How to Turn Joshua 1:9 into Your Prayer of Courage

How to Turn Joshua 1:9 into Your Prayer of Courage
Discouragement… It seems to be “going around” this week.
From a little glum to down in the dumps, to out-right desperate, I’ve encountered them all this week.
Earlier this week, as I walked into the locker room at my gym, a young woman was loudly talking to someone on her cell phone.
Although she spoke in another language, the look in her eyes was clear.
She was discouraged.
Discouragement is all around us.
Maybe, even, discouragement has made its home in your heart this week.
If so, I have some hopeful words for you today… you don’t have to STAY discouraged.
I have some hopeful words for you today… you don’t have to STAY discouraged. Share on X
Discouragement is a choice. How to Turn Joshua 1:9 into Your Prayer of Courage.
And, the remedy for discouragement is found in the middle of the word…
To overcome discouragement, we must become courageous.
We must take on a stance of courage, tenacity, and bravery.
To overcome discouragement, we must become courageous. We must take on a stance of courage, tenacity, and bravery. Share on X
What does this look like? How to Turn Joshua 1:9 into Your Prayer of Courage.
In the book of Joshua, we are told that the Lord spoke to Joshua and gave him leadership instructions.
Within about 4 verses, God told Joshua the same thing over and over.
In verse 6, He says, “Be strong and courageous.”
In verse 7, God says again, “Be strong and courageous.”
And, in verse 9, He says, “Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”
Be strong and courageous. How do we do this?
Let me use a story to illustrate.
A few years ago, there was an unusual situation at a nearby elementary school.
During afternoon carpool pick-up time, a little grandmother accidentally hit her accelerator instead of her brakes. This accident propelled her car onto a group of students.
As the teachers rushed to the scene to help the students, witnesses say they lifted the woman’s car off of those children.
Petite teachers became powerful weightlifters that afternoon.
They became strong and courageous to save the lives of those precious kids.
What does this have to do with you and me?
When a glum mood or a big wave of discouragement washes over you and me, we must become strong and courageous!
We have to BECOME strong and courageous to save ourselves from defeat and discouragement.
I honestly believe that if Satan CAN’T get us to sin, he will PILE ON the discouragement.
We are no good to the Kingdom of God if we are consistently living down in the dumps.
So, today, stand up!
Become strong and courageous.
Step up and fight that discouragement with courage!
We are no good to the Kingdom of God if we are consistently living down in the dumps. Share on X
How to Turn Joshua 1:9 into Your Prayer of Courage
Joshua 1:9
“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous.
Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.”
Have I not commanded you?
Lord, I understand that this verse is not a wish or an idea; it’s a command. You instructed Joshua to be strong, just as You are now instructing me to be strong.
It’s a mandate. It’s a clear command, and I want to follow it. Would You give me the grace and the strength to do what You ask? Would You fill me with power and make me bolder?
Father, I’m going to need You desperately if I’m going to be courageous!
Father, I'm going to need You desperately if I'm going to be courageous! Share on X
Be strong and courageous.
Sometimes, Lord, it’s easy to be strong and courageous. But, today, I’m not feeling particularly strong or courageous. I know, however, that these are not feelings. They are choices.
With my eyes on You, I will step out in strength and boldness today.
You are my light and my salvation – so why should I be afraid? You are my fortress, protecting me from danger, so why should I tremble?
Sometimes, Lord, it's easy to be strong and courageous. But, today, I'm not feeling particularly strong or courageous. I know, however, that these are not feelings. They are choices. Share on X
Do not be afraid or discouraged.
I will choose to not be afraid or discouraged today, Lord. Even though it can be tempting to fear. I will choose to face everything in my life with courage.
Would you empower me to be strong and courageous? Help me NOT to be afraid and NOT to panic today. For You, (the LORD my God) will personally go ahead of me. You will neither fail me nor abandon me.
Lord, I know that I can trust You totally and completely – every moment of this day.
Lord, I know that I can trust You totally and completely - every moment of this day. Share on X
For the Lord, your God is with you wherever you go.
And, Lord, thank You for this truth – You never leave me alone. You never turn Your back on me or forsake me. As Your child, I can depend on you 100% of the time!
