Fabulous Ways to Make Easter about JESUS

Published by helloredds@gmail.com on

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Fabulous Ways to Make Easter about JESUS

Walk into any store right now, and you’ll be bombarded with Easter baskets.

Easter decorations.

Easter candy.

Outfits for Easter.

Easter toys.

Easter cards.

Fabulous Ways to Make Easter about JESUS

We’ve commercialized and monetized this holiday celebration just like any other one.

However, this is not an ordinary celebration.

This is the “granddaddy of them all.” This is the “super bowl” for Christ-followers everywhere. It’s the day that changed all of history.

Easter is the day our Hero defeated death and came out of the grave!

Easter is the day that our Hero defeated death and came out of the grave! Share on X

“He isn’t here! He has risen from the dead, just as he said would happen.

Come, see where his body was lying.” Matthew 28:6

Fabulous Ways to Make Easter about JESUS

So, I want to invite you (and me) and everyone who claims the name of Christ to try to be more intentional this year about including Jesus in your Easter celebrations.

Yes, get dressed up and go to church. Enjoy a huge lunch. Have at least one Easter egg hunt. (My kids repeated the egg hunts for days!) 

And, yes, purposely focus more on Jesus.

I want to offer some simple ways you can intentionally infuse more of Jesus into your Easter celebrations.

None of these take a lot of preparation, but each suggestion will give you a tool for making this holiday more meaningful and more special.

(I invite you to try to add JUST ONE of these ideas to your celebrations!)

Here are some Fabulous Ways to Make Easter about JESUS:

1} Celebrate with praise music.

Don’t wait for Sunday morning. Start playing praise music now!

And, play it up to Easter. Crank up some tunes that will cause you and your family to worship, praise, and turn the focus toward heaven.

Ideas to help you to do this:

  • IHeartRadio – enter an Easter song like, “Christ is Risen.” A whole playlist will play after the song.
  • YouTube – find some great songs and turn them up.
  • Play CDs – dig out some old favorites and turn them on.
  • Turn on K-LOVE.
  • Find the Seasonal Celebration or Inspirational Channel on your cable directory and play music on your TV.

2} Get some “Resurrection Eggs” and use them.

My kids loved these Resurrection Eggs, and they do all the work for you. The whole story of Jesus is told through these simple eggs. You can buy these eggs at most Christian bookstores.

Or, you can make your own set. Here’s a link to show you how: http://www.creativebiblestudy.com/resurrection-eggs.html

3} Drive or walk around over the next few weeks and look at everything that is in bloom.

Talk about how “new” and “fresh” everything looks. Explain to your family that God made all things new for us by sending Christ to die in our place.

Here’s a Verse you can use – He who was seated on the throne said, “I am making everything new!”‘ (Revelation 21:5a)

You can say something like: “Just as God makes all the plants, flowers, and trees new, so also He can make our lives new as we trust in His Son Jesus to save us.”

Would you like some ideas for games, crafts, and treats to use with your kids and your family for Easter? I want to offer some simple ways you can intentionally infuse more of Jesus into your Easter celebrations.

4} Take a moment to explain what it means that Jesus died and rose for you.

Share your testimony with your family and friends.

Talk about how Christ has made a difference in your life.

5} As you are preparing to hunt for Easter eggs, read the story of Zacchaeus in Luke 19:1-10.

The last verse (verse 10) says, For the Son of Man came to seek and save those who are lost.”

Explain that Jesus comes looking for us just like we go looking for lost eggs. Say something like: “He seeks after us to save us, just as we seek after those eggs!”

Or, “He hunts for us with His grace just like we hunt for those little eggs!”

6} Watch at least one video, movie, or TV show that shares the true story of Easter.

Some Movie Ideas

  • The Passion of the Christ – for older crowds
  • The Greatest Story Ever Told
  • Amazing Grace
  • The Jesus Film
  • Veggie Tales: An Easter Carol
  • The Greatest Adventures of the Bible – The Easter Story

Would you like some ideas for games, crafts, and treats to use with your kids and your family for Easter? I want to offer some simple ways you can intentionally infuse more of Jesus into your Easter celebrations.

