How to be more Healthy & Happy Emotionally

It was a gorgeous day.
As my girlfriend and I set up our chairs to face the ocean, the breeze was gently blowing our hair.
The temperatures were ideal, and the sounds of the surf and the seagulls were soothing.
Leaning back in her beach chair, my friend popped open a Diet Coke, took a deep breath, and said, “Oh, this ministers to my soul!”
“Ministers to my soul.”
What ministers to your soul?
What makes you feel GOOD deep down inside?
Today, let’s think about how to be more happy and healthy deep down in our souls.
Some may call this mental health or emotional health.
Others will refer to it as a healthy balance in your emotions.
In the Bible, the writers would often use the word, “heart” to describe the core of human life.
The heart usually refers to the entire inner person – mind, will, and emotions.
Solomon discussed the heart a great deal in the Proverbs.
Two verses that stand out are:
“A happy heart is like good medicine [brings healing], but a broken spirit drains your strength [ dries up bone].”
Proverbs 17:22
“A calm and peaceful and tranquil heart is life and health to the body,”
Proverbs 14:30
Today, let’s consider some very simple and practical ways to be more healthy and happy.
I invite you to look over the list of suggestions and choose 1-2 items you would like to try. Begin to put these items into practice that week.
Choose a few of those to try. By the time this month is over, you will be taking small steps toward big victories!
18 practical ways to be more healthy and happy this year – no matter what:
1] Figure out something you love to do and do it.
Maybe you can go back to something you enjoyed as a child. You might jump on a trampoline, roller skate, or jump rope.
It could be that you once loved to explore the woods. Why not take a walk or a hike in the woods this week? Maybe take up kayaking or fishing?
Possibly you used to paint or sculpt or sew. Why not get some materials and try one of these activities again?
It could be that you once loved to explore in the woods. Why not take a walk or a hike in the woods this week? Share on X
2] Read! To be more healthy and happy, find a new author and enjoy a new book.
Recently, I was talking to my dad as he was looking for a new author to read. He’d read everything his favorite author had written.
You could be in the same boat. You may love to read, but you haven’t found a new author.
One idea, try a search on “What Should I Read Next?” This is a free library website that allows you to type in an author you like. Then, they suggest several similar authors for you to check out.
You can link HERE to get to this free service.
3] Finish one project you’ve been meaning to finish.
Completing a task can bring great joy and satisfaction to your life!
So, clean out that closet, organize that garage, write those thank you notes, and go see that old friend.
What is that thing that you have been putting off doing?
Why not do it this week?
Do that thing that you have been putting off doing! Do it this week! Share on X
4] To be more healthy and happy, work a puzzle of some type.
Try your hand at a pencil and paper puzzle — maybe a crosswords puzzle, a Sudoku puzzle, or a word search.
Download a puzzle game on your mobile device or computer to play.
Dig out an old jigsaw puzzle and put the pieces together. It’s good for you!
Or, print a puzzle to work HERE.
According to USA Today,
“Solving puzzles helps reinforce existing connections between our brain cells. It also increases the generation of new relationships. This, in turn, improves mental speed and thought processes.
Jigsaw puzzles are especially good for improving short-term memory. Our short-term memory helps us remember shapes and colors and visualize the bigger picture to figure out which pieces will fit together.”
Dig out an old jigsaw puzzle and put the pieces together. It's good for you! Share on X
5] Take time to breathe deeply each day.
Set a time each day and take 5-10 long, deep, cleansing breaths in and out.
Breathe in for about 10 seconds and then breathe out for about 10 seconds.
I have an app on my phone which encourages me to do this each day.
Honestly, I’d rather not always stop and breathe, but I’m always a little more relaxed after I try it.
6] To be more healthy and happy, take time for yourself to do something relaxing and enjoyable.
If you like to read, give yourself some time this week to read. Or, if you love to take long walks, schedule a few on your calendar this week.
Perhaps you enjoy hot tea or an afternoon cup of coffee.
Give yourself the time to enjoy afternoon tea or coffee this week.
Give yourself the time to enjoy afternoon tea or coffee this week. Share on X
7] Repair or fix something that needs to be repaired.
Change those lightbulbs, fix that squeak in the floor, or adjust the leaky faucet.
Or, you might paint that wall that needs a fresh coat of paint.
8] Plan a trip.
Even if the trip date is way off in the future, you will enjoy the process.
Half of the fun of taking a trip is the planning and anticipation.
So, choose a destination, start saving, and begin to plan for a future trip or vacation.
So, choose a destination, start saving, and begin to plan for a future trip or vacation. Share on X
9] To be more healthy and happy, adopt a pet from a shelter.
Animals add so much fun, joy, and companionship to our lives.
Why not stop by a local shelter and look for a pet you can adopt?
Both of your lives will be enriched by this gesture.
10] Sign up for a continuing education class at a local college or community center.
Most of these classes are very reasonably priced, and you can enjoy such fun training.
Why not take a class on photography or basic computer skills?
Or, you could branch out and learn to play tennis golf, or bowling.
11] Try something you’ve never tried before.
Take a risk and try something new.
Security is mostly a superstition. Life is either a daring adventure or nothing. Helen Keller Share on X
Force yourself to get out of your comfort zone and venture out into the great unknown this year.
