6 Family Movie Night Suggestions

Published by helloredds@gmail.com on

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Movie nights at home can be wonderful!

Whether they are family nights with the kids or a romantic movie night with just the two of you, watching a great film can be enjoyable.

A movie night is a fabulous way to spend some quality time together doing something that you enjoy. 

But, it can easily go wrong.

Too often nowadays we sit with the TV on in the background, half watching while we scroll through social media.

Or, worse, we waste the night browsing menus on our streaming service looking for the perfect film.

By the time we choose something, we’re tired and not remotely interested in watching it.

A movie night is a fabulous way to spend some quality time together doing something that you enjoy. Share on X

6 Family Movie Night Suggestions

If you want an amazing movie night, here are 6 family movie night suggestions to assist you:

FirstTurn Your Phone Off!

How often have you turned on a movie that you’ve been desperate to watch, only to sit on your phone for half of it?

You announce to Twitter and Instagram that you are watching a movie, but by the end, you’ve barely given it any of your attention.

How many times have you settled down to watch a new film with your family, only to get on your respective devices, giving the screen, or each other absolutely no attention?

We’re all guilty of watching TV with one eye on the screen and that other somewhere else, and it’s ruining our enjoyment of great movies. 

If you want a fantastic movie night, turn your phone off, leave it in another room, or at the very least out of reach.

Ban devices on movie nights, it will do you good.

If you want a fantastic movie night, turn your phone off, leave it in another room, or at the very least out of reach. Share on X

SecondTake Turns Picking Movies.

If you want plenty of TV options and choices, you might want to learn more about IPTV for great access to all of your favorites as well as new releases.

Then, take turns in picking the film.

Introduce each other to childhood favorites, watch things that you missed at the cinema and movies that have special meaning for you.

Be open to new genres and movies you’ve never watched before.

ThirdPrepare Lots of Great Eats & Treats.

You don’t want to have to get up for drinks and snacks halfway through your movie, so prepare them in advance.

If you are trying to avoid junk food, why not prepare some healthier snacks?

FourthGet Comfy.

Then, get comfy.

One of the best things about home movie nights is that you can lounge on your sofa in your sweats.

FifthSchedule Family Movie Nights.

If you struggle to make time to watch movies together, schedule these events.

Write “movie night” on your calendar, and clear a few hours so that you don’t get interrupted.

SixthMake Family Movie Night a Regular Thing.

Try to make movie nights a regular occurrence, and you’ll soon start to look forward to them.

So, do you enjoy movie nights with your family?

What suggestions do you have to make the family movie nights more successful and enjoyable?

Any ideas you’d like to share with other readers?

What suggestions do you have to make the family movie nights more successful and enjoyable? Share on X

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Best-Selling Author | Speaker | Blogger| Podcaster | When the world is falling apart, we can ALWAYS trust in God’s goodness!


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