Would you like some ideas for games, crafts, and treats to use with your kids and your family for Easter? I want to offer some simple ways you can intentionally infuse more of Jesus into your Easter celebrations.

I also found these links for additional movie ideas:




7} At Sunday lunch, go around the table and answer this question: what does it mean to you that Jesus rose again?

Since you asked the question, you could start. Share a short answer, and then invite others to do the same.

You could say something like: “Because Jesus rose again, I have hope for our future.” Or, “Because Jesus is alive, I have victory and peace.”

8} Take time to intentionally praise the Lord.

While driving, try the alphabet praise game. Start with the letter “A” and say something for which you can praise God.

For example:

“I praise God for being AMAZING, AWESOME, ABLE.”

“Thank you, Father, for being BIG, BEST, and BLESSED.”

“I praise God because He is CARING, COMPASSIONATE, CHRIST.

Go through the whole alphabet in this same way. Some letters are harder. You can work together on this one! Make it fun, and teach your family to praise, all at the same time.

9} Read the Easter story together from the Bible.

You can use an easy-to-read translation or a paraphrase for young children.

Here are the main passages in the four Gospels:

  • Matthew 27:1-28:10
  • Mark 14:1-16:13
  • Luke 22:39-24:12
  • John 18:1-20:31

You can read all of a passage or just a part of one. The story is familiar, but it is so good to hear it read each year.

10} Read an Easter book or two – you can find many at the library or online.

You can also download a book to your Nook or Kindle to read.

Here are some book ideas:

  • Benjamin’s Box by Melody Carlson
  • Parable of the Lily by Liz Curtis Higgs
  • God Gave Us Easter by Lisa Tawn Bergen
  • The Berenstain Bears and the Easter Story by Mike Berenstain

Would you like some ideas for games, crafts, and treats to use with your kids and your family for Easter? I want to offer some simple ways you can intentionally infuse more of Jesus into your Easter celebrations.

Would you like some ideas for games, crafts, and treats to use with your kids and your family for Easter? I want to offer some simple ways you can intentionally infuse more of Jesus into your Easter celebrations.

For more Easter book ideas, I found this wonderful post:

Best Children’s Easter Books: HTTP://www.notwiddletwaddle.com/2012/03/best-childrens-easter-books-my.html

11} Create an Easter craft together.

Since this is not my thing, I did a little research.

Here are some wonderful-looking ideas that I found:

Would you like some ideas for games, crafts, and treats to use with your kids and your family for Easter? I want to offer some simple ways you can intentionally infuse more of Jesus into your Easter celebrations.

12} Make some “Resurrection Cookies” or “Resurrection Rolls.”

Link to bake Resurrection Cookies: http://www.yourhomebasedmom.com/resurrection-cookies-easter-scripture-eggsactivity-day-idea/ (pictured below)

Would you like some ideas for games, crafts, and treats to use with your kids and your family for Easter? I want to offer some simple ways you can intentionally infuse more of Jesus into your Easter celebrations.

Link to Resurrection Rolls: http://www.coffeewithus3.com/resurrection-rolls/ (pictured below)

Would you like some ideas for games, crafts, and treats to use with your kids and your family for Easter? I want to offer some simple ways you can intentionally infuse more of Jesus into your Easter celebrations.

13} Pray together as a family.

This doesn’t have to be anything profound. It can be very simple. Let everyone express their thanks to God for the gift of His Son.

Short prayers are great.

There is nothing sweeter than a little child talking to Jesus!

There is nothing sweeter than a little child talking to Jesus! Share on X

14} Attend an Easter service on Friday night or Saturday.

Go to church more than once during Easter weekend.  Most churches have services at all times and on all days over the Easter weekend. Check online and find an “extra” church service you can attend. Plan it now! Go and join in.

Make a new memory and start a new tradition this year.

Make a new memory and start a new tradition this year. Share on X

15} As you are tucking your kids in bed, remind them that you love them and remind them that God loves them.

Share John 3:16 with them as you are saying goodnight. You can even add their names to the verse like this:

“For God so LOVED    (child’s name)      that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.” John 3:16, NKJV

16} Personally take a few moments over the next few weeks and thank God for the gift of Jesus.

Tell Him how much His sacrifice means to you. Stop and reflect on what He did for you when He sent Jesus to this earth.