Like Joshua, I want to be strong and courageous. You will be with me.
Like Zerubbabel, I want to be strong and get to work, for You are with me. You are the LORD of Heaven’s Armies.
Like Timothy, I want to be strong through the grace that You give me in Christ Jesus.
Like the Apostle Paul, I want to be strong in You, Lord, and Your mighty power.
Father, as the Psalmist reminds us, You are for me so I will have no fear. What can mere people do to me?
Yes, You are for me! You will help me. I don’t have to do this alone.
Thank You, Father.
In Jesus’s name, I pray.
Like the Apostle Paul, I want to be strong in You, Lord, and Your mighty power. Share on X
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Verses used in this post: Joshua 1:9; Psalm 27:1; Deuteronomy 31:6; Haggai 2:4; 2 Timothy 2:1; Deuteronomy 31:24; Ephesians 6:10.
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Donna · 07/28/2024 at 11:18 AM
I wanted to thank you for this wonderful devotion/ It comes at a much needed time – my adult daughter is headed for UrgenT Care with stomach problems. I don’t care how old our kids get – we still are concerned with their problems.
On a side note – this entire election stuff is really a downer. I know that no matter who wins Jesus is still King, but there is so much garbage flying around. I am praying a lot, but it is such a mess. It feels like Christians ar under such awful attack. Pray it will be OK.
God bless you. · 07/29/2024 at 11:42 AM
Hey Donna,
Thanks for your comment and your encouragement!
Praying for you and your girl. So sorry to hear about the stomach issues. And we still do get concerned! Yes!
Jesus is still King! He is! Amen!
Praying that you will be encouraged today.
Annie Murphy · 02/03/2020 at 12:23 PM
For me, discouragement is not so much a sudden pain but a feeling of fatigue that comes when I feel stuck in a situation that I cannot change or improve or even handle regardless of how much effort I make. With courage, however, I can garner the strength to assess the situation, find a course of action to take (which might be to change up the plan or just keep doing what I am doing), and then focus on the scenario at hand. Thank you, Melanie, for posting about Joshua 1:9. I have put this scripture as my laptop background to bolster me when discouragement leaves me tired and fuzzy-headed (and yeah, it has been doing that a lot lately … what gives?) · 02/04/2020 at 9:17 AM
Hey Annie,
It’s so good to hear from you!
So sorry to hear about the pain and fatigue. Asking God to give you amazing courage as you just keep going and doing what you are doing!
Hope you feel better soon!
Beth Steffaniak · 01/31/2020 at 7:28 AM
Not only do I love your encouragement, Melanie, but I love that you’ve anchored it in Scripture! That’s the most potent combination against the evil one! I needed to read these challenges too. It encourages me and points me in the right direction. Thank you so much, my friend! I’ll be sharing! · 02/04/2020 at 9:16 AM
Amen, Beth!
Thank you so much!
I’m asking God to encourage and inspire you mightily today!
Lahja Hailulu · 06/03/2019 at 1:30 PM
Thank you for the encouraging scripture. I am following a healthy lifestyle which is challenging due to craving and lots of temptations. This verse has just come at the right time.
God bless you · 06/05/2019 at 3:14 PM
Thanks, Lahja.
It’s great to hear from you!
And, I’m praying that you will enjoy much courage today as you seek to live a more healthy lifestyle!
Daniel · 07/08/2018 at 1:51 PM
truly i am blessed to have these powerful and promising word today,
this proves in my life truly God loves me…He will not leave us not forsake us..
thank you so much and God Bless you dear sis. in Christ. · 07/10/2018 at 9:57 AM
Amen, Daniel!
He will NEVER leave us or forsake us!
Blessings to you today~
Loretta Romito · 11/01/2017 at 8:51 AM
Simply Awesome…….
Christine · 10/30/2017 at 2:01 AM
When I was a little girl my mother told me the story of two ladies who lifted a car off of my grandfather after the jack failed on the car he was working under. I love Joshua 1:9. It is one of my favourite verses, and I find myself quoting it when I write encouragement cards for people. Loving this series!