How Can I Pray MORE Often and MORE Easily?

How Can I Pray MORE Often and MORE Easily?
Prayer life.
Truly, I don’t know too many believers who feel GREAT about their prayer lives.
It’s that thing that we all want to do more of but never seem to get TO.
It’s that discipline that we desire to have in our lives; however, most of us have really weak and powerless prayer lives.
Yet, scripture tells us to,
“Pray without ceasing.” (1 Thessalonians 5:17, NKJV)
But, how do you and I do this??
Never Stop Praying
The New Living Translation of this verse suggests that we, “Never stop praying.”
Is this possible?
Can we learn to pray as a regular part of our day?
Absolutely! We can learn to pray!
You can learn to pray more often and more easily!
And, it doesn’t have to be complicated!
As a child, I was taught that all prayer involved a bowed head, a quiet posture, closed eyes, and folded hands.
As an adult, I’m so thankful that we can pray in any place, position, posture, or situation.
There is NO limitation on prayer – except not doing it!
There is NO limitation on prayer – except not doing it! Share on X
Are You Ready to try praying more?
Here are 37 practical and doable ways you can pray with more ease, with more regularity, and with more power.
First… Say “Good Morning” to the Lord.
Second… Acknowledge God as you begin your day.
Third… Look toward heaven and speak to Him. Talk to Him first thing in the morning.
Fourth… Spend a few moments at the first of your day in the Bible–reading, learning, and taking some notes. Talk to the Lord about what you learn.
Fifth… Talk to God as you are getting dressed, driving carpool, or driving to work.
To look to heaven and acknowledge Father God each morning is to pray!
To look to heaven and acknowledge Father God each morning is to pray! Share on X
Getting Practical
Sixth… Share with God your needs as they arise during the day.
Seventh… As you need wisdom, ask God for it. Take a moment and seek His wisdom on issues.
Eighth… As you think about your problems, present them to God and ask for His help.
Ninth… As you catch yourself worrying about one of your kids or grandkids, pray!
To talk about your cares, problems, and worries with the Lord is to pray!
To talk about your cares, problems, and worries with the Lord is to pray! Share on X
More Ideas
Ten… Pray as you eat – give thanks for your meals.
Eleven… Thank Him all day long.
You can thank Him for the sunshine, rain, life, breath, a car to drive, a place to live, food to eat, friends, a job, children, grandchildren, and so much more.
Twelve… You can talk to Him as you are driving.
To thank the Lord for His goodness and kindness is to pray!
To thank the Lord for His goodness and kindness is to pray! Share on X
Thirteen… Offer sincere praise to Him for His character. Praise Him for His love, His grace, or His forgiveness.
Fourteen… Take a moment to consider how awesome God is.
Fifteen… Go through the alphabet and thank Him for one of His traits that starts with each letter.
A-Awesome, B-Bountiful, C-Compassionate, D-Devotion, E-Everlasting Love, Etc.
Sixteen… Look around you and praise God for His creation.
Seventeen… Thank Him for gorgeous sunny days beautiful flowers or refreshing rain.
To sincerely praise God is to pray!
To sincerely praise God is to pray! Share on X
Eighteen… Agree with God as He puts some sin on your heart. Keep short accounts with Him.
Nineteen… Ask for His help to make things right with others as needed.
Twenty… Check in with God often and ask Him if there is anything you need to confess.
To admit our sins to God and to make things right is to pray!
To admit our sin to God and to make things right is to pray! Share on X
More Ideas
Twenty-One… Make appeals to the Lord. Just as a lawyer would appeal to a judge, you can appeal to God.
Twenty-Two… Discuss your concerns and frustrations with Him.
Twenty-Three… Talk things over with Him just as you would talk to a close friend.
Twenty-Four… Express your deepest hurts, needs, desires, passions, and wishes to the Lord.
Twenty-Five… Share your heart with God.
To pour out our hearts to God and to appeal to Him is to pray!
