Why Do We Pray (If God Already Knows Everything?)

Why Do We Pray (If God Already Knows Everything?)
From the time they were very small, we taught our children to pray.
We prayed at meals, at bedtime, and when a fire truck or an ambulance would go by.
As far as our kids were concerned, prayer was as normal as eating, sleeping, and taking a bath. It was part of our lives – an essential activity in our daily routines.
So, it shouldn’t surprise me that our children took prayer seriously.
One of My Favorite Memories
One of my favorite memories took place after school one day as I was driving Emily to her dance lessons.
She was just 5 years old—one of the cutest kindergartners I’ve ever known.
For a moment it was quiet in our car as if Emily were pondering some deep or heavy subject. All of a sudden, she gasped loudly. It scared me a little bit because it was so sudden.
“What is it?” I asked.
“Mom, we have got to stop right now and pray for my future husband. I’m going to get married one day, and we need to pray for him,” she exclaimed.
So, we did… that day and many, many times since.
When I meet the man that Emily will marry one day, I’m going to tell him the story.
So, why do we pray?
God knows everything already anyway.
He’s almighty, sovereign, and in control of all things. What could we possibly add to His wisdom with our feeble attempts at prayer?
It’s a great question.
So, why do we pray? God knows everything already anyway. Share on X
To answer this, I’d like to propose 6 great reasons for us to pray:
First, we pray because we are God’s children, and He LOVES to hear from us!
The Lord takes great delight in us!
Zephaniah 3:17 reminds us of this promise:
“For the Lord, your God is living among you.
He is a mighty savior.
He will take delight in you with gladness.
With his love, he will calm all your fears. He will rejoice over you with joyful songs.”
When I answer the phone and it’s one of my children calling, my heart beats a little faster.
Since they are both working and incredibly busy, I love to get a call from them or have time with them face-to-face.
Our God is the same way. When we make time for Him and call on Him, He loves it!
Truly, we pray because our voices and our prayers are a sweet sound in His ears.
Yes, we pray because our voices and our prayers are a sweet sound in His ears. Share on X
Second, we pray because it deepens our trust in God.
Prayer changes us!
It increases our faith! To take our requests, our needs, our concerns, and our hurts to the Lord in prayer brings about change in us.
When we dump our cares on the Lord, we rise with peace and with a resolve that we didn’t have before we prayed.
Consider the words of Philippians 4:6-7:
“Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything.
Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done.
Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand.
His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.”
Truly, to pray is to cast our cares on the Lord and trust Him completely.
Truly, to pray is to cast our cares on the Lord and trust Him completely. Share on X
Third, we pray because it causes us to depend on God.
We pray because prayer reminds us that God is the Creator and we are His creation.
Truly, something is humbling about prayer. To acknowledge that God is God and we are not—this is such a positive and healthy thing for us to do.
Prayer limits our pride and self-reliance.
It adjusts our attitudes.
Prayer helps us to turn our attention back to heaven.
In Isaiah 40, we are reminded of the greatness of our God. Verse 26 tells us:
“Look up into the heavens.
Who created all the stars?
He brings them out like an army, one after another, calling each by its name.
Because of his great power and incomparable strength, not a single one is missing.”
Truly, we pray because it takes our dependence off of ourselves and places it on the Lord.
Indeed, we pray because it takes our dependence off of ourselves and places it on the Lord. Share on X
Fourth, we pray because it gives us the chance to express ourselves completely to the Lord.
There is healing in the expression – in the pouring out!
In Psalms 62:8, we read:
“O my people, trust in him at all times.
Pour out your heart to him,
for God is our refuge.”
“What we uncover, God will cover. But, what we keep covered, God will uncover.”
Adrian Rogers
In our honesty with our heavenly Father, we find healing, help, and wholeness.
Prayer is a healing and restorative process.
Truly, our honest prayers can bring better health to our lives.
Truly, our honest prayers can bring better health to our lives. Share on X
Fifth, we pray because our prayers move the heart of God.
There is something about our prayers that changes, impacts, and affects the way that God acts.
Scripture teaches us about this principle and encourages us to fervently pray.
