Get over yourself. Rev used to ask our Bible class what they thought about more than anything else. The answer is always – myself! To make great friends we have to look out and see great friends. I love that your friend reached out when you needed someone to make you feel welcome. What a blessing. And you do practice these points and reach out to others through friendship. I’m so glad to be among them. You bless me!! · 08/05/2016 at 10:46 AM
Yep! We do have to get beyond ourselves, don’t we!
And, thank you for your kind words today. As usual, you have encouraged my heart!
Sure am grateful for your friendship~
You Don't Have to Walk Through This Alone - Shame on Shanty · 03/23/2017 at 5:27 AM
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