How to Begin a New Chapter in Life When You Feel Uncertain

How to Begin a New Chapter in Life When You Feel Uncertain
An unseen songbird calls from the spruce tree, sharing its hopeful song in two short notes. I close my eyes and pray that the biting wind might sweep my cares away.
In ten short minutes, I’ll step into a new chapter in life—fulfilling a dream God put in my heart decades ago.
As I climb into my car, I’m filled with excitement, anxiety, and an unexpected sense of dread.
I remind myself that there is nothing to dread. God has opened this door of opportunity for exactly this moment, and he will equip me.
A New Chapter in Life
Twenty-five years ago, as a teenager, I decided I wanted to be a high school teacher and track coach. I worked hard to attain several degrees in education and soon began a career as a high school Life Skills Support teacher.
I spent the next eight years teaching, but the timing was never right for me to embrace the second part of my vision: coaching track.
After eight years in the classroom, our first child was born, and I stepped away from teaching to pursue full-time motherhood—and eventually added a part-time writing career. I assumed my teaching and coaching dreams had died.
Much to my surprise, 13 years after leaving the classroom, I was asked to coach track for the local school district. It seemed God was bringing my original vision to pass. His timeline was not what I expected, but I trusted that he was leading me.
When Fear and Excitement Mingle
I reflect on this journey as I drive to the school where 90 energetic teenagers will be gathered for their first practice.
As the wind picks up and snowflakes begin to fall, dozens of thoughts circle through my mind: What if my practice plan fails? What if these kids won’t listen to me? What if I regret saying yes to this?
Most of us wrestle with similar questions when stepping into new endeavors. Even when we’re confident God has called us, our fears often lead to a sense of dreadful uncertainty.
We begin to doubt ourselves—doubting whether we even heard from God.
Walking into new undertakings always involves risk. We cannot predict what lies ahead in the unknown. We can only trust that where God calls us, he will also provide for us.
Perhaps you feel uncertain as you prepare to step into something new today. The following insights helped me walk onto the track with confidence and embrace the opportunity to coach young athletes.
I encourage you to meditate on these principles and return to them as you adjust to the new beginning in front of you. At the end of this post, I’ll share a few of the lessons I learned during my spring season of coaching track.
Here are 4 Insights for a New Chapter in Life…
First… Remind yourself that feelings of anxiety and even dread are natural.
As a friend gently reminded me, it’s natural to feel anxious and nervous about starting something new. Instead of seeing these emotions as prompts to question the calling in front of you, see them as indicators that you care.
Like me, you might even be dreading your new beginning.
This sense of dread can come from a variety of places. It might be the fear of the unknown, worries about performing at a certain level, or even a direct attack from the enemy.
We don’t need to overthink the sources of our anxiety and dread. Instead, we can boldly command anxious and dreadful thoughts to step aside as we focus on the excitement we feel as we look toward the future. Meanwhile, we keep our eyes on Jesus.
Anxiety blocks our ability to hear from and connect with God. We overcome this anxiety by turning away from it and fixing our eyes on Jesus.
It can help to speak a victorious Bible verse when anxiety rises up. I like to speak my own paraphrase of Nehemiah 8:10: “The joy of the Lord is my strength.”
Second… Find peace in God’s presence with you.
We can walk into new endeavors with peace when we remember that our peace is not found in our circumstances. Christ, himself, is our peace. He has promised never to leave us (Deuteronomy 31:6).
Remind yourself that God has prepared the way for you. He will equip you. He will be with you, and he is your source of peace. Again, keep your eyes on him.
Third… Expect failure but don’t fear it.
I’ve lived with an underlying fear of failure throughout most of my life. I now understand that failure is a necessary part of growth; nevertheless, I have a hard time embracing my mistakes. I hate the feeling of letting others down or coming up short.
Most of us avoid situations that could lead to blatant failures. Sadly, if we spend our entire lives running from the fear of falling short, we will miss out on many of God’s assignments.
God often calls us into endeavors we cannot accomplish in human strength alone. He brings us to the end of our strength so that we might experience the truth found in 2 Corinthians 12:9: God’s power is made perfect in our weakness.
As the spring track season unfolded, I failed at times. Some of my practice plans didn’t work out as intended. I messed up when assigning our sprinters lanes at our first home meet. I didn’t handle every disciplinary situation perfectly.
Despite these failures, God filled in the gaps. He also humbled me as I owned my mistakes and apologized to others where appropriate. He gently reminded me that I am never defined by my performance; I am defined by his love.
The same is true for you, friend. No matter what new undertaking you’re approaching today, you are not defined by how well you perform. You are defined by God’s love, and his love can never be taken away from you.
Fourth… Remember your “why.”
Last, we can step boldly into new beginnings when we remember our primary purpose. I like to think of this as remembering my “why.”
When I was a teacher—especially after particularly tough days—I often reminded myself why I became a teacher: to make a positive impact on the lives of my students.
My motivation as a track coach is similar. I know my calling on the track is to make an impact on the lives of others, helping them to be their best as God’s love flows through me.
I coach at a public school where I’m not able to freely share my faith, but this doesn’t mean I can’t carry God’s love wherever I go. By listening to and loving those who cross my path on the track, God allows me to be his vessel—regardless of how well our team is performing in the competition.
God’s calling for all of his children is the same: We are to love him and love others (Luke 10:27). The next time you feel fearful about a new chapter in life, remind yourself of this truth. You don’t need to step into your new beginning perfectly. Aim to love God and love others, and you will fulfill God’s calling.
How My New Chapter in Life Worked Out
My first season of coaching track was not what I expected. It was more physically exhausting and emotionally challenging than I imagined. At the same time, God used it in powerful ways. I built relationships with athletes that will last for years and was reminded that I love working with teenagers (imagine that!).
God used conversations with other coaches to strengthen my faith, draw me deeper into his love, and even redeem parts of my past. It was a season of extreme spiritual renewal and growth—something I never imagined or predicted.
God wants to bless your new chapter as well. Your role is to follow him and trust that his plans for you are good as you take the first step.
About the Author: Stacey Pardoe
Stacey Pardoe spends her days exploring wild places with her three children and writing words during fringe hours.
She lives in western Pennsylvania, where she is a wife, mentor, coach, and teacher with a master’s degree in education.
Also, she writes weekly at Stacey and her 14-year-old daughter, Bekah, are coauthors of two life-changing mother-daughter devotional books for mothers and daughters.
Find all of her books here.
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1 Comment · 03/04/2025 at 12:20 PM
Thank you, Stacey, for sharing such an inspiring post!
We are blessed by you!