In James 4:2, we are told:
“ Yet you don’t have what you want because you don’t ask God for it.”
No. We do not get every single thing that we pray for or ask for.
And, often, this is a good thing.
We will not be able to determine how our God will answer our prayers, but we are instructed over and over in the Bible to pray. When we pray, God responds. Our prayers impact the heart of the Lord.
And, our only job is to pray. God is the one who must answer the prayers. That is His job and His responsibility.
For example, I think of a time years ago when my son Riley was about 4 years old.
I was putting on my makeup in the master bath of our home, and he came up to watch. For a long while, he just stared and watched—mesmerized by something I was doing.
Finally, after a few minutes, he looked up at me with huge blue eyes and asked,
“Mommy, would you marry me?”
I would have if I could have!
But, I had to tell him that I was already taken. I was married to Daddy, and God would have to send him his wife.
Honestly, just as my little boy’s request touched my heart, so also our requests touched the heart of God.
Although He may not be ready (or in my case able) to answer our requests, He loves to hear us ask. Our requests move His heart just as my little son’s request moved my heart that day.
Truly, our prayers influence the heart of God.
And, our prayers influence the heart of God. Share on X
Sixth, we pray because it’s an amazing way that we get to be involved with what God is already doing in our world.
Through our prayers, God works to heal, save, help, and assist other people. We pray because it allows us to participate in God’s work around the globe. To pray is to do ministry. To pray is to serve the Lord and others.
Throughout Paul’s ministry, he was constantly asking for prayer and being supported by the believers in prayer.
In 1 Thessalonians 5:25, Paul simply writes:
“Brethren, pray for us.”
A wonderful example of prayer ministry…
Recently, our pastor returned from a mission trip to Myanmar, also known as Burma. A family from our church serves in this region, and we support them through gifts and visits to serve alongside them.
Myanmar is a very poor nation that is bordered by China, India, Laos, and Thailand. The people have very little but they are an incredibly generous group. Additionally, those who’ve come to believe in Jesus are devout and serious about their faith.
During my pastor’s visit, one of the leaders told him that they had been earnestly praying for America, for our presidential election, and for our country.
Throughout the fall, they regularly met, got on their faces, and prayed for the United States. Their greatest request… that God would continue to bless our nation and keep it focused on Him because so many other nations were depending on us.
What a wonderful example of a group of people partnering with God in prayer!
Truly, to pray is to get “in” on what God is doing around the world.
Truly, to pray is to get “in” on what God is doing around the world. Share on X
Why do we pray—if God already knows everything anyway?
Let me answer in the words of some giants of the faith:
“True prayer is neither a mere mental exercise nor a vocal performance.
It is far deeper than that – it is a spiritual transaction with the Creator of Heaven and Earth.”
– Charles Spurgeon
“I have been driven many times upon my knees by the overwhelming conviction that I had nowhere else to go.
My wisdom and that of all about me seemed insufficient for that day.”
– Abraham Lincoln
“God shapes the world by prayer.
The more praying there is in the world the better the world will be, the mightier the forces against evil.”
– Mother Teresa
“To get nations back on their feet, we must first get down on our knees.”
– Billy Graham
“Prayer is the link that connects us with God.”
– A.B. Simpson
Prayer is the link that connects us with God. – A.B. Simpson Share on X
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Michael Jones · 11/28/2021 at 5:41 PM
helloredds@gmail.com · 11/29/2021 at 10:28 AM
Hey Michael,
I am so very sorry to hear this.
I’m praying right now – for hope, for a breakthrough, and for you to not lose heart. God is still able to heal this situation.
“Never doubt God’s mighty power to work in you and accomplish all this. He will achieve infinitely more than your greatest request, your most unbelievable dream, and exceed your wildest imagination! He will outdo them all, for his miraculous power constantly energizes you.” Ephesians 3;20, TPT
Wendy @ One Exceptional Life · 09/27/2019 at 5:10 AM
You’ve given some beautiful answers to Why fo we pray? I’m reminded that He wants to hear from us, like we do our own children. That was a very eye opening statement to me. It give me a new perspective to my prayer life. Thank you!
helloredds@gmail.com · 09/27/2019 at 3:46 PM
Amen, Wendy!
