What is Your Life Purpose? (What has God called you to do?)

An interesting thing happened to me recently.
A friend that I’ve known for a long time asked me the strangest question.
She knows I’m married to a pastor/professor and a mom to two young adult kids.
But, she didn’t understand the Ministry of Hope and what I do as a part of this ministry.
She asked, “What is it that you do?”
Perhaps you have wondered the same thing.
What is it that you do? I'm not sure. Share on X
What is Your Life Purpose? What has God called you and me to do?
To answer these questions, I’d like to tell you my story.
Let me tell you WHY I do what I do.
As a 15-year-old girl, at youth camp, I felt God’s call to serve Him with my life – to intentionally commit my life, time, education, and resources to follow Him wholeheartedly.
My specific passion is to encourage others to know and love Jesus deeply and passionately – especially to encourage other women and teen girls.
After all of these years, my great ambition is the same – to share the hope of Christ with people and inspire them to know Him personally.
My life verse is “So encourage each other and build each other up, just as you are already doing.” 1 Thess. 5:11
However, HOW I share Him has changed.
With social media and easy Internet access, we can reach out to people all over the globe. It’s amazing!
So, when people ask me what I do all day and how I spend my time, here is what I tell them.
I’m An Encourager, Speaker, and Author.
And, I get to do this in so many fascinating ways!
With social media and Internet access, we can reach out to people all over the globe. It's amazing! Share on X
Here are 6 Ways I Work Out My Life Purpose
First, I pray.
Several hours a week, I pray for, with, about, and in conjunction with others.
Many of you share personal prayer requests with me, and I regularly lift those.
It is my JOY to pray for you as a reader of this blog.
Should you have a specific request, you can share it HERE.
It is my JOY to pray for you as a reader of this blog. Share on X
Second, I learn and study all the time!
To have something to pour out, I am constantly taking in.
I study the Bible, journal, listen to podcasts, read great Christian books, meet with mentors, attend Bible study, and attend conferences and online training.
It’s my regular practice to fill up on great stuff so I’ll have something worthwhile to teach and pour out to others.
If you’d like some book suggestions, I wrote an article called, “7 Exceptional Books that Will Change Your Life Tremendously.”
You may want to check out this post.
I also LOVE to listen to podcasts. I’ll share just a few that I highly recommend:
Christy Wright – Encouragement for Women in Business – https://www.businessboutique.com/podcast/
Friends of a Feather Podcast – Inspiration for Women of All Ages – https://friendsofafeather.libsyn.com/
Love Worth Finding Podcasts – The Ministry of Adrian Rogers – https://www.lwf.org/messages/podcasts
It's my regular practice to fill up on great stuff so I'll have something worthwhile to teach and pour out to others. Share on X
Third, I post encouraging messages.
On Social Media – You can find daily words of hope from the Ministry of Hope all over social media.
I’d love to connect with you!
If we aren’t already connected, you can find me here:
On the blog – At least once weekly, a new/newly updated blog post is added to encourage you.
You can read almost 400 articles now on our blog! 300 posts!
You can link to the blog here: Blog Posts
Through emails – daily, I talk to people all over the world.
Answering thousands of emails each week, it’s my joy to share the hope of Jesus!
You can reach me anytime by email – at hope@melanieredd.com.
You can find daily words of hope from the Ministry of Hope all over social media. I'd love to connect with you! Share on X

Fourth, I write and create resources.
You may not realize that at Ministry of Hope, we have several books available to you. Further, you can find all of our books on Amazon.
To find out more, check out my Author Page on Amazon.
Click to get to my Amazon Author Page.
We also have a books and resources page here on our website as well.
You can get to it HERE.
Fifth, I mentor, counsel, and meet with women in real life.
Each week, it’s my joy to meet with women in my community to talk about life, pray, share experiences, and offer hope.
If you live in the Greater Memphis area, I’d love to have the chance to meet with you in real life!
You can contact me for information about getting together with you and/or with your group.
Each week, it's my joy to meet with women in my community to talk about life, pray, share experiences, and offer hope. Share on X
Sixth, I speak, lead Bible studies, and often share on video, radio, and podcasts.
It’s an HONOR to speak to church groups, retreats, women’s events, and dinners!
Should you, your church, or your organization have an upcoming event, I’d love to talk to you.
Also, you can discover more about my speaking ministry on our speaking page.
Get to that page at Melanie Redd Speaking.
Should you, your church, or your organization have an upcoming event, I'd love to talk to you. Share on X
That’s it!
That’s how I spend my time and how I fulfill God’s purpose for my life. If you’d like more info or have any questions, please let me know.
We have a Contact Page where you can ask or share anything.
We’d love to hear from you!
And, as you think of our ministry and me, would you pray that God will bless us, encourage us, strengthen us, and use us to reach others with the hope of Jesus?
And, as you think of our ministry and me, would you pray that God will bless us, encourage us, strengthen us, and use us to reach others with the hope of Jesus? Share on X
So, now let me ask you:
What is your life purpose?
What has God created and called you to do?
I’d love to hear your story!!
What is your life purpose? What has God created and called you to do? I'd love to hear your story!! Share on X
Want to read more about Life Purpose?
5 Verses to Pray When You Want to Know God’s Will
How to Find Your God-Given Purpose in Life
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© Melanie Redd and Hope Ministry, 2024. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited.
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Christine C Sponsler · 05/03/2021 at 12:46 AM
Thank you for all your encouragement. It is a blessing to read your posts and I have learned a lot from them.
Christine C Sponsler
helloredds@gmail.com · 05/05/2021 at 7:51 AM
Thank you so much, Christine!
Blessings to you today~
Ruth · 04/25/2021 at 12:00 PM
Thank you for sharing your purpose and for the encouraging message.
helloredds@gmail.com · 04/28/2021 at 11:54 AM
Thanks so much, Ruth!
Appreciate you stopping by for a visit!
Sissy 603 · 10/12/2019 at 8:53 AM
Love, love, love your stories, what an inspiring site!!!
I definitely want to be a part of this…
helloredds@gmail.com · 10/18/2019 at 9:55 AM
Hey Sissy,
Thank you so much for your kind words and encouragement.
Sure do appreciate you!
Valerie Murray · 09/13/2019 at 7:19 AM
I love being able to share my faith and live my purpose using social media. Such an amazing way to share the hope of Christ. I love how you encourage others behind a screen AND in person.
helloredds@gmail.com · 09/13/2019 at 9:17 AM
Amen, Valerie!
It’s such a privilege, isn’t it!
And, it’s my joy to lift others up!
I’m thankful for you and for your friendship!
Brittany · 09/12/2019 at 1:46 PM
Beautiful Melanie. You are an amazing encourager, and I am happy to be a part of your community. I have transitioned from athlete and daughter to coach, teacher, and mom, and God has used the things I learned in one season to fuel the way I share Him in with others in another season. I speak life in dark situations, and show others that who they are is more than enough.
helloredds@gmail.com · 09/12/2019 at 2:07 PM
Thank you, Brittany!
You bless me, sweet friend!
And, I love to hear the ways that God is using you!
Keep on being a bright light for Him!
Erika Michelle · 09/12/2019 at 5:08 AM
Just what I needed, Dear Friend, just at this moment. Thank you for sharing your purpose and calling to inspire others to find theirs. Thank you for this word today!
helloredds@gmail.com · 09/12/2019 at 2:06 PM
Amen, Erika!
So excited to talk with you more about your purpose!
Appreciate your encouragement!