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Hearing Loss.

Whether temporary or permanent, hearing loss can be a real challenge.

If you have never experienced hearing loss, this is your chance to learn how you can help others.

In this post, we’ll break down some things about hearing loss that you should know.

Also, you will learn how to deal with them in a healthy way.

Whether temporary or permanent, hearing loss can be a real challenge. Here is the side to hearing loss you never considered.

Expecting The Unexpected: The Side To Hearing Loss You Never Considered

The Emotional Side of Hearing Loss

Hearing loss can profoundly affect individuals.

However, many people don’t appreciate just how emotionally significant hearing loss can be for a person.

First off, hearing is a huge part of our social and emotional lives.

Having conversations with those we love, attending events with lots of people, listening to music – all of these things require a hearing.

Without hearing, our emotional well-being can be harmed in a significant way.

Hearing loss can make a person feel alienated from those around them, especially at first.

If you aren’t used to having to ask people to repeat themselves, this can be embarrassing.

Perhaps you can no longer attend large gatherings and events without a hearing aid or helper.

This is hard too and can be quite a blow to a person’s self-esteem.

Hearing Loss and Mental Health

Unfortunately, many people who experience hearing loss also report anxiety and depression as side effects.

This is often due to emotional elements combined with having to potentially change their job. Or, they have had to give up something that they enjoy.

In addition, tinnitus, (a ringing or buzzing in the ears) can cause hearing loss.

Tinnitus can also cause a decline in a person’s mental health. Often, this is due to sleeplessness and lack of concentration.

Perhaps, we need to discuss mental health issues related to hearing loss more often.

If you feel yourself becoming sad or frustrated due to your hearing loss, make sure you speak with your doctor as soon as possible.

You don’t have to suffer in silence.

Feeling Left Out Due to Hearing Loss

Often, the feelings of alienation that come with hearing loss can manifest themselves.

People who you once knew very well are now cautious around you. Their discomfort can make you feel left out.

If you are learning sign language to assist with your communication, this can be both helpful and alienating.

Often people don’t understand that you can speak both verbally and by signing.

Ultimately, hearing loss would be better understood if we talked about it more.

If you are experiencing hearing loss for the first time, just know that you aren’t alone in your feelings if you are struggling to adjust.

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Expecting The Unexpected: The Side To Hearing Loss You Never Considered

Best-Selling Author | Speaker | Blogger| Podcaster | When the world is falling apart, we can ALWAYS trust in God’s goodness!


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