To pour out our hearts to God and to appeal to Him is to pray! Share on X
Philippians 4:6 encourages us to,
“Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God;”
Additional Ideas
Twenty-Six… Think about Him.
Twenty-Seven… Silently direct your thoughts to Him during the day.
Twenty-Eight… Lift your eyes to heaven and focus on Him for a few seconds.
Twenty-Nine… Think about how much to love Him.
To think or contemplate about the Lord and to focus on how much we love Him is to pray!
To think or contemplate about the Lord and to focus on how much we love Him is to pray! Share on X
Adding More
Thirty… Sing to Him. Raise your voice and sing.
Thirty-One… Turn up the praise music and sing along. Singing is a form of prayer!
Thirty-Two… If you can’t sing, hum the tune and think about the words!
Thirty-Three… Listen to the words of a wonderful hymn or inspirational song.
To sing or hum words of praise to the Lord is to pray!
To sing or hum words of praise to the Lord is to pray! Share on X
Thirty-Four… Listen for His voice. Tune your ears to listen for His voice.
Thirty-Five… Allow Him to speak to you through a friend, the Bible, a sermon, music, and even a beautiful sunset.
In John 10:27-28, Jesus teaches,
“My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me. And I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; neither shall anyone snatch them out of My hand.”
To tune in and listen for the Lord is to pray!
To tune in and listen for the Lord is to pray! Share on X
Thirty-Six… Say “Good Night” to the Father. Close out your day with Him.
Thirty-Seven… Go to sleep thinking about Him and talking to Him.
To whisper “Good Night” to the Lord is to pray!
To whisper “Good Night” to the Lord is to pray! Share on X
Mix these up. Use them as needed and in any order.
Just start!
Jump in!
It doesn’t have to be fancy, it just has to be attempted!
To assist you as you add more prayer to your day, I’ve created a FREE Printable for you to print out and use.
Right-click, save and print.
One of my favorite quotes on prayer is this one:
“Prayer is a little like eating salted peanuts; the more you do it, the more you want to do it.”
(14,000 Quips and Quotes)
So, which of the ways will you try first?
I encourage you to pick 1-2 of these suggestions and start praying more today.
And, how do you add prayer to your day?
What are some ways you like to pray?
I always enjoy hearing from you!
Want more good stuff on prayer??
What to do When You’re Ready to Pray Powerful Prayers
How to Give the Gift of Prayer
Would You Like to Make Prayer a Bigger Deal?
7 Stellar Ways to Pray for Your Teens
7 Positive Ways to Pray for Middle Schoolers
5 Fabulous Ways to Pray for Young Adults
How to Pray for Your Kids at Any Age
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8xbet · 01/31/2024 at 1:00 AM
Well researched and presented. Kudos!If anyone wants to read the topic in more details then visit 8xbet
Ken Kranz · 05/21/2020 at 9:44 AM
My name is Ken Kranz and I am recently retired.
Having said that, I am looking for ways to serve, as I’ve done before, and thought I’d wrap 2 elements together (Prayer + Technology) and create something that might impress our younger ones.
What I’m talking about is an Excel file (I have a lot of expertise) that allows the use to pray The Our Father or Hail Mary … ONE MILLION TIMES … in less than 5 Seconds!
Tell me that won’t get them excited/curious/etc.!!!
As mentioned … I am retired, but have done work for school systems, businesses in New York City … and so many other places … but, now it’s time to do something like this.
You can start by simply responding with your level of interest. Then, I can follow up and send an Excel file that contains the Our Father, Hail Mary and Act of Contrition … along with instructions on how to “explode” out the ONE MILLION PRAYERS.
I hope this is helpful.
Ken Kranz · 05/22/2020 at 10:51 AM
Hey Ken,
Thanks for sharing your ideas!
Hope you have a wonderful day~
Portia · 07/30/2020 at 1:06 AM
It would be my greatest achievement to be in communication with God throughout the day and not only when I do my morning devotion.