- Eat at a new restaurant.
- Climb a rock wall.
- Reach out to a neighbor that you’ve never met.
- Take a ballroom dancing class.
- Join and gym and start lifting weights.
- Go shopping and buy a new outfit that you love.
- See a skin specialist for a facial or treatment.
According to The Huffington Post,
“When you try new things, you put your brain into unique situations that force it to think. This stimulates creativity, which eventually rubs off in other areas of your life. As a result, you begin to think about everything in a new light.”
See the whole article HERE.
12] Take a few moments to be still and enjoy the view.
When you are driving, actually look around and enjoy the view.
Enjoy the blue skies and the people moving around you.
Breathe deeply and take it all in.
As you are outdoors, look around and notice the world around you.
Enjoy God’s creation.
Put your phone away and enjoy the view around you again!
Put your phone away and enjoy the view around you again! Share on X
13] Laugh out loud!
Giggle until you are laughing.
Laugh until it is funny!
You might be amazed to hear the sound of your laughter. (It’s a wonderful sound.)
If you need a little help, get around some little children. They laugh without any restraints.
Or, watch a funny movie, video, or gif.
You might be amazed to hear the sound of your laughter. (It's a wonderful sound.) Share on X
14] Plant something and watch it grow.
Add a plant to your garden.
Plant something in a planter on your porch or patio.
Then, wait for and enjoy the blooms.
15] Read with a child or with a group of kids.
Take time to read to your children or grandchildren. Or you can volunteer at a local elementary school or library to read to the children.
This will be good for you and the kids!
Or, you can volunteer at a local elementary school or library to read to the children. Share on X
16] Watch a favorite old movie.
Think back to a movie you loved as a teenager or young adult.
Look for the movie on Amazon, Hulu, or Netflix.
Then, plan a time, pop some popcorn, and enjoy the movie! (You can even sing along or quote the movie as it plays!)
17] Clean out your car well.
Take your car to get it washed and vacuumed out (or do it yourself.)
Clean the tires, the rims, and all of the siding. Detail the dashboard and even clean out the cup holders and the glove compartment.
Driving a really clean car makes you feel so good!
Driving a really clean car makes you feel so good! Share on X
18] Eat something that you loved to eat as a child or a teenager.
Think back to your childhood. What did you love to carry in your lunchbox? What did you enjoy that your mother fixed for you to eat? Also, what were your favorite snacks?
Then, go to the grocery and get these items. Take them home and enjoy them!
That’s it for this week’s list of how to be more healthy and happy emotionally and mentally.
What did I miss?
What are some things that you do that minister to your soul and make your heart healthy and happy?
I’d love to hear from you!
Want more encouragement for a healthy and happy life?
Were you encouraged by what you read?
Then, would you share this article with a friend, co-worker, or family member?
Or, maybe you can send it to a friend or family member?
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Marie Cress · 01/27/2022 at 11:53 AM
Hi Melanie,
Just found your website. BEAUTIFUL! You have done lots for the kingdom!! YEAH!
Could I use some of your pictures as I teach a class on healthy living (including healthy hearts)? · 01/27/2022 at 4:04 PM
Hey Marie,
It’s so great to connect with you!
And, I’d love to hear more about what you do.
Shoot me an email at
Thanks so much,
Aryn the Libraryan · 01/09/2018 at 8:11 PM
Awesome list! I actually just ordered some of my favorite movies this morning 🙂
I’m also attempting to complete a couple of old projects in the next couple of weeks. · 01/13/2018 at 11:47 AM
Thanks, Aryn!
I love favorite old movies. They are almost like old friends.
And, isn’t it sweet to complete old projects! Makes me feel like I’ve lost 10 pounds!
Hope you have a wonderful day today~
Diana · 01/09/2018 at 3:31 PM
I haven’t been able to find any time for myself lately. I guess I should try to do that this year, so that I can resume my motherly duties with my triplets with more grace and joy.
I love all your points. Need to plan a trip as a family as well. So important to enjoy the life God has given to us on this earth. Not one day should be spend in gloom.
Happy New Year !!! · 01/13/2018 at 11:46 AM
Hey Diana,
It’s so good to hear from you! I’m glad you stopped by.
And, can I highly recommend that you schedule in some “self” time? Get a friend or family member to help and get out on your own!!
Planning a trip sounds fun – even if it’s a small trip! You’ll have to let me know where you decide to go!
Praying that God will fill your life with joy this year!
You bless me~
valerie · 01/07/2018 at 10:29 AM
These are such practical and fun ways to lift our spirits in the new year. I agree with all of them because doing these things always seems to renew me. · 01/07/2018 at 1:25 PM
Thank you, Valerie!
New things do seem to renew us, don’t they!
Hope you have a blessed day today~
Dawn · 01/07/2018 at 10:07 AM
There are so many great ideas in this post, Melanie. Thank you for sharing! I like to rearrange the furniture in a room for a boost of happiness. New perspectives make me feel good. · 01/07/2018 at 1:25 PM
Thank you, Dawn!
Sure do appreciate you and your encouraging words today!
I love the idea of rearranging furniture to boost happiness! Great idea.