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Responsible kids.

That’s what most of us want to have.

But, teaching our children to work hard and act responsibly can be a real challenge!

Are there some things that you can do as a parent to intentionally raise more responsible children?

Are there some things that you can do as a parent to intentionally raise more responsible children? Share on X

Teaching our children to work hard and act responsibly can be a real challenge! Here are 4 Tips for Raising Responsible Kids.

Here are 4 Tips for Raising Responsible Kids:

The first tip for raising responsible kidsCreate a routine for important things.

Most of the people in your family are going to have responsibilities that they have to fulfill.

For older teenagers and most adults, these responsibilities might include a job outside the home.

For younger kids, it will include homework and extra-curricular activities.

To that end, teaching our children to get into the habit of setting aside blocks of time during their day to do what is most important is a great thing to teach.

Without a disciplined approach to these important factors of life, it’s all too easy to let them fall by the wayside.

Without a disciplined approach to these important factors of life, it’s all too easy to let them fall by the wayside. Share on X

The second tip for raising responsible kidsMake sure everyone pitches in around the house.

Chores are also great for teaching responsibility.

Set up a chore chart and make sure that everyone is responsible for their chores.

Younger children can be in charge of picking up clothes and litter throughout the home and garden.

And, adolescents can be in charge of mowing the lawn or unloading the dishwasher.

Then, older teens can be in charge of things like pressure washing and washing the dishes.

Make sure that everyone does their part to create a lovely and clean home to live in.

Make sure that everyone does their part to create a lovely and clean home to live in. Share on X

The third tip for raising responsible kidsPractice a little delayed gratification.

When it comes to chores and responsibilities, seeing the benefits of the work can help with motivation.

However, it’s important to teach your kids about delayed gratification. They need to learn to wait sometimes before being rewarded.

Moreover, we can teach them about how working hard now will eventually lead to a much bigger payoff in the future.

The final tip for raising responsible kidsTeach your kids to find meaning in what they are doing.

“Why am I doing this?”

Your children may ask this question when they are assigned chores.

You must have an answer for them.

Searching for meaning in our lives is a purely natural part of the human experience and “because I say so” often isn’t a satisfying answer.

Help your kids to see the reasons and the purposes for the things you are asking them to do.

Help your kids to see the reasons and the purposes for the things you are asking them to do. Share on X

What about you?

What have you found effective in teaching responsibility in your home?

Any suggestions to share?

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4 Tips for Raising Responsible Kids

Best-Selling Author | Speaker | Blogger| Podcaster | When the world is falling apart, we can ALWAYS trust in God’s goodness!


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