Thanks for stopping by and leaving such a kind word.
Love that you were encouraged by this post.
I pray that you will pray with more confidence and joy than ever before!
Blessings to you,
Melanie · 09/24/2019 at 9:11 AM
What a great post for a popular question! You are definitely gifted, my friend. That is so sweet that your daughter had you pull over to pray for her future husband.
helloredds@gmail.com · 09/25/2019 at 7:37 AM
Hey Mel,
Thank you! I sure do appreciate you and your encouragement today!
Hope you have a wonderful day~
Beth · 09/23/2019 at 8:43 AM
There’s so much to love about this post, Melanie! I love the cute quotes from your son and daughter. I love the way your daughter, as young as five, wanted to pray for her husband! I love how you give us so many reasons to pray! And last of all, I love the quote by Abraham Lincoln! Such inspiration here, my friend! Pinning and tweeting!
helloredds@gmail.com · 09/25/2019 at 7:36 AM
Thank you, Beth!
I love the prayers and faith of our kids as well!
So appreciate you and your encouragement!
Once again, you have blessed me~
Fega · 05/26/2019 at 3:45 AM
Thank you for this. I’m seeing this at a time in my life when I don’t seem to know what is next. The reminder of the reasons for prayer is great. Thank you again.
helloredds@gmail.com · 05/27/2019 at 7:43 AM
Hey Fega,
Thanks for stopping by to leave an encouraging comment!
I pray that you will be encouraged as you wait for God’s plan to unfold in your life.
May He give you much courage and grace!
Kevin Shorter · 07/02/2018 at 6:44 AM
Melanie, I loved your story about your son, Riley. Like so many of our prayers, the answer to his request was no, but the request still moved your heart in love towards him. I need to remember it’s not as much as getting the request right as connecting to the heart of God. Good stuff. Thanks for writing this.
helloredds@gmail.com · 07/04/2018 at 9:34 AM
Amen! I love that story too!
Connecting with the heart of God is the key – isn’t it!
Hope you have a blessed day~
Tiffany H. · 04/09/2018 at 2:15 PM
I love this so much. Your children truly touched my heart also, as did the faithful brothers and sisters of ours in Myanmar! <3 This whole post was absolutely gorgeous, mind-opening and helpful. I'm sharing and pinning it. <3 I hope my children will grow up knowing our first course of action is to pray! My 2.5 year old is showing good signs of it, but pray for us about it please! *Hugs, Mama!*
helloredds@gmail.com · 04/09/2018 at 4:37 PM
Thank you, Tiffany! You are so kind!
Sure do appreciate you and your kind words!
And, teach those babies that prayer is so normal! They will believe whatever you tell them. So, go for it!
Love that your 2-year-old is becoming a prayer warrior! Awesome!
Also, I have a book that I wrote that has a whole chapter on teaching your kids about prayer.
I’d love to send you a copy – digital or paperback.
Shoot me an email at hope@melanieredd.com with your contact info, and I’ll get it to you as a gift. I just love to know moms who are teaching their babies to pray!
You go, Girl!
Marie Hartman Misgen · 06/05/2017 at 8:25 PM
What a wonderful testament! Prayer is our talking, confiding in our heavenly Father and asking for His favor. Our prayers, as Jesus’s were, should not be for ourselves but for the uplifting of the people we love. Our prayers do not change a changeless God, but it so changes us !!! He grants us insights, knowledge, wisdom…..
thank you for a beautiful site…..
helloredds@gmail.com · 06/06/2017 at 9:57 AM
Thank you, Marie!
Your kind words bless me this morning! And, prayer does change us, doesn’t it!
I’m so glad you stopped by. Please join us again.
Lianna · 05/24/2017 at 1:52 PM
Wow, just wow! This post is super special because you go back to the root of why we pray in the first place! Sometimes it can be easy to fall into the trap of thinking prayer is just words. You remind us the “why” behind prayer! Thank you for your insight & wisdom!
helloredds@gmail.com · 05/24/2017 at 2:33 PM
Thank you, Lianna!
