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My name is Melanie.


It came from a popular movie.

When my mother was pregnant with me, she fell in love with the movie Gone with the Wind.

This movie is based on a book and shares a powerful story of romance set in the deep South during the American Civil War and Reconstruction Era.

Two main female characters grace the silver stage: Scarlett and Melanie.

My mom chose the latter.

Growing up, I was the only Melanie that I knew for the longest time.

No one else shared my name.

No one could pronounce or spell my name.

Often, I was called Melissa, or Melody, or Melinda.

At times, I didn’t really like the name I’d been given… until I found out what my name meant.

Did you know that there are 100’s of names for God in the Bible? We call him Lord, Shepherd, the Gardener, Almighty, Creator, and Father—just to name a few. Why do the different names of God matter? Drop by today and discover more about God’s names… #namesofgod #godsnames #differentnamesofgod #thename

Why Do the Different Names of God Matter?

What Does My Name Mean?

Turns out, my name means “relentless courage.”

Relentless courage defines me and describes me!

To be Melanie is to be an encourager, a giver of courage!

And I am.

God created me this way.

My parents gave me my name.

It suits me well.

All of this perfectly fits together, as our all-wise Creator knew that it would.

Names matter.

Your name matters.

Your family name matters.

And your town name matters.

Your church name matters.

Your school or company name matters.

Even your street name matters.

Names are significant.

Yes. Names matter.

Names matter. Your name matters. Your family name matters. Click To Tweet

Why Do the Different Names of God Matter?

For that purpose, I’ve spent the last few months studying the names, the character, the meanings, and the promises behind the names of God.

Did you know that there are 100’s of names for God in the Bible?

We call him Lord, Shepherd, the Gardener, Almighty, Creator, and Father—just to name a few.

From studying God’s names, we can learn more about who he is and what he does.

His names reveal more of his character and his ways.

As we learn more about him, we begin to trust him more. As we begin to trust him more, we depend upon him and love him more.

Knowing the various names of God deepens and grows our relationship with him.

It takes us to a new level of intimacy with our God.

From studying God’s names, we can learn more about who he is and what he does. Click To Tweet

An Example of Names

For example, I’m a mom, wife, friend, sister, aunt, pastor’s wife, author, blogger, speaker, mentor, and coach.

People get to know me by knowing these names.

When I speak to groups of ladies, they get to know me as a teacher. But, when we interact as friends at an event, they get to know my heart and my personality. Our relationship deepens.

The same is true for you.

As your co-workers, classmates, and neighbors see you around, they may know you from afar, in only one aspect of your character.

But, as they talk to you more and get to know you, they find out more about your personality, sense of humor, and compassion.

Our names are significant just as God’s names are significant.

Our names are significant just as God’s names are significant. Click To Tweet

Let’s Look at Just One of God’s Names Today:

In closing, can I invite you to get to know God a little better today by looking at one of his names?

Today, let me introduce you to God, the one who gives generously.

So, what do you think?

With God on our side like this, how can we lose?

If God didn’t hesitate to put everything on the line for us, embracing our condition and exposing himself to the worst by sending his own Son, is there anything else he wouldn’t gladly and freely do for us?”

Romans 8:31-32, MSG

Think About God’s Gracious Generosity

I heard an old preacher tell a story years ago that is likely made up.

But it makes such a great point.

So, I’d like to share it with you.

An engineer spent his days overseeing a drawbridge that allowed for trains to pass over a large river.

Once the train would pass, the engineer would maneuver the gears to lift the drawbridge sides for large boats to pass under.

On one particular day, the engineer’s young son was at work with him.

In the busyness of the workday, the man lost sight of his son.

Just as he was reaching to lower the bridge for a train to pass, he saw his son playing down near the gears.

If the engineer lowered the bridge to let the train pass, his son would likely be crushed. But, if he left the bridge up, the train full of people would crash into the river.

In a split second,  the engineer chose to sacrifice his son that day so the people on the train could live.

The people on the train never even knew of this horrific sacrifice.

That’s what God did for us.

He sent Jesus to die so that we might live.

He crushed Jesus so that we might have eternal life.

And, if God would give us His only Son, is there anything else He wouldn’t gladly and freely do for us?

God adores you and puts everything on the line for you.

You can trust Him with every single thing in your life.

Every single thing!

God adores you and puts everything on the line for you. You can trust Him with every single thing in your life. Every single thing! Click To Tweet

Declare This Truth Out Loud Today:

God is on my side; I cannot lose.

God didn’t hesitate to put everything on the line for me, embracing me even while I was a sinner.

Since He sent Jesus to die for me, I can also trust Him completely to take care of everything else.

Pray With Me:

Thank You, Lord, for loving me so much that You sent Jesus to die for me.

I’m so grateful for the amazing love You have for me.

Help me to trust You like I never have before.

Since He sent Jesus to die for me, I can also trust Him completely to take care of everything else. Click To Tweet

For Reflection and Thought:

Most men and women that I talk to understand that God sent Jesus to die for them.

We get that much.

   – But what does that mean to you in your daily life that God freely gave Jesus for you?

   – How does this increase your faith?

   – How does this trust impact your life?

   – What does this really mean to you?

So, what about your name?

Have you ever looked up the biblical meaning of your name?

The significance of your name?

To discover more about your name meaning, check out these websites below:

Christian Names/Bible Names with Meanings

Name Meanings

Have you ever looked up the biblical meaning of your name? The significance of your name? Click To Tweet

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© Melanie Redd and Hope Ministry, LLC, 2021. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner are strictly prohibited. Further, excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Melanie Redd and Hope Ministry with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

Best-Selling Author | Speaker | Blogger| Podcaster | When the world is falling apart, we can ALWAYS trust in God’s goodness!


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