Think about the words of this passage from 1 Corinthians 15:3-5:

“I passed on to you what was most important and what had also been passed on to me.

Christ died for our sins, just as the Scriptures said.  

He was buried, and he was raised from the dead on the third day, just as the Scriptures said.”

That’s it!

It’s really that simple.

My challenge to you (and to me) this week is to enjoy Easter and remember to celebrate Jesus in the midst of it all.

My prayer is that we will all lift our eyes to heaven a little more often over the next few days.

I’d love to hear back from you if you try even ONE of these ideas! 

Were you encouraged by what you read?

Then, would you share this article with a friend, co-worker, or family member?

Or, maybe you can send it to a friend or family member?

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Let's be more intentional this year for Easter to celebrate the real reason for the holiday. Here are 16 fabulous ways to make Easter about Jesus. #easter #easteraboutjesus #jesus


Would you like some ideas for games, crafts, and treats to use with your kids and your family for Easter? I want to offer some simple ways you can intentionally infuse more of Jesus into your Easter celebrations.

Would you like some ideas for games, crafts, and treats to use with your kids and your family for Easter? I want to offer some simple ways you can intentionally infuse more of Jesus into your Easter celebrations.







Best-Selling Author | Speaker | Blogger| Podcaster | When the world is falling apart, we can ALWAYS trust in God’s goodness!


Betty · 04/11/2020 at 3:00 AM

Hi Melanie, I absolutely love the idea of celebrating with praise. That’s totally my thing and God deserves every bit of it.

I love all these wonderful suggestions, even the one about the Easter egg hunt.

    helloredds@gmail.com · 04/14/2020 at 11:23 AM

    Thank you, Betty!
    Sure do appreciate you and your encouragement!
    And, Easter Egg hunts are the best!
    Blessings to you,

Sarah Koontz · 04/11/2017 at 10:25 AM

My best friends use Resurrection eggs, and I just think that’s the coolest idea. Maybe we’ll give it a try next year. Thanks for all of the great tips.

    helloredds@gmail.com · 04/13/2017 at 8:40 AM

    Resurrection Eggs are great, Sarah! I think your girls would love them!
    Appreciate you and your encouraging words today~

      Brenda miller · 03/18/2025 at 10:44 PM

      I wanted to say thank you. I am over the decorations for our dinning room at church. I wanted something more about Jesus dieing for our sins. So i came up with easter eggs that said My Jesus dosnt lay eggs. My Jesus forgave my sins. I was looking for more ideas. Thank you.

        helloredds@gmail.com · 03/19/2025 at 10:40 AM

        Thank you, Brenda!
        I”m so glad that these ideas helped you!
        And, Jesus and His gift is so sweet! Yes!
        He is risen!
        Hope you have a wonderful Easter!

Valerie Murray · 04/10/2017 at 11:02 AM

Wow such great ideas here! I love the idea of entering in a song and listening to praise music! Thank you for the reminder to be intentional about Easter.

    helloredds@gmail.com · 04/13/2017 at 8:46 AM

    Thank you, Valerie!
    I love to turn up the music and let it flow through the car or the house!
    Sure am thankful for you~

Dawn · 04/10/2017 at 8:39 AM

There are so many great ideas in this post, Melanie. Now that my kids are older, I think that going to both Good Friday and Easter services at church are my favorite things to do with them. When they were little, I loved doing the Resurrection eggs and I enjoyed adding a book about Easter to their baskets each year. There are so many good ones about the true meaning of Easter! Thank you for sharing this wonderful list!

    helloredds@gmail.com · 04/13/2017 at 8:38 AM

    Thank you, Dawn!
    I love Easter with our older kids as well as when they were little. We’ve made some sweet memories as we’ve celebrated.
    Praying that you and your family will enjoy a wonderful Easter weekend.
    Appreciate you and your encouragement~

Rita Baker · 04/09/2017 at 2:45 PM

Thanks for such an idea loaded post! Happy Easter to you & your family. Love, Rita

    helloredds@gmail.com · 04/13/2017 at 8:37 AM

    Thank you, Rita!
    Your kind words bless me!
    I wish you and your family a wonderful Easter weekend.

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