How to Help Your Daughter to Prepare for Prom (after you have the dress)

How to Help Your Daughter to Prepare for Prom (after you have the dress)
Now that your daughter has her prom dress, what else do you need to do to help her prepare for prom night?
To make the most of prom night, there are several things you can do to make the whole event go more smoothly.
These are what we are calling the “prom essentials.”
To make the most of prom night, there are several things you can do to make the whole event go more smoothly. Share on X
How to Help Your Daughter to Prepare for Prom (after you have the dress)
Let’s see what constitutes the essentials of getting ready for prom…
First, help your daughter decide how to wear her hair.
After deciding and purchasing your dress early enough, you have sufficient time to choose the most flattering hairstyle. If you have not yet purchased a prom dress, there is still time. Many girls are purchasing dresses online.
When choosing a hairstyle, consider what looks best on your daughter and what will be comfortable to wear for an entire evening.
Additionally, you will also want to consider the cut of the neckline and the type of jewelry your girl wants to wear.
Second, help your daughter to select the best shoes.
This is one of the crucial accessories that will complete her look.
Begin with setting the right budget and then do the searches. Remember to get a shoe that she can comfortably dance with. In addition, it should match the color of her dress purse or jewelry.
If your daughter is tall enough, she will not need high-heeled shoes. Generally, look for a shoe that strikes a balance between function and form.
Third, be sure to add accessories.
Next, take the time to find great accessories to compliment your daughter’s outfit. You can find many great deals on these items and cheap prom dresses.
You may want to include:
- A small handbag
- Hair accessory
- Bracelets and bangles
- Tiaras
- Clutches
- Necklaces
- A dazzling tanzanite earrings
- A wrap
When choosing a handbag, ensure it is small and somehow formal. Further, it should also have a wrist strap for security when she is dancing. Also, your daughter may need to carry a small make-up kit, lipstick, wallet, camera, hankie, and her phone.
Fourth, talk about safety with your daughter.
This is a great time to begin talking about things your girl may need to be on the lookout for at an event like this. You don’t need to scare her, but you will want to prepare her.
Today’s kids are much more aware than we typically give them credit for being.
So, open up and talk to your daughter about safety around alcohol, drugs, fights, boys, and anything else that concerns you. Try to be as honest, genuine, and loving as you can be. This may be a great time to talk about your prom experiences.
In the same manner, be sure to discuss an exit strategy should she become uncomfortable at any time during the event.
When our kids were this age, we told them they could call us at any time and just say, “Come get me.” No explanation would be necessary. They could call; we would come.
In the same manner, be sure to discuss an exit strategy should she become uncomfortable at any time during the event. Share on X
Finally, talk about the pressure to have sex with your daughter.
For whatever reason, prom night also seems to be synonymous with first-time sex night. Many teens will choose this night as the occasion to lose their virginity.
In particular, the time leading up to prom is a great chance for you to talk with your girl about how to handle the pressure of having sex on prom night. Talk about what the Bible says about sex before marriage.
Allow your girl to ask questions, and try to be as honest and open as you can be.
Indeed, your conversation may be the very thing that protects your girl and saves her years of heartache.
For whatever reason, prom night also seems to be synonymous with first-time sex night. Many teens will choose this night as the time to lose their virginity. Share on X
Final thoughts
Prom night, and events like it, can be amazing times for our daughters. With a little forethought and planning, you can help her to make it even better.
It’s also a great time to start those uncomfortable conversations you may have been avoiding. Go ahead. Jump in. You may be surprised how easy it is to talk to your girl about the heavy topics.
So, what else are you doing to prepare your daughter for prom? One friend shares that she rents dresses online for these types of events.
I’d love to hear from you!
It's also a great time to start those uncomfortable conversations you may have been avoiding. Go ahead. Jump in. You may be surprised how easy it is to talk to your girl about the heavy topics. Share on X
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Stephanie Brady · 03/21/2019 at 11:57 PM
I’ve never understood why Christians want to go to prom. What is the purpose of prom? Today there is SO much immodesty and immorality. Why would we encourage our children to look forward to this? Would appreciate your thoughts. Thanks! · 03/22/2019 at 10:59 AM
Hey Stephanie,
Yes. This is a hard one, especially for Christian kids.
I guess so much depends on the child, the school, and the circumstances surrounding the prom.
I had one child attend their prom and the other choose not to.
Honestly, for my daughter, it was all about the dress, the friends, and all of the excitement leading up to the event. She attended a Christian school, and their prom was carefully monitored.
Don’t know the ages of your kids, but I do believe much prayer and lots of conversation should accompany any big event like this.
Thanks for your comments and questions.
Sydell · 02/14/2019 at 10:29 AM
This is awesome tips and insight. I would have loved this encouragement when my daughter went to prom but I have it now for my granddaughters. Thank you! Sweet Blessings sweet friend. · 02/17/2019 at 1:55 PM
Thank you, Sydell!
Sure do appreciate you!