Appreciate your kind words and your visit today.
Hope you have a wonderful day~
Kathleen MacEllis · 03/30/2017 at 6:47 AM
Thank you ! Thank you ! Thank you!
I really never understood prayer
Until I read your article. . . And I am not a young woman ! I get it !
You are such a blessing !
helloredds@gmail.com · 03/30/2017 at 10:37 AM
Thank you, Kathleen!
I appreciate you and your kind words! I love that you GET IT! That’s always my prayer – that God will use something I write to encourage, equip, teach, and give hope to readers
It’s so sweet to hear from you and to know that you are gaining more understanding! Yeah! Woohoo!
Blessings to you,
Marie Bungard · 03/10/2017 at 10:36 AM
Powerful words! Thank you! I’ve included a link to this post on my Friday Faves at A Satisfied Spirit. Blessings to you and yours1
helloredds@gmail.com · 03/13/2017 at 9:05 AM
Thank you, Marie!
You bless me sweet friend!
Dave · 03/09/2017 at 11:04 PM
Hi Melanie,
I am very delighted to find this article in pinterest. Few days ago, I asked my christian friend the very same question. I stopped praying for what I really want since I know God already knows the desires of my heart.
I have been jobless for months now after I quit my job as a cruise photographer. My plan then was to apply again as photographer in a other company and eventually move to another department which I really desire however I have never been lucky. I told myself God might have planned something for me and should never doubt His plans but to put my trust in Him.
My friend has told me to pray for the thing that I really want and your article has also enlightened me to continually submit my plans to God. However, I am still confused since my desire may not be what God really desires for me.
helloredds@gmail.com · 03/13/2017 at 9:04 AM
Hey Dave,
It’s so good to hear from you. I’m so glad you stopped by and left a word today!
What a great question and a challenging dilemma – my will or His? Keep praying or just trust He knows? These are some of the things that challenge all of us.
To answer your question, I think of the prayer time that Jesus had in the Garden right before He was arrested. When I read these words in Luke 22:41-46.
Jesus prayed for God to spare Him from the arrest, beatings, and the cross. Then, He added, “Not my will but Yours be done.”
I think this is how we pray. Ask God for those things you greatly desire, and then surrender to His will.
Your question is so good that I’m going to write a post on it for next week! I’ll tag you when I publish it!
Hang in there! I’m praying for you today. And, even better – Jesus is praying for you! (Hebrews 7:25)
Lauren Gaskill · 03/08/2017 at 1:13 PM
If there is one thing that has impacted my faith walk the most, it’s prayer! Great reminders, Melanie. I can’t tell you how much this post has blessed my heart today. Hugs to you, dear friend.
helloredds@gmail.com · 03/13/2017 at 8:47 AM
Amen, Lauren!
Praying changes things and prayer changes us!
I’m so glad to know that you were blessed!
Big hugs back~
Martha Orlando · 03/08/2017 at 9:30 AM
Wow, Melanie, this truly convinced me of the power of prayer and why we should daily be on our knees before the almighty God. Knowing that, as small as we are, the Creator of the whole universe wants to hear from us is so humbling and comforting at the same time. Thanks, my friend, for this inspiration today!
helloredds@gmail.com · 03/08/2017 at 11:04 AM
Thank you for letting me know, Martha!
Prayer is a sweet privilege, isn’t it!
You bless me with you kind words.
Hope you have a wonderful day today~
dawn · 03/08/2017 at 8:30 AM
Wow, I’m so blessed by your words today, Melanie. Thank you! To be able to talk to God, through prayer, is such a great privilege. I love what I’m learning from you through this series.
helloredds@gmail.com · 03/08/2017 at 11:03 AM
Thank you, Dawn!
It’s such a sweet gift to be able to talk to God, isn’t it!
I’m loving all that we are learning as well.
So glad to be on this doctrine journey with you!
[…] Why Should We Pray (If God already knows everything anyway)? […]
#18 Cancer Sucks! And then… – If You Believe… · 08/30/2017 at 11:55 AM
[…] Here is a great site that provides 6 reasons why we should pray. I plan to write those scriptures out in the future, as well. […]