How to Make the Lord’s Prayer Personal

How to Make the Lord’s Prayer Personal
One way for us to be more like Jesus is to follow His example of how we should pray.
Remember, this was a pattern He gave us (a pattern is more of a guideline to help us organize our thoughts).
One night as I was preparing a lesson to teach my Bible study class, it was as if I were being told to put down the lesson and focus on the Lord’s Prayer. It felt like the Lord was providing me with thoughts as I concentrated on each phrase.
Before long, it seemed as if I was being led to personalize the prayer. I have included these thoughts below as an example of how we might follow the pattern Jesus gave us as we pray.
One way for us to be more like Jesus is to follow His example of how we should pray. Share on X
How to Make the Lord’s Prayer Personal:
Lord, when I realized I was a sinner, I confessed my sins, expressed my faith in Jesus Christ, and asked You to save me.
It was at that point that I became Your adopted child, and You became my spiritual Father.
God, I believe that You reside in heaven, and as a child of Yours, that will also be my residence. I want to live a life that is worthy of being a resident of heaven.
I want to have the same characteristics now that I will have when I go to my new place of residence.
God, I believe that You reside in heaven, and as a child of Yours, that will also be my residence. I want to live a life that is worthy of being a resident of heaven. Share on X
You are the God Who deserves my praise and worship. You are the God above all gods. I believe that You are the only God.
All other gods are made by man, so they are not gods at all. I want others to know of my praise, honor, and worship of You, and You alone.
You are the God Who deserves my praise and worship. You are the God above all gods. Share on X
Lord, I truly believe that Your Word is true and that one day Your kingdom will come to welcome me and all other believers to our new home.
I look forward to that day and will spend my days trying to show my faith through my actions.
I look forward to that day and will spend my days trying to show my faith through my actions. Share on X
Father, my faith has convinced me that any decision You make is perfect in any situation. When I pray to You, I am anxious to see what Your answer will be.
I want to always thank You for answered prayer and be ready to share with others how I prayed and how You responded.
Lord, I want others to know about my relationship with You. I want them to know of Your concern for me and how You listen to my prayers.
Lord, I want others to know about my relationship with You. I want them to know of Your concern for me and how You listen to my prayers. Share on X
Father, I want to have the same mannerisms and characteristics now that I will have when I go to my heavenly home. It’s not easy, so I ask You to help me in all my areas of weakness. Help me to be humble and not egotistical or arrogant. Help me to think of others ahead of myself.
Enable me to be caring, considerate, and not selfish. Help me to realize the impact my words, my attitudes, and my actions have on others (especially those I love). Help me to be an encourager to others.
It is easy to get wrapped up in my issues and forget that others also have issues and concerns. Help me to be sensitive to the needs of others and to pray for them often. Make me more like Jesus.
Help me to be sensitive to the needs of others and to pray for them often. Help me to be more like Jesus. Share on X
Lord, every day that I have is a gift from You. You control the days, the nights, the sun, the moon, the stars, and the weather. You are in total control of the universe, and I praise You for how perfectly it all fits together.
No other god can give us just one more day, so there is no other God but You.
No other god can give us just one more day, so there is no other God but You. Share on X
Lord, You supply my needs daily. You are the God Who gives me food, shelter, and clothing. Every breath I take is given by You. Every beat of my heart, You provide. You give me so much more than these things.
You give me intelligence and physical abilities as You see fit. If I am successful in my career, it is because You have given me the skills I need. You even gave me spiritual gifts when You saved me.
Help me to use all that You have given me to bring honor and praise to Your name. Don’t let me abuse what You have given me and never let me take credit for anything You have provided.
Help me to use all that You have given me to bring honor and praise to Your name. Share on X
God, You know my sins; they are ever before You. I confess these sins to You and ask for Your forgiveness. When I sin, I sin against You. This is why I ask You for Your forgiveness. At the same time, I ask that You would develop in me a repentant heart.
Give me strength, as only You can, to walk away from these sins in the future. Help me never lose sight of Your power and willingness to forgive me.
Remind me to always thank You when You forgive me. Share on X
Father, develop a forgiving heart in me. Help me to understand that since You, the God of the universe, forgive me of the sins You see in my life, then I must forgive others of their trespasses against me.
Change my attitudes so they will become more like those of Jesus. Help me to see that when I replace bitterness and anger with forgiveness, it is not only better for my health, but it also helps me to be more like Jesus.
Change my attitudes so they will become more like those of Jesus. Share on X
Help me to humbly follow wherever You lead me, Lord. I know that You want what is best for me, so I trust Your guidance. Truly, I want You to have full control of my life. I realize that when I am in control, I am in danger of going in many wrong directions.