Love to hear your ideas
Betty · 02/24/2020 at 10:58 PM
Thanks for the word of God that you are teaching us may God bless you. Iam abiginer and I feel being closer , deeper, stronger in God but i need areas which I should work on when praying and other things which are necessary please guide me · 02/25/2020 at 8:49 AM
Thank you, Betty!
It’s so good to hear from you!
I’m praying that God will greatly encourage you in your faith.
Just keep talking to God as you would talk to a trusted friend. He adores you!
Julia E Lopez · 01/11/2020 at 12:42 PM
Hi Melanie, I came upon your site today. Just at right time of my life, in one word DIRECTION! your simple approach to connecting with God in 37 ways. I will start with number 15. With a grateful heart Julia · 01/12/2020 at 7:06 PM
Amen, Julia!
Praying that God will bless and encourage you as you seek to pray as never before!
May He encourage you sweetly!
Amelia Tucker · 09/16/2019 at 9:29 AM
This is so wonderful. Thank you for this. I just called a friend of mine & was telling her about your post. I wish she could get your post. We are going to talk later & then she can jot down notes. She doesn’t have a computer. Appreciate all your hard work over all these years. · 09/16/2019 at 2:30 PM
Hey Amelia,
Thanks so much for your encouragement!
I’m happy to print you off a copy!
I’ll bring it to you on Sunday.
Boma · 03/08/2018 at 2:10 AM
Thank you for sharing this, Melanie. Blessings to you. · 03/08/2018 at 6:56 PM
Thank you, Boma!
Appreciate you stopping by to leave a kind word!
Blessings to you as well,
Diana · 03/07/2018 at 10:21 PM
I love #37 . I admit there are days I go to bed thinking about my children ,but most days I thank the Lord for everything in my life especially His presence .
Humming a Christian song is what I do a lot and now my toddlers hum as well 🙂
Such great pointers. · 03/08/2018 at 6:56 PM
#37 is a great one!
I can think of no better way to fall asleep than to pray.
I think it must bless the Father for us to fall asleep in His arms at night!
And, I love the image of those babies humming Christian music.
My 23 year old could sing Shout to the Lord before she could talk!
You go, Girl!
You are doing great~
Gretchen Fleming · 03/07/2018 at 5:34 PM
Love this series Melanie! You have made it so simple to incorporate prayer into our daily life. Great job! · 03/08/2018 at 6:54 PM
Thanks, Gretchen!
I don’t know how to do it anyway but simple!
Sure do appreciate you~
Ayanna @ 21FlavorsofSplendor · 03/07/2018 at 1:24 PM
Love all of these! I have recently embraced #23 and it’s amazing how it feels to just talk things out with God. Incorporating prayer in our everyday lives is something that I have been trying to teach my daughters as well. It is so important for us to teach our girls that God is always there and wants to hear from them · 03/08/2018 at 6:53 PM
Amen, Ayanna~
I love having “discussions” with God and talk things over with Him too!
I think that is a great thing to teach your girls as well!
Thanks for stopping by to leave a kind word.
Sure do appreciate you~
Sue @ mama of three boys · 03/07/2018 at 12:28 PM
Hi Melanie,
Number 12 is my favorite. I missed driving to work when I became a stay at home Mom because it wasn’t during my long commute that I had the best time of prayer. Now I’m back to a 45 minute commute and I enjoy hearing music and conversing to the Lord back and forth. It truly is my favorite part of day. · 03/08/2018 at 6:52 PM
Thank you, Sue!
I’m so glad you are having sweet fellowship to and from work!
Hope everything is going great!
You are a blessing~
Betsy de Cruz · 03/04/2018 at 12:57 PM
This is great encouragement, friend! Loved your list, especially saying Good morning and Good night. Good way to bookend our days with God. Pinning this for sure! · 03/04/2018 at 2:12 PM
Thank you, Betsy!
Sure do appreciate you and your visit today.
Grateful for you and your friendship~