Whenever I don’t give You control, I am showing a lack of trust in You. I don’t want that to be a part of my life. I do trust You, and wherever You lead, I want to follow. Give me the strength, determination, and encouragement that I need.
Give me the strength, determination, and encouragement that I need. Share on X
Lord, You know the power of the evil one and how he is clever in attacking me where I am weak. I cannot resist him in my strength, but I know that You can give me the strength to overcome. You also know my weaknesses, but You have the power to defeat the evil one through me. I thank You for being there to rescue me when I am overwhelmed.
Without Your presence, all my hope is gone. Help me to look forward to where You are leading me too when You lead me FROM evil. I want my relationship and fellowship with You to grow daily, and I know that they will as I give You more and more control of my life. Thank You, Father, for being there and for watching over me.
Thank You, Father, for being there and for watching over me. Share on X
Father, your home is where I want my home to be. You are the God I love and the One I want to spend time with.
You are all-powerful, God. I may not understand it all, but my faith is based on You being the God Who created everything and controls everything.
Lord, You have the power to supply my needs; You have the power to love; You have the power to forgive. Also, You have the power to save, and You have the power over evil.
Lord, You have the power to supply my needs; You have the power to love; You have the power to forgive. Also, You have the power to save, and You have the power over evil. Share on X
It is You, and You alone Who I worship. I am so thankful that You have given me the gift of salvation. I praise You and thank You for all You have done in my life, all that You are doing in my life, and all that You will do in my life.
You deserve the glory for all that is good, and I love You as my heavenly Father.
I praise You and thank You for all You have done in my life, all that You are doing in my life, and all that You will do in my life. Share on X
You are the unchangeable One Who was, Who is, Who is to come, and Who will always be. Thank You for loving me so much that You sent Your Son to take the punishment that I deserve.
About the Author:
Don has been teaching Bible classes for over 35 years and a Christian blogger for the last 4 years.
He has been married to Debbie for 47 years and has two children and five grandchildren (another one due this year). He is overwhelmed and humbled daily by the Lord’s presence.
You can check out Don’s blog at
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Carol Dyantyi · 09/22/2024 at 1:17 AM
I didn’t have the time and courage to pray this morning and the Lords prayer came through my email address and what a privilege to pray in such a manner and prayed as the Lord would want us to pray. Thank you Melanie 🌺🌺 · 09/23/2024 at 10:55 AM
Amen, Carol!
Hope you have a wonderday day!
Keep praying,
Abike · 08/07/2021 at 1:39 AM
Making the Lords prayer personal is uplifting and refreshing and if prayed daily will bring transformation in a person’s life · 08/07/2021 at 8:09 AM
Amen, Abike!
Blessings to you today~
Amele · 01/24/2020 at 10:52 AM
Thanks, Don and Melanie, and God bless you! · 01/24/2020 at 1:50 PM
Thank you, Amele!
Blessings to you and your family~
Maddz · 06/13/2018 at 7:00 PM
Thank you ? for teaching n inspiring me, and how to make the Lord’s prayer personal, it’s really awesome ? to read n understand what you are saying when you are praying. · 06/18/2018 at 7:58 AM
Thank you, Maddz!
I hope you will continue to grow in your prayer life.
May God richly bless you as you seek Him!
Barbara Pettey · 05/23/2018 at 8:07 PM
Thank you for sharing! This has enriched my life
Barbara Pettey · 05/27/2018 at 1:07 PM
Thank you, Barbara!
Your words are most kind.
Hope you have a blessed day~
Julie · 05/12/2018 at 6:46 AM
What a beautiful breakdown of making this prayer our own. A much better view & understanding of each section of the Lord’s prayer, teaching us how much love and sacrifice our God has given us, and how much more he has for us when we pray for ourselves and others. And believe and trust in our God and develop
a relationship with Him and thank Him for all he’s done, doing, & shall do for those who love him. Amen · 05/14/2018 at 6:03 PM
Thank you, Julie!
I thought my friend (and guest blogger) Don did a fabulous job with this prayer.
Sure do appreciate you stopping by to leave a kind word.
Sydell · 04/04/2018 at 6:56 PM
I love this! Making this prayer personal reminds me of who I am in Christ and how much our Father loves us. He gives us Mercy and Grace always! Thank you for this post it’s a awesome tool to always have! Blessings ?? · 04/06/2018 at 1:01 PM
Amen, Sydell!
I thought Don did such a good job with this post!
Thanks for your kind and encouraging words!
Melanie · 08/13/2017 at 7:08 AM
Thank you, Don, for another wonderful article!
I love how you have taken the Lord’s prayer and made it a personal prayer.
Sure am blessed by you~